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Kazimir strolled in with a swagger that made me want to roll my eyes, and as he piled his plate with food and walked toward us, my stomach threatened to return its contents to my plate. Hewore the Night Crown with an air of haughtiness, with his nose lifted even higher in the air than normal and a shit-eating grin he flashed at everyone who glanced in his direction. The chair scraped obnoxiously against the ground as he pulled it back and joined us at the table. All our conversations ceased, and I did not need to be an empath to know that everyone at the table was wildly uncomfortable.

Tapping into that spear of crystal wrapped in flames and moonlight in my chest, I pushed soothing emotions into everyone around me, knowing that the shift in mood would be in everyone’s best interests. With six people surrounding me, it was a bit difficult, but when Queen Viktoria’s shoulders relaxed, I knew I had managed to pull it off. I couldn’t wait to tell Zuriel.

“Thank you, sprite.”

“You’re welcome.”

My magic had affected Kazimir too, and the oiliness that had surrounded his aura was notably absent. Warmth returned to his countenance, and he opened up conversation again. “What has everyone planned for the free day?”

The queens pressed their lips together, and as we locked eyes, I knew they would not speak of my earlier invitation. Thankfully, King Consort Geza offered words first. “I for one would like a day to relax. I am sore from all our competitions.”

King Airre chuckled, then turned to my mate. “I’d like to see some of your new mines, King Ruslan.” He dropped his voice conspiratorially. “My wife is fond of pretty things, you see.”

Queen Immonen’s eyes sparkled like gemstones as she shout-whispered, “Your wife isveryfond of pretty things.”

“Consider it done, King Airre. I will take you myself to one of our newest mines, where any rock you find is yours.” Ruslan flashed him a winning grin, though it was all the ruthless king on display and not a friendly comrade. “Anyone else is welcome to join us on the expedition.”

Kazimir contributed little else as our conversations drifted onto other topics like agriculture, trade, and new technologies, but he studied each word intently as if he were memorizing them and packing them away to review later. Ruslan explained how the lifts the others would see on their way to the mines had been created, then mentioned a few other inventions of the Iron Realm in the last few decades.

My mind was only half in the conversation, every hair on the back of my neck standing with Kazimir only two seats away from me. The dream still had me on edge, and I wanted to leave the dining hall as soon as possible. The moment Liliana finished eating, I caught her eye across the room, and she seemed to understand what I needed. Grabbing Domi by the arm, she pulled her toward me until the two of them stood at the end of the table. “We’ll meet you in the courtyard in ten minutes?” she asked with a quick perusal along the table.

“Yes,” I confirmed, and the queens across from me dabbed their mouths with napkins and rose from their seats. I felt two sets of eyes on my back as I did the same, though I only smiled at the ones closest to me as I hurried to leave.

Ruslan held my hand, our fingers touching until the last possible moment.“I love you.”

“I love you,”I replied, then followed the females into the hallway, where we parted ways so I could order a carriage from the stablehands while they dressed for our outing.

Fifteen minutes later, we rolled away from Ryza and toward the dress shop – supposedly the most exclusive in the whole Iron Realm. The five of us were a tight fit in the carriage, but no one seemed to mind as we laughed and gossiped on the way. The shop was near Steel, Liliana mentioned as we rolled past the Félvér club, and then she was ‘forced’ to recount tales of her experience for Queen Viktoria, who was fanning herself by thetime we finally rolled to a stop in front of the wide-windowed boutique.

“Greetings, Your Highnesses,” the female clad in soft black clothing said, holding the door wide for us to enter as we emerged from the carriage. The space reminded me of the dance studio where Ruslan and Kazimir had pleasured me until I could no longer walk, with mirrors adorning every wall, some covered by racks of fabric or ready-made gowns. Unconsciously, I glided over to them, running my hands along the material and admiring the luxurious feel of everything in the shop.

To think, a little under half a year had passed since I’d left my chains behind.

I was so lost in thought that I did not hear Liliana's approach. “This reminds me of our first day together.”

I jumped, clutching my chest as my heart leaped and sank, and I released a whoosh of air. “Sorry, you startled me.” Regaining control of my breath, I paused, focusing on everything around us in an attempt to ground myself. “It reminds me of that, too. I’m so glad you’re here.” To show her my sincerity, I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she replied, squeezing my hand in turn. “Now, let’s see what they have to say.”

We rejoined the queens and Domi on the far side of the space, where two Félvér and one Iron Fae female waited for us. “Natasha! Aliana! I didn’t realize you two worked here,” Liliana said when she noticed the two Félvér.

“Liliana, what a pleasant surprise,” the dark-haired one replied with a wide grin. “We haven’t seen you the past few nights at Steel.”

Liliana glanced at me conspiratorially. “I’m trying to convince Izidora to come with me next time, Natasha.”

Aliana’s eyes trailed me up and down, and from the red tinge to them, I had to guess she had Demon blood. “Yes, Your Highness, you should come and bring your king with you. We’d have so much fun together.”

Heat blossomed throughout my body as Liliana’s tales, still fresh from our ride, rose to the front of my mind. “As much as I would love to join you, I don’t think Ruslan would allow anyone else to touch me right now.”

Liliana’s dark brows pinched before they leaped up her forehead. “No fucking way! How did you not tell me?”

The two queens looked at each other in puzzlement before Domi’s face broke into a wide, knowing smile. “You accepted then?”

“Yes,” I breathed, grinning ear to ear as that thread that tied me to Ruslan hummed contentedly. “I was going to surprise you today since you’ll see the mark when I try on dresses.”

Before the words finished spilling from my lips, Liliana tackled me into a hug, throwing me off balance and stealing a laugh from my chest. “I’m so happy for you.”

Tears sprang to my eyes as our contact allowed me to feel the full depth of her emotion. “I am happy, happier than I’ve ever been. Happier than I ever thought possible.”

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