Page 44 of Freed

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Endre raised both his hands slowly, sweeping one to the side in the direction of our en suite bathroom – if it could be called that. “Why don’t you bathe first? It’s been a long ride, and maybe Viktor and I can speak with High Lord Domon in the meantime, sort it all out.”

Dragging a hand over my face, I nodded. “Fine, see what you can do.” I stalked to the miniscule chamber, shutting the door behind me and facing the mirror. Dirt crusted every inch of visible skin, and my scruff had turned into a full beard in the months we’d been on the road. The look suited me, though, making me appear older and more intimidating. Perhaps I’d keep it.

Grumbling, I turned the taps on the bathtub, resigned to bathing rather than showering in the basic space with limited amenities.

More likely a room used for servants and not visiting nobility.

The thought had me clenching my teeth again. How dare they insult me in such a way.

As I sank into the tub, I grabbed a bar of soap and a scrubber from the shelf beside it and began removing layer upon layer of grime accumulated on the dusty roads of the Day Realm. The water was nearly brown by the time I finished, and I let it drain. I hoped the swirling water would suck the Day Realm’s monarch’s affront down with it.

It didn’t.

My mind drifted as I watched fresh water pour into the tub from the curved pipes.

Did Izidora still sleep? Would she be here if she had awoken?

The questions plagued me during my second bath, and it wasn’t until the tub drained again that I let them go down with it. It mattered not; she had chosen Ruslan, but she would see she had chosen wrong soon enough.

Endre and Viktor sat on the floor in our shared room by the time I returned, both too dirty to perch on the wicker furniture. In nothing but a towel, I stood before them, crossing my arms over my chest. “What did you accomplish?”

Viktor cut his eyes to me before pushing to his feet. “Nothing. They really are that full, apparently. But the Crystal Realm is here in force – wives, children, extended family of the nobility.” He shrugged then walked past me and shut the bathroom door behind him without waiting for me to say anything. Irritation crawled across my shoulders, but I blew out a breath and looked to Endre, who hadn’t moved from his position on the floor.

“What about the Iron Realm?”

“The soldiers wouldn’t say,” he replied, his voice tight. A muscle ticked in his jaw, but I ignored it and rummaged in my bags for fresh clothes. I’d stuffed a set deep into the leather tokeep clean for this very day. After all, it was a special one. One by one, I shook out the tunic, pants, undergarments, and vest, then laid them across the bed in hopes that they’d unwrinkle before I needed to wear them.

Since I was at least clean, I selected one of the chairs and propped my feet on a small table while Endre and Viktor took their turns in the bathroom. Running my fingers through my thick beard, I reviewed every aspect of my perfectly hatched plan. As my friends readied themselves to depart, I finally shoved up from my seat and surveyed my clothes.

In a flick of annoyance, I snapped out each garment to force its wrinkles into submission and then shoved the fabric onto my body. Jerking everything into place, I stepped past Endre and Viktor to observe myself in the full-length mirror propped against one wall. My two friends were oblivious to my intentions, and while I had reconsidered this course of action from time to time, the way the other realms had treated me solidified my decision.

They’d all see they fucked with the wrong monarch.


“Ready to go?” Katrina, the Mage assigned to the Day Realm, asked Zuriel, Gozzak, and myself as we stood in Ruslan’s office. My cousin vibrated with anger, still beyond pissed at Liliana for withholding information about Kazimir attending the new princess’s announcement, and Kazimir for daring to step foot into his empire. Ruslan and Izidora would not be attending, understandably so, so he’d asked Zuriel, Gozzak, and myself to go in his stead.

The Mage had arrived only an hour ago, using the same spell as Ruslan to bend space to her will and speed herself across the continent in record time. She’d headed straight to Rares for a debrief and a restock of potions before arriving in Ruslan’s office, ready to move the four of us back to the Day Realm. The last time I traveled such a far distance using this spell, I’d nearly puked all over Ruslan’s boots when we landed in the forest outside of Vaenor.

I swallowed down the nerves building in my throat. I wasn’t the only one uncomfortable – Gozzak appeared nervous as well, the corners of his eyes tightening. The Demon male raked a hand through his long black hair, then stepped forward and placedhis hand on Katrina’s outstretched arm. Zuriel did the same, appearing unfazed at the prospect of traveling a distance that took weeks by horse in a fraction of the time.

“See you later, Ruslan,” I muttered, my hand joining theirs, and then we were whisked away, the world passing by us in a blur as I gripped Katrina’s sleeve like my life depended on it – because it did.

When we finally landed in the Day Realm, it was in an ornate chamber with high, domed ceilings thatched with straw and a stone floor that shone with fresh polish. Immediately, I began sweating and regretting my attire; it was infinitely hotter here than it ever got in the Iron Realm. I’d only ever been to the border of the Day Realm, and Zuriel and Gozzak had never set foot outside the Iron Realm. The three of us were exploring the new land together, and I was grateful to have spent so much time with the Day Fae during Béke so I understood some of the customs.

One of the High Lords that had been in attendance, Soma, waited for us, a wide smile on his face. “Friends, welcome to the Day Realm. So good to see you again.” He clasped arms with each of us, echoing the same formal greeting.

Katrina dipped into a slight bow before excusing herself and disappearing through some hanging reeds.

“Where do we go now?” I asked, glancing around. The architecture of the Day Realm contrasted that of the Iron Realm. Where we had sharp edges and dark corners, Aress Keep curled and curved, light and warmth filling every crevice in the building. Doorways lined the walls, spoking in all directions and leading to Goddess knew where.

A booming laugh echoed around the space as High Lord Soma looked the three of us up and down. With a shake of his head and a teeth-flashing grin, he tsked. “Nowhere dressed likethat. Come, I will find you some traditional clothing to wear. You will not sweat quite so much in it.”

Glancing at my companions, I noticed the deep V of Gozzak’s shirt already darkening with sweat, while Zuriel’s white tunic was nearly see-through. My own wasn’t much better. Shrugging, I followed the male through several covered walkways until we appeared in a similarly decorated chamber with seating for a large number of people, though only a few lounged there. A shallow pool hugged the edge of the space, and some Fae dipped their feet into the water, flicking drops toward one another as they celebrated the day.

Finally, we ducked into a room with racks of colorful clothing much like the ones worn by the Day Fae during Béke. The cloth was lightweight and flowy, and Soma gestured for us to peruse the garments at our leisure. Eventually, I settled on a deep blue set to match my eyes, while Zuriel and Gozzak both opted for golden hues.

“Should we change here?” I asked, glancing around. We were only staying one night, though I wasn’t sure where.

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