Page 119 of Freed

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Sucking in a serrated breath, I rose from the ashes of my pain, rolled my shoulders back, and told myself that I was an insidious bloom. That I had the power to bring males to their knees. That I was a survivor.

And survivors were the most dangerous ones of them all.


Kazimir forced my massive Dragon body to twist and turn in complicated maneuvers as I chased him in the sky. Izidora’s grief was like a white hot poker through our bond, and it took every bit of self control I possessed to fight the need to race to her side and relieve her pain. Not that mine was much better. Zuriel and I had never been anything more than cordial until after Kazimir had tried to kill her, and over the months that we’d all taken turns sitting by her beside, we’d grown close enough to call each other friends. But to Izidora, he wasfamily, and that, to her, was the most precious gift. That loss for her hurt me more than anything.

I gnashed my teeth on empty air again, furious that Kazimir kept slipping through them. I needed to shred this male who continued to make her suffer.

He was fucking dead.

No one hurt my mate and lived to tell the tale.

A roar tore from my throat as something sliced into my side, and with a jerk of my tail, I smacked at the spot, connecting with something. The glancing blow didn’t faze Kazimir, and he dartedaway from me again, much more agile as a Fae than I was as a Dragon.

Snapping my wings shut, I dropped into the ravine, hoping he’d follow me down. The arrogant prick did, and as we swept by Izidora, she rose, her aquamarine eyes filled with hate and rage and every other powerful emotion that fueled her to keep going when others would give up.

“I’m so sorry, sprite. Stay there with Zuriel. I can handle Kazimir on my own. You didn’t deserve to lose the only blood you had left.”

“No. Kazimir’s death is fucking mine.”

Pride bloomed in my chest, and I nearly grinned in my Dragon form.“There’s my sprite. Come fucking get him.”

Flaring my wings, I slowed my descent, hoping my sudden change in direction would throw Kazimir into my spikes. But at the last moment, he dodged, rolling over and slipping beneath the massive membrane, giving it a deep slice on his way. A snarl of pain escaped me, and I gnashed my teeth at him, but he was already out of reach.

A feminine shriek reached my sensitive ears, and a moment later, a thud landed on my back. I grinned to myself as my mate settled between the deadly ridges. Together, we chased after Kazimir, returning to the peaks above. Izidora launched blasts of white flame from my back, one managing to singe Kazimir’s feathered wings.

He snarled, then hurled another dagger at us. Izidora blocked it with a silvery shield, and it fell thousands of feet into the river running red below.

“We can’t fight him up here,”I told Izidora down our bond.

“I know, we need to land. But where is your armor?”

“Don’t worry about me, sprite. Focus on killing him and getting your revenge.”

On our next pass near the healer’s tents, I swooped low. A light weight lifted from my back, and I shifted back into my Félvér form, grateful Izidora understood what I intended to do. Her white wings glittered in the sunlight, and covered in dark metal armor, she looked like a fallen Angel, hell bent on vengeance.

Which was exactly what she was.

Blood raced to my dick at the worst time as I watched her draw her swords and bathe them in flames.

I raced into the nearest tent, searching for clothes and a sword. Bodies were scattered everywhere, necks broken and twisted to odd angles. Cursing, I stripped one of his pants and boots, profusely apologizing to the Goddess and hoping she’d forgive me since I had bigger fucking problems than burning our dead at the moment.

Bare chested, I grabbed a sword as I raced from the tent and into the bright sun, finding Izidora and Kazimir locked in battle. My mate’s jaw was set in a firm, determined line, and hatred directed at the male in front of her speared down our bond. She allowed that darkness to imbue her muscles, and I sent her more of my own, fueling her for the fight. Kazimir was eating up the ground between them, and with a string of curses, I ceased my admiration and raced back to Izidora’s side.

We had to put a stop to his madness.


“First you tried to kill me, and then you killed the last person in my family,” I screeched, hurling white fire at the black feathers of his wings.

A crazed smile crossed Kazimir’s lips, the blackness that overtook his eyes swirling with amusement. “To think, those bastards guarding you tried to break you, and all it took was some daggers from me.”

“I will fucking kill you for what you did to me!” I swore, then swung with all my might. Our blades collided, sending sparks flying in all directions.

With a mighty shove, he forced me back, tracing his blade in a lazy circle before squaring up again. My heart thundered against my ribs as I fought to keep control of my emotions.

I needed all this hatred to kill him.

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