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I lifted my goblet in turn, saluting my table companions, then drained the second glass. My nerves started to settle as the alcohol relaxed me, forcing me to focus on the present moment rather than the unknowns that lay before me. The Day Realm’s High Lords played the role of jokesters and entertainers, keeping the entire table engaged and laughing, even through the serving of a dozen ostentatious courses. For the most part I ignored the high table, save for a few glances at Izidora, who spoke jovially with Queen Viktoria and Queen Immonen.

Memories of our meals together, both on the road and at my family’s estate, Zirok, flooded my mind. The sound of her laughter as the Nighthounds entertained her with stories of misadventures, the way she unabashedly ate every crumb of the sweet treats that were piled on her plate. The memory of her burning her mouth on a slice of fresh-baked pie came too, a grin tugging at my lips before a stone settled in my gut, wishing that Kriztof, Zekari, and Kirigin were with us in the Iron Realm. Together, we were an unstoppable force, and without them I felt unmoored, like an essential part of me was missing.

She’d laughed with them, with us, with me.

And now, she did it withhim.

A slow, classic tune filled the air, and one by one Fae stood from their tables, laughing and throwing their fine silk napkins over their plates. They wove their way to the dance floor, picking up mid-song and twirling around.

From the opposite end of the room, I had afantasticview of Ruslan and Izidora, hand in hand, joining the couples already dancing. He pulled her flush against him, hand splaying over thebare skin of her lower back, a finger dipping beneath the black fabric that barely covered it.

Her smile was devastating.

I rose without thinking from my seat.

Her expression was exalted as he spun her and then yanked her back to him.

I pushed forward through groups of Fae taking far too long to move.

She laughed, breathless and happy.

The glass I had been holding shattered, my magic and my mind screaming for me to act,to save.

She was happy without me.

And I would not stand for it.

I stalked toward Ruslan and Izidora, intent on snatching her away from him the moment I reached them. As the final note lingered in the air, I parted the crowd roughly, earning scandalized looks from the finely dressed couples standing at the edges.

Izidora found me immediately, her head jerking in my direction as that tug between us became insistent. Ruslan whipped around after her lips parted, and I bowed my head to her before holding out my hand. “May I have this dance, My Queen?”

Ruslan smacked my hand away with a snarl. “She will not dance with you. Not after you upset her earlier.”

I stepped closer to him so we were nearly nose to nose. My blood burned hot in my veins, dark magic simmering just below the surface of my skin. “What are you afraid of, Ruslan?” I crooned. “I am simply a High Lord asking his queen for a dance. She has chosen you to wed, after all.”

His eyes flashed with black fire, his mouth forming a hard line as he stared me down. Endre and Viktor watched the interaction cautiously, ready to jump in should I lose control.

Should I have goaded Ruslan? Probably not.

But did I care? No.

I was better than Ruslan, and I needed to remind Izidora of our love so she would willingly leave his side and rejoin me in our bed. Ruslan needed to be embarrassed in front of his people, his new reign tarnished by his inability to keep a female.

Neither of us yielded to the other, two males resolved to win this power struggle, even as people started to stare and whispers overtook the music in volume.

“I’ll be okay, Ruslan.” Izidora placed her small hand on his chest, a gesture of reassurance that made my nails cut into my palms. Ruslan scowled at me a moment longer but eventually caved. Whether it was because he tried to appear like he was not fazed by my request, or because he wanted the approval of his people, I did not care, because I had won the first battle.

“Fine,” he spat out through clenched teeth. He barely stepped away from Izidora, and I bowed to her reverently before tucking her hand into the crook of my elbow and leading her onto the dance floor. Ruslan vibrated with barely restrained rage as he watched us together, his eyes never leaving us as I circled deeper into the crowd of dancers.

Izidora was guarded as we began to spin among the couples, her aquamarine eyes hard in a way they’d never been before as she pointedly looked everywhere but my face. She didn’t melt into me like she did Ruslan, so I pulled her closer, needing to touch her in every way possible after so long apart. But she pulled back as much as she could, like she did not want to touch me, so similar to the first time we rode Fek together. Much like then, my heart sank, and my fingers dug into her back as I forced her closer again.

“Kazimir, you’re hurting me,” she frowned, finally looking me in the eyes.

“Izidora,” I croaked, unable to say more as my every sense was overcome with her closeness once again. Her rosy scent filled my nostrils, smooth skin brushed my palm, petite frame pressed firmly against my body, big eyes drinking me in. All of it was intoxicating and all-consuming.

“Kazimir, loosen your grip.”

“Izidora, I’ve worked so hard to get to you. You have no idea what I’ve done over the past months.” I tried and failed to keep the desperation from my tone.

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