Page 84 of Freed

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The male scoffed. “You all call yourselves emperors and kings, but you never care for the everyday people. All you nobles care about is swinging your cocks and trying to make yours look bigger than the others.”

Ruslan was on him in a second, lifting him into the air by his throat. His trident clattered to the ground, and his companions took a cautious step back. The smirk that crossed Ruslan’s face was wicked and promised violence. “My cockisthe biggest, and if you didn’t see it the first time, I am happy to fly overhead again.” He released his grip on the Crystal Fae male and let him fall to the ground in a coughing heap. “Now, I am here trying to liberate you and give you all the wonderful inventions the Iron Realm has produced to make your lives easier. All I ask in return is that some of you return with me and help put out a fire.”

Another male stepped forward, wary but intrigued. “In the Iron Realm?”

“Day Realm,” Ruslan admitted, cracking his neck from side to side.

“I’ll go, but only if I can make my home in the Iron Realm.”

“And why would you want to do that?” he purred, circling the male with a predatory gaze.

“Because it beats trying to make a home among the Shifters or the Mages,” he shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but the hook trembled in his hand.

“Why would you go to another continent?” I asked, my curiosity dragging me forward.

“The war,” he said, glancing between my mate and me. “Thousands are fleeing the continent for safe haven. The Night Fae came through not too long ago with conscription orders. None of us want to fight.” He glanced behind him at the disorganized band of males wielding fishers’ weapons.

“We must end this,”Ruslan growled into my mind.

“Agreed,”I shot back, clenching my fists. Fucking Kazimir.

Did he have to force his pain on everyone else because he wasn’t male enough to deal with it on his own?

“You will find safe haven in the Iron Realm,” Ruslan promised the male, then raised his voice so the rest of the crowdcould hear what he had to say. “Any who come with us to fight the fire will have ample opportunity to start a new life along what little shoreline the Iron Realm has to offer. We could use skilled fishers like yourselves.”

Murmurs swept through the crowd, and even beyond them, to the Fae whose heads barely poked out from doorways and windows in the village beyond.

The trident-wielding Fae looked upon his brethren with a sneer. “Will you really bow to this arrogant prick?”

“Watch how you speak about your emperor,” I snapped, striding forward.

He turned his disrespectful regard on me. “What are you going to do about it, little bitch? You couldn’t hurt a fly.”

Tipping my head back, I released a bone-chilling laugh. I let the sound linger in the air for an uncomfortable moment before I snapped my gaze forward again, spearing the male with a sinister look. “I am your future empress, Izidora Valynor, and I have survived more than you can imagine in that tiny brain of yours.” I took a menacing step toward him, but he did not flinch. He continued to sneer down at me, which only set my teeth further on edge.

Fucking arrogant males.

“You see, everyone looks at me and sees a tiny, powerless female. They try to take advantage of that. But what they don’t know is that I amtiredof males thinking less of me than I am,” I continued, cocking my head to the side and offering him a saccharine smile. The dark crystal flared to life in my chest, and I pulled on the intoxicating emotions to imbue myself with more power. Ruslan smothered a smirk, his eyes swirling with smoke and lust as he drank in the sight of me taking this old male on.

White flames flooded my palms as I closed the distance between us again until we were only a step apart. While I may have been forced to look up at him, it wasn’t because he deservedit in any way; no, my height prevented me from bearing over him in intimidation like Ruslan would have done.

But I didn’t need that to make him respect me. There was more than one way to force a male to bow before me. The Crystal Fae squared his shoulders and continued to look down his nose at me. Big fucking mistake. “Do you consider yourself to be a brave male?”

“I am a brave male. I fight for my family,” he stated with conviction.

“Brave enough to withstand torture for them?” I purred, fire crackling in my palms as I pushed more magic into them.

“Of course,” he said, but his swallow gave away his nervousness.

I cocked my head to the side, studying him as I slipped my way past his mental barriers with unsurprising ease. Then, I called further on those dark emotions filling the crystal in my chest, using what Zuriel and I had been practicing on the male. At first, I only offered him morsels of pain – the ache of a rib, cramp of a foot, spasm of the back. It wasn’t long before the first grunt slipped past his lips.


The sound wasn’t nearly as satisfying as I wanted it to be. So, I provided him more. His face contorted, and with a gasp, he fell to his knees. “What are you doing to me, witch?” he gritted out, clutching his chest.

“I thought you were brave?” I teased, circling him as he cried out.

Behind him, the other Crystal Fae subtly stepped back.

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