Page 66 of Freed

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“I know, but you’ve empowered me. I can hold my own thanks to you.”

“No. Your inner fire is the one you should thank. I only showed you the way to release it.”

“Then let me use it. Let me show them just how powerful I am and just how much they underestimated me.”

Ruslan’s hands pinkened as blood returned to them, and he blew out a long, hot breath. The glare he leveled on my cousin promised violence. “We will fight together, me in my Dragon form, and you on the ground. If anything happens to her…”

“You’ll kill me. Slowly. I know,” Zuriel retorted, rolling his eyes.

Liliana snickered from her perch on the rolled arm of the couch, and I winked at her from my position below.

“One last thing, Rares.” Drazen glanced at Artur and Ruslan, then continued. “When we took the potion, it worked a lot faster than expected. We were racing from Este Castle, and our timing was off. Why?”

Rares tapped his chin, then opened his notebook and flipped furiously through the pages, a finger tracing different lines of scrawled text. Without looking up he asked, “You were under duress?”

“We’d just fought off a bunch of armed Night Fae, so yeah,” Drazen deadpanned, reaching for an apple and biting into it with a satisfying crunch.

Rares produced a pen from nowhere, then began writing in the nearest blank space, leaving us all hanging.

Ruslan growled a warning, drawing the Mage’s attention. “I think I just figured out how to make the shifting ability permanent.”

“Really?” The hope in Ruslan’s voice was undeniable.

“Adrenaline. That’s what kickstarted the potion and caused it to work faster. I believe if I give you the potion, then inject an artificial adrenaline substance I created, followed by an incantation, I might be able to give you the ability to go back and forth. I’ll need to try it on a smaller Félvér Shifter first.”

“Drazen, Artur, nominate someone,” Ruslan snapped, yanking open a drawer and pulling out a clean sheet of paper. Artur offered up a name, and Ruslan wrote it down along with a quick note, signing it with a flourish at the bottom. He offered the paper to Rares. “Go. Now. Report back immediately. We don’t have time to waste.”

The old Mage vibrated with excitement as he accepted the paper and disappeared from the room.

“Someone wants to turn into a big, bad Dragon whenever they want, huh?”I teased my mate.

“Now that we’ve gotten all that sorted out, can we please go bathe?” Liliana complained.

I snickered around my mouthful of food until Ruslan leveled his gaze on us. “The two of you may go. We still have much to discuss.”

Swallowing down the last of my food, I grabbed my plate and rose from my position on the couch, heading for the door with my best friend and delicious snacks in hand.

Ruslan’s heated regard swept over me as we left the room.

“To answer your question, yes, I do want to be a Dragon whenever I want. I love when you ride me, mate, and I promise you’ll be screaming to ride me tonight whether I am a Dragon or a God among mortals.”

My thighs dampened as images of me riding him filtered through my mind, my chestnut hair spilling over my breasts and my head thrown back in ecstasy.

“Guess we can’t get married until that happens, then.”

His soft chuckle echoed in my mind as I left him and the other males to plan.


Was Endre all right?

I couldn’t keep thoughts of him from my mind, not after what I’d learned about the Crystal Realm. I only felt slightly guilty that I thought of him before my father and brother. If the Night Realm was truly marching on the empire, none of them would have stayed behind in Vaenor.

A knot settled in my stomach, making the food I balanced on my plate as Izidora and I traversed the winding halls of Ryza look like shit.

“To the apartment?” I asked, if only to break the silence and shatter my worried thoughts.

“Mhmm,” Izidora responded around her food, scattering a few crumbs from her mouth as she did so, then chuckling to herself for making a mess. My mouth twitched up as I tried to smile, but the nausea churning in my belly made it hard to feel the levity of the moment.

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