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We reached the opposite side of the dance floor, and I spun her again, my erection digging into her back as we glided across the polished wood. “I’m so sorry I hurt you before, my love. I have been out of my mind with worry for so long, I overreacted to your presence. How could I not? You are not only my mate, but also the most incredible female I’ve ever met.”

“Kazimir…” Izidora whispered, melting into my embrace. My fingers dipped lower on her belly, nearly brushing the apex of her thighs, and our bond turned into an inferno.

“You are like the stars that shine over the Night Realm, glittering and enticing in their otherworldly beauty, and I could spend hours gazing upon you and never tire of the view.” My nose brushed behind her ear, and I inhaled her rosy scent. Brushing my lips against the sensitive underside of her jaw, I said, “You smell like a garden of roses, but not just any rose. Roses of the purest white, so light that you think you are in the Goddess’s garden.”

My words seemed to be working, and I prayed that Iskra did not stop humming as we switched to face each other once again. My hand that was splayed across her belly had moved to her hip bone, but as we glided away from our instructor, I slipped it between us, cupping her center and devouring the flush thatrose to Izidora’s smooth skin. “And your taste – it is like honeyed wine, so sweet and intoxicating.”

Her dark lashes fluttered, and she did not move away from me or tell me to stop. I rubbed a circle over her clit, and her legs widened in our dance, allowing me more room to rub her the way I knew she liked. I traced her seam through her leather pants with my fingers, wishing there was less fabric between us. “You are my beautiful rose, my shining star, my beacon home. I love you, Izidora.”

And with that, I took the most painful step back of my entire life.

“Splendid!” Iskra clapped her hands together, applauding our dance.

Izidora’s cheeks were pink, and her lips were parted as if she were trying to catch the breath that had been stolen by her arousal. Hints of buds appeared on her chest, and I knew I’d gotten under her skin.

“Our next dance is even more sensual, and after the way the two of you finished the last dance, I know that you’ll fly through this one.”

With arms and legs intertwined, wrapping around one another only to break apart and be pulled back together, we undulated against each other, ratcheting up the tension between us. Each brush of her soft frame against my muscled one only made my dick harder, while each sensual caress across her torso sent pebbles across her skin, blowing out her eyes until they were nearly black.

Fucking fates, this was what I’d needed with her from the start.

Izidora did not need to return my affection with words of her own; she showed me with every willing brush of her body against mine that Ruslan did not have her heart secured in the palm of his hands.

How would he feel when she rode up smelling of me?

The image of him scenting me on her pleased me more than I should have allowed. Our bond tugged at me for more, and after the next dip of Izidora over my arm, I captured her mouth in mine, tasting those perfect pink lips as she sighed and arched into me. My tongue pressed against them, begging for entrance, and she relented, her own tongue weaving with mine as I deepened our kiss. Heart galloping, I clutched her to me, ignoring the tune and the steps to the dance as we stoked the embers of our love into an inferno.

The chasm that had opened between us during our time apart disappeared as she melted into me, her hands clutching onto me like I was her hero, her savior, once more. “I want all of you, Izidora,” I breathed, breaking our kiss.

Izidora’s lashes fluttered against my cheeks. “We have an audience.”

“I don’t care. I only want you.” My lips fell to the place where her neck met her shoulder, and I grazed my teeth over the sensitive spot.

She gasped, head falling back and spilling her chestnut locks along with it. My eyes flicked up to see Iskra disappearing into a room in the back, and I silently thanked her before returning my attention to my mate.

Snaking my arms around Izidora’s waist, I lowered us both to the floor so my muscled body pressed her into it. The cage I created for her with my arms was intentional, because I had her where I wanted her, and I was not letting her go. She was mine.

I rolled my hips against hers, letting her feel every inch of me that wanted her. The sound she made was breathy and wanton and sent a wave of heat to my groin, causing me to grind into her again. My lips captured hers in a bruising, demanding kiss, and she fell into it, arching off the floor to close the distance between us.

With one hand, I unfastened my pants, gripping my shaft and pumping a few times to relieve the ache there. “You are mine, Izidora.” I found the laces of her pants, pulling them apart until I had room to slip a finger against her skin, then worked my hand down to cup her core. The wetness there soaked my hand immediately, and I growled my approval. “So fucking wet for me already.”

But then the door to the studio banged open, and I tore my gaze away from Izidora to see who dared intrude on our moment together.


Béke Day Five

Iwas fucking weak. I hated myself for following them to the dance studio, watching as Izidora melted into Kazimir. But that fucking voice in the back of my mind screamed at me that this was the moment she was going to abandon me, and I caved to the fear. I’d tried so hard, and still fucking failed to let her have the space she needed to make her decision. I just loved her so much, and her leaving me would break me in a way that was irreparable. No matter how much logic I shoved in my brain, that fear screamed louder, until it won out when Kazimir bent her to the floor and loosened her pants.

I was on him in a second, ripping him away from her with the force of the fear driving my actions. Izidora scrambled to her feet, backing away from us as Kazimir swung at me, driving a hard fist into my stomach. “You bastard!” he shouted, shoving me back.

Regaining my footing, I raised my fists, waiting for Kazimir’s next charge. On cue, he shot toward me, and I changed my level, his fist flying over my head as my arms wrapped around hiswaist and locked together. Squeezing, I lifted him off his feet and slammed him into the floor. The wood was unforgiving against my knees as I followed him to the ground, pulling my fist back in preparation to strike.

“Stop it!” Izidora screamed, and a blast of white light blinded me as it knocked me away from Kazimir. My opponent shot to his feet, his eyes fully black and rage written on his features, only to be met with the same reaction from Izidora.

“Who do you fucking want, Izidora?” Kazimir snarled, chest heaving and fists clenched, no doubt mirroring my own stance. “It’s obvious Ruslan can’t handle the thought of you choosing me, otherwise he wouldn’t be here.”

“I can say the same for you,” I growled, taking a threatening step forward. “You fucking stabbed me. Called me a rapist.”

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