Page 9 of Freed

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Her pussy milked every last drop from me, and it wasn’t until I was certain every bit of me was so deep inside it wouldn’t come out that I pulled away. “Stay there.” I growled the warning, tucking away my cock before continuing to pack. She obediently remained, tracing lazy circles over her pebbled nipples and down to her bare stomach as she watched me.

“How long will you be gone?” she asked after silence reigned for too many minutes.

“A few months,” I said, gritting my teeth around the words. It wasn’t necessarily the truth, but no one here knew of my plans to earn us some fucking respect on this continent again.

She sighed, a lazy, disappointed sound that had me narrowing my eyes on her. “I’ll miss you.”

I didn’t deign to respond as the last of my things were packed away, and I hefted the bag over my shoulder. We’d have to travel light since we’d be cutting it close with our arrival anyway. Taya made to rise from my bed when I snapped, “I said don’t move. I want you pregnant by the time I return.”

She whined, her wolfish side emerging momentarily, but remained in place. Raking a hand over my face, I crossed to her side and planted a kiss on her forehead before brushing her red hair back. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

Those golden eyes shone as she nodded, and I almost felt bad about leaving her.


Before she could say anything else, I slipped from my room and trekked through the halls of Este Castle – my Goddess damned castle – toward the stables where the Nighthounds waited for me. What was left of them anyway.

“It’s all yoursssss…”the three-stranded voice whispered in my head.

The Fates had been speaking to me more and more frequently since I had left the Iron Realm, coaxing me along the path to glory and victory. I was their vessel, chosen to carry out their wishes, and in return, I’d have everything I wanted.

“Yessss…”the voice hissed again.

But as I turned down the hall outside the massive ballroom, I was struck with a wave of grief. My walk ground to a halt, and I gritted my teeth as I paused at the spot where Kriztof, Krigin, Zekari, and my father’s lifeless bodies had lain. The Fates couldn’t return them to the land of the living, so I’d seek vengeance against the Iron Realm in their names instead.

As with every time the thought of my fallen brethren entered my mind, I wanted a drink. Or a fuck. Preferably both at the same time.

The waning summer sun caressed my face as I emerged from my castle, and I was reminded of a day, very much like this one, a year prior when my father, Viktor, Endre, and myself had set out toward the Agrenak Mountains with hope in our hearts to recover the lost princess. Vadim, Kriztof, and the twins met us along the way with the very last piece of information we needed to find her.

And then? She fucking chose Ruslan over me.

I searched for her. I saved her. I fixed her. She had been mine long before I laid eyes on her. That fucking bitch would rue the day she’d broken our bond.

Viktor snapped me out of my ruminating thoughts, handing me Fek’s reins. The black stallion tossed his mane, nearly as restless as I felt being stuck in Vaenor for months on end. “Where are the others?” I asked, scanning the bustling stables for Endre and Vadim.

“They’re speaking with Tibor about constructing some new housing outside Vaenor’s walls, among the trees so our army has a dedicated place to stay,” he replied. “They’ll join us in a moment.”

“Fucking Fates, we need to get going,” I spat out, checking the angle of the sun to gauge the time.

Viktor’s sage eyes swept over me, taking in my rumpled attire. “Have fun saying goodbye to Taya?”

A wolfish grin spread across my lips. “You could say that.”

The courtyard in front of Este Castle buzzed with activity, and my skin itched with the need to be on our way. Endre and Vadim appeared moments later, but only Endre led a horse. The council would rule in my stead while we were gone, and as usual, the High Lords had given their sons permission to represent their interests while we met with the other realms.

“Where is your horse, Vadim?” I frowned.

“I need to stay behind and manage the army. The three of you will travel faster without me,” he replied, rubbing a hand against his scraggly beard.

I scanned the three of them, all wearing identical hardened expressions. With the looming threat of the Iron Realm marching on us, everyone’s stress was at an all-time high. Not that anyone but us knewexactlywhy they would respond with such ferocity. Since our return, I’d had to do a damn good job of fanning the flames of fear and snuffing out whispered questions as to why we should be afraid. Not that anyone really questioned me anymore. I’d made a show of strength from the moment I returned as their rightful king.

That included creating this army. Vadim staying behind to oversee the development of our fighters wasn’t the worst idea.

“Fine. Let’s get going,” I said, stomping my foot into the stirrup and swinging my leg over my stallion’s back. My friends joined me in their saddles, and I tapped Fek’s sides with my heels to move him along, steering him in the direction of the open gate. The Night Fae stopped in their tracks as we passed, some wide-eyed in awe of their king. I waved to them, casually adjusting the Night Crown so it glinted in the summer sun.

The streets of Vaenor were overcrowded, and in every direction warriors clad in leather armor dipped in and out of taverns and shops. But the Night Fae parted for their king, and we had a clear path through with my subjects bowing to me along the main thoroughfare out of town.

This all too familiar ride seemed to bring with it more and more pain, and I gritted my teeth until we finally crossed the bridge leading out of Vaenor and into the woods beyond. My two closest friends and I wasted no time bringing our horses to a gallop and speeding off into the woods in the direction of the Crystal Realm, and beyond, the Day Realm, where a new little princess would soon be introduced to the world.

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