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“That is most kind of you, King Ruslan,” Queen Viktoria remarked. “I am quite tired from our travels.”

Drazen, Ruslan’s cousin and closest confidante, stepped forward, beckoning the travel-weary monarchs into the halls of Ryza Citadel. I dipped my head politely to the passing Crystal and Day Fae in their respective entourages, until anotherforceful tug on my middle yanked my gaze to the approaching Night Fae.

Viktor and Vadim, Liliana’s brother, led the party, followed by a familiar pair of Night Fae, with Endre and Kazimir bringing up the rear. The way Endre repeatedly glanced at Kazimir sent my stomach plummeting to the cold ground. Kazimir’s eyes never left me, sending shivers down my spine as they approached.

The males swept into deep bows before Ruslan and myself, though by the set of each of the Nighthounds’ jaws, I understood they were displeased in their display. Ruslan made no move to return the gesture, and tension rolled off of him in thick waves that clawed at my shoulders. Tapping into the clear crystal in my chest wrapped in white flames and moonlight, I released a tendril of my empath magic, siphoning his fear.

“King Ruslan, thank you for having us at this year’s Béke,” Viktor began, though his voice was tight. “We are representing the Night Realm at this year’s feast. I am afraid we are also road-weary, so we’ll have to do introductions later.”

“Of course,” Ruslan replied haughtily, glancing briefly at Viktor before ghosting his hard gaze across the rest of them. “Drazen will show you the way.”

“I’ll see you later, promise,” I whispered to my friend, who nodded and strode toward her brother as he passed. Kazimir’s mouth opened for a fraction of a second before closing again, Endre yanking on his arm to lead him along behind the rest of the Night Fae. My body felt that acute ache once he rounded the corner and disappeared into Ryza Citadel.

I blew out a long breath, looking at the male who still stood beside me as our entourage dispersed. His smoky eyes were filled with anxiety, the emotion resonating through our connection even more deeply. “We’re okay,” I reassured him,knowing that his worst fear of being abandoned was screaming at him to do something to save himself.

“Promise?” His raspy voice was no more than a whisper, and for a moment he reminded me of one of our first times together, when he allowed me to see the vulnerable child that still lived inside him.

Standing on my tiptoes, I brushed my hand across his cheek. “Promise.”

But as we entered Ryza Citadel, hand in hand, I began to worry that Béke was going to be more taxing than I anticipated, especially with the oiliness that exuded from the male who saved me from the cold, dark cave.


Béke Day One

Ifelt as if I’d been run through the middle with one of the decorative swords that hung along the walls of the main hall. A tug I hadn’t felt in months screamed at me to break free of Endre’s bruising grip and race back to the courtyard, snatch up my mate, and carry her off with me.

Izidora lookedhappy. She’d stared up at Ruslan like he was the air she needed to breathe until her attention fell over me, and then, just as fast as she’d looked at me, she turned away to embrace Liliana.

I was nothing to her.

After I’d spent most of my life searching for her, after I’d saved her, after I’d gathered a fucking army for her, she couldn’t care less about me.

Izidora. Was. Mine.

And I would simply have to remind her of that fact. The binding magic that had begun eating away at the light parts of my soul reared its beastly head, thrumming with the promise of blood and vengeance. But if I wanted to win her back, themonster winding its way around my magic had to remain locked away. Swallowing the surge of rage at her rejection, I refocused on the halls before me, memorizing the way to our apartment in the citadel and any other interesting-looking doors we might need to explore later.

The Iron Realm had been breeding races from across the continents to create a more powerful race of Fae, and we needed to know everything we could about the program if we had any chance against them in battle. Our army was tucked safely in the Day Realm, and we had two weeks to gain as much information as we could before they marched on the Iron Realm.

The deeply tanned male had already directed the Crystal and Day Fae to their rooms, and he seemed unbothered as we traipsed the halls of his home, like his enemy wasn’t lying in wait to tear him and his people apart at a moment’s notice. “Here’s your suite. The opening ball starts in four hours.”

If Kaztar or Viktor acknowledged him, I did not hear, because all my focus was on reining in the black beast in my chest that screamed at me to return to Izidora. We stumbled into the ornate living area complete with a blazing wall-sized fireplace and six doors leading into lavish bedrooms. The wealth and power of the Iron Realm were on full display, egg-sized gemstones embedded in sconces along the wall, fur rugs lining the floor, and massive bedrooms and en-suite bathrooms with deep soaking tubs asking to chase away the bone-deep chill that clung to each of us.

Vadim whistled as he wandered around, running a hand over his beard as he surveyed the space. “This is nice as fuck.”

None of us could argue with him.

“And there are more than enough rooms for everyone,” he added, giving Liliana a sidelong glare as she snatched Endre from me and dragged him to a room at the back of the suite.

“Exactly, so there’s no need for us to share a wall, brother,” she cooed, batting her lashes at him before shutting the door in his face.

“Fucking Fates, she’s going to be the death of me,” Vadim groaned, earning a snigger from Viktor and myself. The laughter eased some of the tension in my chest, though it wasn’t enough to completely dull the edge of the knife stabbing into me.

“Domi and I will take this room here,” Kaztar teased, indicating a half-open door closest to the exit. “Don’t want to share a wall with Liliana and Endre, either.” The male snatched his wife’s hand, tugging her to him and whispering in her ear, causing red to cascade across her cheeks. “We’ll see you guys in a few hours.”

I ground my teeth as they disappeared into their room, wishing that Izidora had paid me enough attention, had given me something to know that dragging myself around the continent again was worth it.

What if she wasn’t my mate?

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