Page 90 of Freed

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“They complain about conscription. Lately, most have been fleeing it. Since Kazimir returned to Vaenor, he has sent out another wave of requests. Boys barely old enough to call themselves males have been drafted.” She shook her head all the way down to her chest, releasing a heavy sigh.

“Their army was enormous. Even with the dent the olyphants and Dragons made in it, we’re still outnumbered,” Izidora commented with a frown.

“We were also out-strategized,” I added, resting my hand over her palm and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “If it weren’t for the arrival of the Day Fae, we might have suffered another huge loss.”

Queen Viktoria sipped from her hot drink, giving a little dance of delight at the flavors. “It is too hot in the Day Realm for such treats, but for this, I could return to the Iron Realm again.”

We shared a laugh as her comment eased some of the tension we all felt about the current state of the continent.

“But in all seriousness, we were happy to have arrived in time to assist. Now, we must discuss how to handle these refugees, because there is not enough housing in the Day Realm for them.”

“Nor is there in the Iron Realm,” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “We need more miners, and I assume you need more farmers?”

“We had to pull many farmers to fight,” Queen Viktoria confirmed.

“As did we from the mines.” I mulled over our options, then continued. “We could set up an apprentice program with those who are left manning our industries. Their pay would be increased if they could also house their apprentices. And thosewho are stationed in barracks could have their pay increased if they opened their homes to the refugees as well. Their families will be able to join in the war effort from afar.”

Another sip of minty chocolate passed over the queen’s lips as she considered. “Can you provide this extra pay, My Emperor?”

“If you need it, I shall provide,” I said. This war needed to be won, no matter the cost. The Iron Realm had enough in reserves to spend at this pace for a few years more before reassessment would need to occur.

“I shall give my High Lords the task of coordinating with their local leaders.” Finishing the last of her drink, Queen Viktoria placed the mug on the polished wood table between us.

“Do you have anything else to add, mate?” I prodded, wanting Izidora to participate in the discussion. She often only spoke when she had a solid point to make. She was still hesitant about her future role as empress, since she’d grown up away from all of the politics and ruling, but I knew she had nothing to fear. Her kindness, her empathy, her compassion were more valuable than all the hours my father spent beating the rule of law into me.

That was yet another way in which we were better together.

The Fae of Északi would be better for our union once the war was finished.

“Nothing that I can think of. Your solution seems fair and balanced,” she assured me with a soft smile.

With another snap of my fingers, a servant brought me paper, and I scribbled out instructions for the Royal Treasurer. “Send us the amount you need once you have an estimate, Queen Viktoria.”

The queen of the Day Realm rose from her chair, smoothing the vibrant fabric of her dress. “Thank you for the hot chocolate, and your time. We’ll be in contact.”


Ruslan and I both stood, offering polite goodbyes and watching as Queen Viktoria swept from the room with as much grace as she’d entered. Once the doors closed behind her, a tired sigh escaped me, forced from the pressure of my past decisions compressing my chest. “I don’t want anyone else to be hurt because of my choices.”

Spinning me to face him, Ruslan crouched down so we were eye level. “None of this is your fault.”

“Isn’t it?” I asked, eyes prickling and guilt gnawing at my belly. “Would you have kidnapped Princess Gizela, slaughtered King Airre and Queen Immonen, and caused one crisis after another had I rejected our bond?”

“No,” he murmured, brushing a thumb over my cheek. “I would probably have ended my own life. But you should not have had to endure Kazimir to save the rest of the continent. You deserve happiness. You have suffered enough.”

Hot tears spilled over, tracing a trail down my cheek. “But if by choosing him, I could have saved tens of thousands of lives, wouldn’t that have been worth the pain of being by his side?”

“Fuck that,” he growled, yanking me into him and holding the jagged pieces of me together. “He would have suffocated you, smothered your inner fire, and you would be a shell of who you are. Your spirit is what makes you the most incredible female in all of Északi, and the first time I saw it, I knew I had to set it free. Kazimir did not – does not – see you that way. You were his project, his damsel in distress. Saving and owning you was his goal. Empowering you was not.”

His words were a balm to my shattered soul. A sob wracked my frame, and I twisted my hands in the fabric of his jacket, letting my anguish escape. He held me as tightly as I needed – tighter, even – to give me the safety to fall apart. Finally, my cries turned to hiccups, and then to ragged breaths. Pushing out of his embrace, I wiped my runny nose on my sleeve, releasing a tiny, pained laugh. “I am a mess.”

“Then we’d better get home so I can clean you up,” he purred, whispering the spell to move us to Roc Palace. When we settled, it was not in our suite. Thick steam filled the underground grotto, sinking into my lungs and cleansing them. I inhaled the herbal scent that clung to it, allowing it to open my nose and mind. Lights flickered on, though they were still faint, revealing the tranquil space where no one would hear or disturb us.

Ruslan stepped closer, deft fingers working over the fastenings on my jacket and sliding it off my shoulders. Then, he slipped his hands beneath my tunic and skimmed them up my ribs. My breath hitched as he removed it, baring my skin to the heated air

Immediately, my nipples pressed against the scraps of lace binding my breasts. Steam coated my skin, giving it a sheen of sensuality, and I ran my hands up Ruslan’s broad chest, savoring the hard muscles that pressed back into them. He captured one and brought it to his face, rubbing his beard against it before kissing my palm.

Then, he released it and found his way to my hips, gripping them and lifting me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling his hardness dig into my center. He flexed his hips and pressed in, pulling a moan from deep in my throat. “Your wanton sounds get me so hard, sprite.”

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