Page 78 of Freed

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I couldn’t leave her alone.

We would win the day, win the continent, and once the dust settled, we’d live a peaceful life, wrapped up in each other without fear of being ripped apart.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I broke away, racing across the open plains in the direction of Artur and the others. Unsheathing my sword was a necessity fifty paces in as Night Fae dropped like violent raindrops from the skies and attacked the Félvér. Together, they fought like one large beast, and pride swelled in my chest as I slashed my way to my brethren.

Finally, I found myself within shouting distance. “I need twenty Dragons! Take your potions. We need to cover the tunnel.”

They immediately slipped backward through the ranks, others stepping up to cover them as they tipped the foul liquid back and stripped out of their armor. Konsteon, the CentaurShifter, piled everyone’s clothes in a fabric sling for safekeeping and then shifted into his half man, half horse form. I slung the wrap over his back so he could safeguard them until the potions wore off. He was easier to find among the masses, which made jumping back into the fray less of a hassle.

“Thank you,” I told him as I tossed my own armor in among the mix, keeping my sword handy until my skin began to itch uncontrollably.

He merely nodded and notched an arrow, tracking a Night Fae attempting to breach our line via the skies.

“Cover me!” I shouted, sprinting toward the back of the company where an open field waited. Footsteps pounded the grass behind me, and a roar tore from the first Félvér to shift. Mine took over a moment later, my black Dragon form freed from within the confines of my chest.

I was airborne in two flaps of my mighty wings, and in a few more, I soared high above the battlefield, blotting out the sun on tens of thousands of soldiers. The darkness I brought to the skirmish wasn’t metaphorical. I would yank the entrails from the Night Fae with my sharp talons and toss them over the ones who were still temporarily breathing, laughing as they waited to die.

The other Dragons settled into a V behind me as we raced toward the mountain. Almost immediately, more Night Fae shot into the sky, many bearing bows and arrows aimed directly toward my vulnerable wings. A stream of smoke fled from my nostrils, burning my throat as I threatened to unleash more onto the soldiers lining up for their deaths. As the first took aim, a small, golden Dragon to my right opened her maw and cooked him alive. Others dodged the flames, dipping out of the wave of heat and right into the path of other Dragons waiting their turn to roast. Bursts of colorful fire filled the skies, knocking the Night Fae out of existence and sending them crashing onto the field below.

The ones who survived quickly removed themselves from our path – not like that would save them in the end.

From my vantage point, I assessed the battle.

The Day Fae’s numbers were significantly less than those of the Night Fae, but the olyphants and kutya were making a dent in their line. Spears of dark golden warriors aimed true over and over again as their giant beasts continued to clear the path. The Night Fae’s attention was divided between them and the Iron Realm’s army, the Iron Fae units using swords and magic to batter the forces, while the Félvér units fought fiercely with every weapon in their arsenal.

Once we freed Drazen and the rest of our army, we’d have the Night Fae surrounded on three sides with almost no hope of escape.

Where was Kazimir?

I sharpened my focus to an encampment set away from the battlefield, finding healers and wounded soldiers en masse.

But no sign of their king.

Probably using that fucking power he possessed to render himself invisible, just like he’d done when he kidnapped Izidora.

The mountain was fast approaching, and I slowed, pulling up and executing a twisting maneuver so we faced the battlefield. Below us, a large company of Night Fae waited just beyond the exit of the tunnel, preventing Drazen from joining the battle. Opening my maw, embers burned in my throat as I prepared to free the fire from my belly.

The fear widening their eyes was delicious.

I savored every moment as all around me, the Félvér released their power in unison. A rainbow of colored Dragon fire swept over them, the shrieks of ten thousand dying males ringing in the air for only a moment before they turned to ash.

Once every last one had been roasted, I realized my mistake. That kaleidoscope of colorful fire licked between the trees andswept into the grasses beyond. The Day Realm’s plains were notoriously dry, especially after the long summer we’d had. And now, despite the garnet liquid soaking them, they were catching.

With a crazed roar, I flapped backward, crashing into the side of the mountain to let Drazen know it was safe to open the door. After all, there was no one left in the charred clearing at the base of the mountain. And nothing would be left if I didn’t control the wildfire I’d created.

It consumed every blade of wispy grass and turned every tree to dust, racing faster than any horse in every direction.

Heavy stones ground open, and Iron Fae spilled onto the burnt earth. Drazen was at the head of them, followed by Xorrek and Gozzak, and finally, Anton and Slavian. The five took one look at the destruction in front of them and then snapped their attention to me.

Fuck, I wished I could speak to them, to tell them what needed to be done to rectify the situation. But Drazen shouted for any Félvér who could wield water to race to the fires, while others worked on putting them out with dirt, and still more tried to suck the fires back and hold them away from the delicate landscape until they could be extinguished.

I didn’t have to do everything myself; Drazen was more than capable of handling the situation I’d created. After all, he’d been fixing my mistakes for years. So I gnashed my teeth at the Dragons still hovering in the air, urging them to follow me to the battlefield. We’d have to fight with teeth and claws instead of fire.

The successive thuds of the Dragons landing on the third side of the battle were like omens of what lay ahead as the Night Fae were forced to split their attention yet again. Izidora flashed me a sadistic smile as I dug my claws into the earth beside her, unleashing a roar over everyone in her periphery.

Her aquamarine eyes somehow both brightened and darkened, and she returned her attention to the fray with renewed vigor.“Like we’ve been practicing?”she spoke down our bond, raising her twin swords.

“Exactly like that,”I rumbled back, swiping a group of Night Fae with my talons. Izidora raced forward, stabbing and slicing in quick succession as they were off-balanced and knocked to the ground.

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