Page 92 of Freed

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Ruslan’s tongue swept around my mouth, forcing me to taste myself. I moaned, grasping at his back for purchase and digging my nails into his slick skin. His free hand flattened across my lower back, pinning me in place as he pounded into me. The water sloshed around our legs, adding to the slick noises coming from between our thighs.

His length filled me so completely, it was impossible to be more joined together. The feeling wasdivine, and I never wanted to go without this, without him. Fuck Kazimir and fuck my brainfor trying to convince me I should have given this up to save lives. Ruslan was my true mate, the person who understood me, who saw every raw piece of me and still wanted more.

Who didn’t flinch when I woke and found this new darkness swirling inside me. In fact, he’d stepped aside and told me to show him more.

“I love you,” I groaned out, breaking our kiss and gasping for air around his hand.

“I love you more, sprite,” he panted, eyes wild with lust. “You and I belong together. Nowhere else but here. Don’t ever let yourself think otherwise again.”

“Okay,” I whimpered, his words drawing pleasure from the deep part of me where our bond wound its way around my soul. We dropped whatever barriers we’d erected around our minds, and the intensity of his love for me filled me just as thoroughly as his dick. I was brimming with it, and that only sent more pleasure tingling through every nerve.

He dragged himself out, so fucking slowly, and my mouth dropped into an O as he brushed against that sensitive part of me. Pausing there, he rocked against it and tightened his grip on my neck, making the room spin. Sweat poured off me, and with a cry, my second orgasm tore through me.

“Good girl,” he praised, switching the hand on my neck to the back of my head. My lashes were still fluttering against my cheeks as I came down from my high, and he did not hesitate to intensify our connection. A whimper escaped me as he slipped his other hand lower and pressed against my ass. He traced a lazy circle over the hole, making my core clench. “Give me one more orgasm, and then I want to come on those pretty breasts of yours.”

Biting my lower lip, I nodded. He teased me again, dragging his cock out to the tip before slowly sinking all the way in. Working my other hole with the same slowness, he opened meup and slipped the first knuckle inside me. The fullness was exactly what I needed, and I melted into his hold, so much pleasure built up in my body that I had no energy to spend holding myself upright.

“Fuck, fuck,” I chanted, my mind blanking of everything but the sensations he was giving me. The thrusts became faster, his finger slipping deeper, and I cried, whimpered, and moaned, begging him to bring me over the edge one last time. His cock thickened inside me, pressing against my walls, and I broke, his name ripping from my throat.

With a growl, he pulled out, jerking himself before coating my belly and breasts in his hot cum. We panted together, coming down in unison. Wrapping his arms around me, he lifted me from the edge and into the pool, kissing me thoroughly as he settled us into the water. My body was relaxed in a way I hadn’t known I needed, and I allowed myself to drift with him, appreciating the moment of solitude with my mate.

Silence reigned for a few more moments before he murmured, “The choices you made are finished now. There’s no use in dwelling on what could have been. It’s a lesson I learned long ago, when I was forced to come to terms with killing my siblings for the title of heir apparent.”

Picking my head up, I gazed into the smoky swirls of his eyes. “But choices have consequences, ones you can’t even know until after they’re happening.”

“And if you let yourself fall into the trap of endless what-ifs, you’ll never move forward,” Ruslan said. “And for us, sprite, continuing forward ensures we stay sane.”

With that sentiment, I couldn’t agree more. Prior to my rescue, I had no autonomy – not really. Since then, though, it had been one difficult decision after another, and I was starting to realize the full weight of their outcomes.

“Is this what ruling is? Being faced with impossible choices, or ones where there’s no right answer?” I asked him.

“That is what life is. Whether you are an empress or a miner, a chef or a fieldworker, no one is gifted with the foresight to know which decision is good and which is bad. Fuck, even the seers can only provide a glimpse into an uncertain future,” Ruslan replied, heaving out a sigh.

My heart twinged as I was reminded of Immonen and the visions that had plagued her during Béke.

I couldn’t believe she was dead.

“Our choices affect those visions. The Fates like to toy with us all, to push us in whatever direction pleases them or causes chaos. The Goddess merely provides us with a crumb of knowledge to guide us.”

A heaviness settled across Ruslan, and without a second thought, I pushed soothing emotions into him. He rarely shared just how much this war, taking care of all these people, burdened him, as he continued to give me space to heal.

But we were a team, and we always worked better together.

Water rippled lightly against my ears as he pulled me in tighter, holding me like I was his most precious gemstone. “I am so glad you chose me.”

A knot tightened my throat. “Me too,” I said around it, digging my nails into his strong back as I squeezed him with all my strength. “You are my everything, Ruslan.”

“And you are mine, Izidora.”


In the middle of the night, the halls of Este Castle were eerily quiet. Viktor, Kaztar, Domi, and I tiptoed from the High House Wing down a passage toward a nondescript alcove. Memories of chasing Liliana and Izidora down this hall flicked through my mind, and a pang of longing and guilt settled low in my stomach.

This was for my sister.

The room where the young noble Fae gathered in secret was the only place I could think of where we wouldn’t be overheard by ears attuned to hints of treason in hopes of climbing the social ladder and securing a spot on the king’s council.

The runners lining the halls muffled our footsteps, and I breathed a sigh of relief when we arrived at the hidden door without incident. Viktor scanned our surroundings while I opened the door, ushering Kaztar and his wife inside. With one last glance, Viktor stepped backward, melting into the narrow passage with us. The door closed with a soft snick, and we threw up bubble lights to guide our way.

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