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My head pounded with each strike of Fek’s hooves against the packed earth beneath us as we trekked along the winding path deep into the Agrenak Mountains, where the traditional hunt would begin. The noble males from all the realms bundled in our thickest furs, bracing against the cold that swept from the sheer mountain faces overhead. Snow still blanketed them, despite much of it disappearing around Radence. The sun glittered off the snow, forcing me to squint against the glare as it pierced into my skull.

Since the very first Béke, thefriendlyhunt had been a competition to prove the prowess of the hosting realm’s hunters, with only bows and arrows to take down the large game. In the Iron Realm’s case, that was a rare white stag that had been spotted late yesterday afternoon by one of the mountain patrols. Ruslan led our pack, followed closely by King Airre and KingConsort Geza, the three creeping along the narrow, icy trail, bows half-cocked as we searched for any sign of the stag. Endre kept his bow slung across his chest as he crouched down to read the prints in the snow. He was only here because we planned on serving our kills tonight for dinner. For him, killing animals for sport was distasteful, and I was inclined to agree with him, especially when the meat could feed a hungry village for at least a day.

I hung back, wanting as much distance between Ruslan and myself as possible. The bastard had completely ignored my existence since we’d departed early this morning to ride toward the breaking dawn. Still, I did not trust that his evasion was born of indifference.

The cold air burned my lungs as we climbed deeper and higher into the Agrenak Mountains that surrounded the Iron Realm like an impenetrable shield. The day was cloudless and clear, the snow glittering and reflecting in our eyes until we crossed into the shadow of one of the many peaks.

“Here!” Endre shout-whispered as he spotted tracks in the deep snow.

“Well done, High Lord Endre,” Ruslan commended. He glanced around like he was searching for something, and upon spotting it he motioned, “This way.”

A steep incline and boulders funneled us higher up the mountain, and I had to sling my bow across my back to free my hands to use among the slippery rocks.

“Why we can’t just fly up is beyond me,” Vadim cursed under his breath from behind me. I snickered and kept pushing, my muscles straining and breathing uneven until I reached a small overlook that housed the rest of the hunting party.

Endre crouched once again, reading the indentations in the snow that scattered in all directions. Ruslan knelt beside them and I took the opportunity to peer over the ledge, soaking inthe sweeping view below while I caught my breath. A blanketed valley opened up before us, and in the distance, a slender stream of smoke indicated a small mining village nestled among the white powder. The visibility at this altitude was incredible, and and through the peaks, I thought I glimpsed the ocean.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Ruslan’s raking voice sounded over my ear, breaking the trance that the mountains held over me. Backstepping, I spun to face him, calling my magic just below my skin should I need to fly or fight. But he seemed unfazed and merely stepped to my side, joining me in appreciating the view.

“This is one of my favorite spots in all the Agrenak Mountains. I planned on bringing Izidora here one day, but we had too many pressing matters to attend to and could not find the time to sneak away for a hike.”

I said nothing, watching him out of the corner of my eye. The leash I held around my dark magic was taught, and if I so much as breathed, it might snap. Ruslan may have had Izidora these past few months, but she was mine first, and I needed to keep my cool if I wanted her to return with me to the Night Realm.

“Just down there, I killed my brother Damir to secure my place as heir apparent.” He paused, letting his words sink in. “Nothing in my life has been handed to me. I had to fight for every scrap since I was a small child, and that has made me stronger than I ever thought possible. Don’t underestimate me, Kazimir, and don’t think for a second that I will not fight to the death for Izidora.”

I clenched my jaw and fists, trying to hold back the biting words that wanted to escape my lips. Instead, I exhaled through my nose and replied coolly, “I look forward to your death.”

He looked me up and down, a wicked grin playing on his lips as his eyes glinted with black flame. “I think I may have finally found a worthy opponent. You too have a darkness inside you. I look forward to seeing the full extent of it.”

Cocky bastard.

Movement caught my attention on the mountainside below us, just over Ruslan’s shoulder. A large rack of brown antlers surged upward, and I quietly unslung my bow, drawing an arrow from the quiver. He followed my line of sight, then stepped quietly to the side, pulling the string back and aiming at the same time I did.

The stag bounded closer, and the tip of my arrow followed him until he turned sideways once more. Then I released the arrow in the direction of the majestic white creature’s heart. Ruslan’s arrow followed a moment later, mine landing first with a solid thud while his flew just off the mark. The stag stumbled and collapsed to the ground.

“I am more than a worthy opponent, Ruslan. I am better than you,” I smirked, then turned on my heel and walked away from the ledge. A snarl sounded behind me as King Airre whooped at the size of the rare white stag’s antlers.

“Beautiful shot, High Lord Kazimir! Look at the size of this beast. We will certainly feast tonight,” he enthused.

“Does this mean we can go now? I am freezing my balls off. Give me the heat of the beach any day over the cold in the mountains,” King Consort Geza laughed, clapping me on the shoulder in congratulations.

The sound of snapping wings turned me around. Black leathery wings sprung from Ruslan’s shoulder blades and he shot into the air, backflipping and then diving to the dead stag. The hunting party hurried to the cliff and peered down as the king of the Iron Realm grasped the brown antlers in his hands and lifted both the large carcass and himself with one strong flap of his wings.

“I thought Iron Fae did not have wings,” High Lord Soma of the Day Realm whispered off to my left. Murmurs of agreement floated through the group, and Ruslan smirked as he loweredhimself and the stag behind us. I hadn’t thought Ruslan was a pure-blooded Iron Fae, but his leathery wings and horns were a confirmation of my suspicions.

“I’ll fly the carcass to Drazen and then return to escort you down the mountain,” he announced, then winked at me and took off into the sky.

How dare he steal the spotlight away from me? The stag wasmykill.

Suffocating the urge to leap into the sky and race after the bat-winged mongrel, I turned to Viktor, whose brain worked overtime analyzing the situation. The abilities Ruslan displayed today would certainly need to be accounted for, but it wasn’t my biggest concern about him. If he wanted to continue stealingeverythingfrom me, he was going to have to pay.

Slavian and Anton sauntered over to where the Night Fae stood in a semi-circle, trying to keep warm as a strong wind blew through the mountains. Slavian’s mischievous expression told me exactly what he intended to discuss, and it had nothing to do with Ruslan or the stag.

“So will you be joining us again tonight?” Slavian addressed us once they were within whispering range.

“Where exactly is that? My suitemates have been coming in at odd hours the past two nights. Must have been quite the party,” Kaztar chuckled.

Licking his lips, Anton looked him up and down. “The place is called Steel. You are welcome to come and bring your wife. We will show you a good time.”

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