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“That they will, Kaztar,” Vadim crooned, rubbing his hands together. “I think I’ll join you again tonight.”

Snorting at Vadim’s enthusiasm, I glanced at Endre who did not seem pleased with the suggestion of another venture to the wild establishment. Not that I could blame him – I needed tostay far away from that place and any temptation. “Does Ruslan ever go with you?” I asked the young High Lords.

Slavian laughed darkly. “It’s his club, so yeah, he used to. He hasn’t been in years though. Such a shame, he was always a good time.”

“That’s why I’m never getting married,” Anton chimed in. “Why tie myself to a single person when I can have all the males and females? At the same time, too.”

I understood why Vadim was so eager to return – he and Anton shared a similar outlook on life.

I glanced around, watching for any sign of danger. If Ruslan planned on having me killed, doing it while he was not around gave him an airtight alibi. And yet, after his revelation and display, I sensed that he truly wanted a fair fight with me. If what he said about his brother was true, he was no stranger to fighting for his life, which made him a dangerous opponent. When someone's back was against a wall and they were trying to survive, they would do anything to take one more breath. Ruthlessness ran through his iron blood, and if we went head to head, only one of us would walk away with our lives, of that I was certain.

Cold bit at my fingertips and toes the longer we stood stationary, and I shifted from foot to foot, trying to bring heat and blood flow back to my body. Too much time had passed. I looked up to the sun, trying to gauge the hour, when I noticed movement high above us. Squinting, I realized it was not an animal traversing the snow-covered rocks above. It was other rocks tumbling down, and as their momentum increased, they brought more with them.

Adrenaline flooded my veins as the ground beneath my feet began to vibrate. “Avalanche!” I yelled to the group, the sounds of cracking ice and falling rock finally reaching our sensitive ears.

A tidal wave of white tumbled closer and closer to us, and without thought I shouted out orders to save us all, knowing there was no time to escape down the steep, rocky path we’d ascended. “Vadim, Viktor, Kaztar, take the Day Fae into the air and out of danger. Return for the rest of us when they are out of harm’s way. Airre, Tukka, use your air magic to assist them, then help Aake and Mikko freeze the snow to the side of the mountain. Slavian, Anton, deal with the rocks so they don’t smash us to pieces.”

Each male sprung into action, unquestioningly falling into line as we worked together against the mighty forces of nature. I snapped out my wings, shooting into the air and scanning for any sign of Ruslan as my friends scooped the Day Fae into their arms, and with the strength that comes from mortal peril, launched themselves into the air and flew with all their might away from the tumbling earth.

Endre joined me in the sky, ready to swoop in to grab the six males waiting below. They braced themselves, digging their heels into the packed earth as they wielded their magic. Slavian and Anton gritted their teeth as they slowed the descent of the ice and rock mix, buying time for my friends to get King Consort Geza, Soma, and Domon to safety. Carrying Izidora’s light frame through the mountain tops had been much easier than carrying full-grown warriors, and I prayed to the Goddess to give the males the strength to return to help with the Crystal Fae.

King Airre and High Lord Tukka turned back to the fray, joining High Lords Mikko and Aake in freezing as many rocks as they could. But the avalanche tumbled closer despite the sweat pouring from each of them.

“Kazimir! We aren’t going to be able to hold it off much longer. I can carry Anton straight up if you can carry the other four,” Slavian yelled, his legs beginning to tremble. I searchedthe horizon for any sign of my friends or Ruslan, but we were alone.

“Take King Airre and Mikko! Tukka and I will remain,” Aake offered himself in sacrifice, calculating the number of wings versus those remaining to be saved.

“Hang on a moment longer!” I ordered, hoping, praying for someone else to return. They obeyed, digging in with determination as the massive icy wave inched closer and closer. A shadow passed over my head and I glanced up to see a set of massive black wings soaring above me, the wind knocking me off balance momentarily.

Ruslan circled above the avalanche, then roared so loudly I was certain he would cause further damage. But instead of continuing descent, the ice and snow evaporated as if it were nothing, black flames licking it, consuming it until nothing remained but a fine mist that floated off on the breeze. Anton and Slavian dropped the stones into the remaining snow with a huff, then collapsed to their hands and knees, chests heaving.

Endre rushed to their sides, immediately dropping to his knees and assessing the two High Lords for injury. The Crystal Fae sat in similar states of exhaustion, and I could only stand and flex my fingers, running a hand over my face as I watched over the fallen Fae before me.

Ruslan saved the fucking day.

“You are a true general, Kazimir. You remained calm and clear despite looming death above us. I will gladly follow you into battle again.” King Airre’s words were sincere, but they tasted like ash.

I felt Ruslan’s presence behind me, and I spun just in time to watch him land, talons in place of hands, horns protruding from his slick hair, and his leathery wings splayed wide.

“You saved us all,” I uttered, a bitter mixture of shock and anger swirling in my gut.

He shrugged. “I passed your friends on my way back, and they told me there was an avalanche. It would not be a good start to my reign to have your blood on my hands.”

King Airre heaved himself to his feet beside me. “I am grateful for your help, King Ruslan. But if I may ask, what did you do? And why do you have this?” He gestured to Ruslan’s changed anatomy.

“This is my shifted form. I am part Demon and part Dragon, coming from my mother’s side. I breathe black fire in this form, which I used to vaporize the avalanche.” He sheathed his talons and then looked at me. “I can carry two back to the horses, if you and Endre can get the others.”

I nodded through clenched teeth, and Slavian shifted to reveal black wings, differently shaped than mine and Ruslan’s, and horns. He grasped Anton from behind, then launched into the air. King Airre stood in front of me and Aake stood in front of Endre. We secured them, then followed Slavian into the sky. Ruslan followed with Tukka and Mikko on either arm a moment later. The Crystal Fae used their last remaining magic to create a wind at our backs, propelling us forward until the horses and others came into view. I breathed a sigh of relief, sweat soaking through my clothes as we descended and landed a little too roughly.

Viktor tossed me a waterskin, and I gulped down the cold liquid, then used the back of my hand to wipe sweat from my brow.

“You were brilliant back there, Kazimir,” he said. “Glad to see some of the old you resurfacing. Cazius would be so proud of you right now.”

But the glory wasn’t all mine.

Shaking off the intrusive thought, I pulled my friend in for an embrace, grateful he was alive and well. “I am glad for it too,” I said. Then, in a much lower voice, “We have much to discussabout Ruslan’s powers upon our return.” One dip of his chin was all I needed to know he understood.

“Well, after that shake-up, I am pleased that I brought wineskins. Who wants some?” Drazen grinned, holding up one in each hand. Vadim snatched one immediately, followed by a chuckling Tukka. We passed around the skins, and once I had my drink, I strolled toward Ruslan. He stood off to the side with his horse, away from the rest of the group.

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