Page 65 of Dark

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Out in the open air, the pull was stronger, so I called my wings to me and shot into the air, relishing their new thickness and strength since the binding magic had been gifted to me by the Fates. I flew for ten minutes in the direction of the Night Realm, curious as to why Izidora would be in this direction. The only sights below me were a smattering of houses and farms, closed up for the harsh winter, save for the animals bracing against the cold with their furry coats.

That tug had yet to lead me astray when I wanted to follow her, so I trusted that it was leading me in the right direction and kept flying until I spotted two small outbuildings that hadbeen erected nearly against the sheer face of a large mountain. Hovering in place, I searched the surrounding area for any sign as to what the buildings might hold, but it wasn’t until the sun broke the clouds that I spotted it – the hint of a reflection of glass and metal buried into the side of the mountain.

With a hard flap of my wings, I was off again, eyes glued to the spot where I had seen the flash of light. As I drew closer the building took shape, cleverly hidden so that someone who did not know what they were looking for would miss it. There were four stories in total, but the top floor had thick panes of glass wrapping its expanse, and I flew close to a panel on the end, the interior partially obscured by a thick black curtain. I pulled away for a moment, checking on my magic to ensure I remained hidden, then pressed against the glass, trying to see what lay beyond.

The room was dark compared to the light flaring outside as the sun rose over the jagged peaks surrounding us, but after I allowed my eyes to adjust, I finally saw her – naked and writhing under Ruslan. His whole torso was covered in ink, and his arms caged her in as she arched off the bed and into him, her scream reaching my ears as she fell apart. Red and black flashed in my eyes, and I forced myself to fly away to regain control, lest I reveal myself and my new powers when I needed to hide them.

My nails drew blood into my palms, and I smothered a growl in my throat.

This place was hidden for a reason, and I needed to discover what else was hidden here. Any information would provide me with an advantage, especially since the Iron Realm had always been so secretive. Dropping to the floor below, I discovered what looked like a library and formal receiving area, and below that, an expansive but deserted kitchen and staff quarters. Returning to the top floor, I forced myself to fly to the opposite side, where two fireplaces roared in massive hearths surrounded by plush,luxurious furniture. Above the palatial home, a thin railing corded off a large section of rock, the center holding a heavy iron door. If I had brought my iron-resistant gloves, I might have attempted to open it, but as it stood, I needed all the magic I could get.

The temptation to return to the window was too great, and against Endre’s voice yelling in the back of my mind to return to Ryza, I flew toward it, needing to know what the two of them were doing – if they were still fucking.

Images of the two of us working in tandem to bring her to orgasm flashed through my mind, my cock hardening from both anger and lust. She fucking loved it, having two males filling her, and yet she chose to continue to only fuck him when I wasn’t around? She should be crawling into bed with me, letting me worship her and show her how well we moved together. I wouldn’t hold back with her next time, letting all my previously caged desires out to play. They would have scared her before, but now it was clear she enjoyed being captive, and I did aim to please.

Their movements had stilled when I peeked around the curtain, pressing my hands flush to the cold pane. Izidora and Ruslan were still wrapped together, but both held leather-bound books. Izidora glanced up from hers, asking Ruslan something and pointing. Placing his volume down, he turned Izidora’s book so he could view it, stroking her arm while he read and responded to her. I clenched my teeth as she batted her thick, dark lashes at him, then returned her attention to the book.

So that bastard had taught her to read.

Izidora had accusedmeof intentionally manipulating her into wanting to take the throne, for not giving her contraception, and for keeping her in the dark. Me, the male who had saved her, released her from her chains, who had spent the majority of his life scouring every corner of the continent for her. Ruslan haddonenothing. He was directly responsible for her abuse, and yet she believed he loved her because he taught her to read? Ruslan was the one who had manipulated her, not me.

Bile rose in my throat and I crinkled my nose as I left them alone. She was clearly delusional or had some sort of magic placed over her if she thought that he was the better choice out of the two of us.

I had to save her again, to ensure that she returned to the Night Realm where she would be safe. Where she would bemyqueen, and she would never leave my side. She’d have a child in her womb before the following summer if it killed me. No one would touch her, would hurt her, again because I’d never let her out of my sight. If I had overcome the effects of whatever the Iron Fae did to me when they stormed Este Castle, I would have preventedthis,whatever Ruslan had done to her.

She was mine, and I would save her again, even if I had to resort to drastic measures to do so.


Béke Day Six

Unconditional love was rapturous, and Ruslan’s devotion was endless. I didn’t need my empath magic to feel the depths of his desire or the intensity of his infatuation. We spent the whole day in bed, and I could hardly walk by the time Drazen banged on the suite door, finally hunting us down to attend to our responsibilities.

“I could hear you fucking from the base of the mountain!” he shouted through the door.

I snickered, totally unashamed. Ruslan threw clothes at me, and I pulled them on as he jogged to open the exterior suite door for Drazen.

The half-Dragon walked into the living area with hands over his eyes. “Are you decent or will uncovering my eyes result in the removal of my hands?”

“You can open your eyes, Drazen,” I teased, curling my legs beneath me as I propped my head on my hand, bracing against the couch.

He dropped his hands and looked between us before a wide grin broke out across his face. “Thank the Goddess you finally accepted the bond. But you are hosting Béke, Ruslan. You’re needed to judge the horseback competition this afternoon. And you,” he turned his attention on me, “have been nothing short of obsessed with horses since I met you. I expect high marks from you.”

I rolled my eyes. Obviously, this was the competition I was most excited for, and I planned on flying around the courses on Mistik’s back.

“Can you do it?” my mate complained as he scooped me up from behind. His arms formed a vice around my torso, pinning me in place as he nibbled on the crook of my neck. A squeal slipped out, and I tried to shove his hands away, only serving to make them tighten.

Drazen rolled his eyes. “No, it has to be the hosting monarchs. Don’t even think about passing me the Iron Crown. I don’t want it.”

“Fine. We’ll be ready shortly.” Ruslan dragged me, squirming, back to our bedroom.

“I will be waiting right here, so don’t get any ideas about crawling back into bed!” Drazen called after us.

Ruslan released me, and with a sigh I made my way to the closet, hunting for warm leathers. “He’s no fun.”

“I heard that!”

Damn Dragons.

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