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“The real question is, can we help you?” Anton said smoothly. “I’m High Lord Anton. Pleased to meet you…” he paused, waiting for her to fill in her name.

She turned her back on the male, faced Slavian, and cocked a brow, waiting for him to speak. His eyes flashed with delight at her defiant attitude. “I am High Lord Slavian, and I would love to get you a drink.”

“Get me a drink, or get me drunk?” she quipped.

“Get you a drink, get you drunk, get you off, probably in that order,” Slavian purred, teeth raking in his lower lip suggestively.

Viktor barely held in a snort while I lifted my hand to cover the smile threatening to break free. Endre and Vadim were fast approaching, both fixated on the two males standing on either side of Liliana. Between High Lord Tukka and these two, Endre was going to fight someone before this trip was over.

They circled around, listening intently. Vadim slipped a drink in my hand, then one in Viktor’s as he stepped between us. Endre sidled between Anton and me, clearing his throat as he passed Liliana her bubbly wine. “I believe she already has a drink.”

“Are you going to get in on this?” I whispered to Vadim.

“Not a chance. Let’s see if Endre is worthy of my sister,” he chuckled darkly. “Though I hope he does not scare them off completely. I hear they spend copious amounts of time with willing females, and I can take them up on their offer if I grow bored here. There’s a reason I pushed Liliana along to Izidora in the receiving line.”

I returned my attention to the growing tension before me. “I think the Lady can speak for herself,” Slavian purred. “Anton and I can show yousucha good time while your companions are off playing politics. You look like a female who likes to have fun.”

She sipped her drink, sighing after the cool liquid hit her tongue. “What gave it away? The wine or the cut of this dress?”

“While that dress looks damn good on you, it would look so much better on my bedroom floor. But I’m offering other fun as well. I can take you places you’ve never been before, beautiful,” Slavian promised, his tone dripping with lasciviousness.

Endre snarled low at Slavian’s provocative undertones, and Liliana scowled at him before turning her attention to Anton. “And what are you offering?”

“The same as my friend here. Tell me, have you ever been worshiped like the Goddess? Because we know just a place to make that happen. In fact,” he glanced around at all of us surreptitiously before continuing, “we should all go tonight for the after-party. This event is too stuffy for a bunch of young blood like us.”

Endre growled a warning, but Liliana pointedly ignored him. “Sounds fun. How do we get there?”

The liquor caught in my throat, and I coughed, trying to clear my airway. Liliana was wild like the creatures of the forest, and not even Vadim could control her. She was open to anything, and dragging us along with her? That was simply an extra flair of fun for her. Endre clenched and unclenched his fists as she flirted with the two males, making arrangements for us to meet them once the ball concluded. For a moment, I thought he might break his jaw from the way the muscles in his cheek feathered.

“I’ll need your name so that our security knows to let you in,” Slavian pointed out, thumbing his lower lip.

She batted her dark lashes at him before offering it up. “Liliana.”

Slavian lifted her hand, kissing the back of it lightly before bowing and backing away, melting into the crowd with Anton. “I look forward to seeing you there, Lady Liliana.”

“Why did you agree to go?” Endre snapped the second the pair were out of earshot, pushing his messy hair out of his face as he towered over her.

Liliana tipped the last of her drink into her mouth and then shrugged. “You didn’t stop me.” He bent his head close to her, furious whispers passing from his lips to her ears, and then reversing direction.

Vadim snickered beside me. “She did that on purpose to test him.”

I whispered back, “I gathered that much.”

“We’re still going, right?” he clarified, hissing like the alcohol burned his tongue.

Before I had a chance to respond, a gong reverberated throughout the room, signaling the time to find our places. Toward the back of the space, hundreds of tables were neatly arranged, all holding place cards and elegant dining ware. I checked table after table, searching for my name, but each came up empty. Only a handful of people still waded through the sea of tables looking for their seats, and when I reached the last table and still found none, I dropped into an open chair, flicking the name card away without looking.

Feeling eyes on me, I glanced to the high table to find Ruslan’s sardonic smirk.

Petty bastard.

If he was secure in his relationship with Izidora, he would not feel the need to slight me and control her. I bared my teeth in his direction, and he merely sipped his drink and turned away, ignoring me and adding to my ire.

Each Night Fae was seated at a different table around the room, no doubt another strategic move on Ruslan’s part. Liliana was at the table beside mine, positioned – unsurprisingly – between High Lords Slavian and Anton. Endre was farther away, staring daggers in their direction; if looks could kill, the two would be bleeding out onto the iron gray tablecloths draped over the circular tables.

At least High Lords Soma and Domon sat at my table. I engaged the High Lords of the Day Realm in conversation as we waited for our meal to be delivered. The metal goblets at the top corner of our place settings were already filled with dark red wine, and I gulped down the dry liquid until only a drop remained at the bottom. Not a moment later, a young servant appeared, pitcher in hand, and refilled my drink.

High Lord Soma lifted his goblet in my direction, and High Lord Domon and a few others surrounding us mimicked him. “Let us drink to our friendship, but remember that Béke’s competitions start tomorrow, and after that,” he grinned deliberately, “we will see if we are all still friends.”

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