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I bolted upright. “You know I can’t tell you that. My brother… Endre…”

“What if we tell you what we want for the continent? The fact you rushed here for Izidora…” Ruslan blew out a long breath. “I believe I can trust you, Liliana. And I don’t give this information,or my trust, away easily. I’d do anything to protect my mate – your best friend. Wouldn’t you?”

Izidora reclined against the headboard, watching us volley back and forth.

I considered his proposal, and these topics we’d danced around since our arrival. I was caught between two realms, with my family in one and my best friend in another. While I normally loved being the center of attention, I hated that I was in the middle of it like a fucking flag on a tug-of-war rope. Though I wasn’t the only one. Izidora was that flag between Ruslan and Kazimir, but Ruslan had already won – though Kazimir didn’t exactly know that yet.

“I promise I won’t repeat what you’re about to tell me to anyone,” I said. “But I can only offer you the barest details in return. Mostly because I don’t know the big ones.”

Ruslan cocked his head while he regarded me, mulling over his decision. “Alright. Once I hear what you have to say, we can work out other arrangements for what to do with it.”

“Deal,” I replied, holding out my arm. We clasped ours together, sealing our agreement before Izidora.

She uncrossed her arms and leveled a serious look in my direction. “You know Ruslan and I have mixed blood, along with thousands of others in the Iron Realm.”

I nodded slowly, waiting for her to continue.

“The other realms have a blood purity mentality that makes people like us not so welcome. And with the purebloods from other continents also wanting to live here, we aren’t sure how the other realms will react to that. You have been so accepting of me – of us, that I think, I hope, you would support our plan to unite the realms under one banner and welcome all peoples to our shores.”

Before I had a chance to say anything, Ruslan added, “I think we’ve proven that power does not come from blood purity. AllI want is for the Félvér and Telivér to be able to roam the continent without fear of being treated as pariahs or locked out of spaces for having mixed or different blood.”

“Like the separate spaces for nobles and non-nobles in the Night Realm,” I said, hoping I understood their goal.

“Exactly,” Izidora replied. “We’ve been working all of Béke to show the monarchs of the Crystal and Day Realms that we’re trustworthy and honorable so they side with us when this is all over. We don’t want bloodshed to make the right thing happen.”

I nodded, sympathizing with their points. “Honestly, I think you’ve won Queen Viktoria over. Queen Immonen too. Whether King Airre will follow her advice is a different story, but honestly, other than a handful of people I can think of back in the Night Realm, I don’t think you’ll have as much opposition to the free movement of people through Északi. I can’t speak for the other realms though. It’s time for a change.”

Izidora’s shoulders dropped in time with a whoosh of air from her lungs, and she pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m so glad you understand and agree.”

“Thank you, Liliana,” Ruslan murmured, his gray eyes softening as I embraced his mate.

“I love you – both of you,” I said. It was true; I did care deeply for both of them, having felt an immediate connection to each from the moment we first met. Last Béke I’d asked the Goddess for a friend, and I was not passing on the gift she’d offered. “I’m grateful that you let me be the third wheel in your relationship, Ruslan.”

He rolled his eyes and slicked back his dark hair. “I would say you are a welcome addition, but…”

I threw a pillow at his face, and with lightning-fast reflexes, he caught it and tucked it into his lap, shooting me a smirk. Izidora snickered beside me, hiding her mouth with her hand.

“I believe it is your turn to impart information?” Ruslan said, lifting a brow.

“Only because I can’t throw another pillow at you right now,” I huffed. “Fine, here it goes. There is an army in the Day Realm, probably arriving on the border with the Iron Realm on the day of your wedding. They planned to march after the feast was over and take you by surprise. Not that you’d be surprised anyway, even before I told you that. I think it's pretty obvious what’s going to happen – to everyone.” I sighed, brushing my damp hair over my shoulder and straightening my spine. “I can’t tell you numbers or anything like that, but I can tell you that I don’t think it would take much for the Day and Crystal Realms to send their warriors home instead of attacking. Like I said, I think you’ve won over Queen Viktoria, and without the Day Realm’s soldiers, King Airre wouldn’t risk his own. Especially because he has seen your power, Ruslan.”

Izidora blew out a breath and tangled her fingers in her hair, combing out knots while she waited for Ruslan to speak. The male sat unnervingly still, and the hairs on the back of my neck rose as my body sensed a predator rising to the surface within him. “Thank you for telling me, Liliana. I promise no harm will come to Vadim or Endre while they are in the Iron Realm because of the information you gave me.”

“And Domi,” I added.

“And Domi,” he confirmed. “You have a sharp mind. What would you do to push the other monarchs to break their alliance with Kazimir?”

The fact that Ruslan respected my insight made me feel valued in a way I’d never felt in the Night Realm. Females there were often seen as lesser than the males, and I’d always wanted to be recognized for my wit and intelligence that matched Viktor’s, if not surpassed it. “Tell them what he did to Izidora earlier. Mention the stalking too, to drive home the point.”

Ruslan nodded. “Anything else?”

“Kazimir’s binding magic isn’t well known since it was gifted to him when we were in the Crystal Realm. Maybe revealing that will sway them?” I offered.

“Noted,” Ruslan said before stretching his neck to the side and releasing a series of cracks into the air around us. “Why don’t the two of you spend the rest of the afternoon getting ready? I’ll give you some space. I need to talk to Drazen anyway.”

Izidora perked up, eyes sparkling with mischief as she shot me a conspiratorial look. “I think that’s a great plan,” I responded for us.

Ruslan yanked Izidora into his lap, tangling his fingers in her hair and kissing her deeply. “I’ll miss you, sprite.”

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