Page 62 of Light

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Ruslan shrugged. “Why not.”

The three of us settled in a loose circle, Zuriel inhaling deeply to signal the beginning of the exercise. His lids closed over his icy eyes, and I allowed a sidelong glance at Ruslan before shutting my own. His participation was unexpected, and I missed Zuriel’s opening words as I pondered Ruslan’s intentions.

Maybe he was changing, and not only because I influenced his emotions.

“...empty your lungs of air and release all tension from your body.” The air I expelled from my body was rife with exhaustion, and my shoulders slumped inward with the motion as I unburdened myself of Zuriel’s emotions. A brush against my knee had me cracking an eye, and Ruslan’s brow was pinched as his fingers settled against my leg before drifting back to his own. That thread that pulled me toward him hummed in a soothing way that settled deep in my bones, chasing away a hint of loneliness I hadn’t realized still clung to me. Zuriel’s melodic voice faded away as I became acutely aware of Ruslan’s presence in my body, in my heart, and in my soul.


The closer we journeyed to Zheka, the more frequently a handful of trees rose from the plains, until finally the tall grass gave way to farms. The fields were massive, filled with vines, stalks, and dark-skinned Fae using magic to manipulate the earth. The Day Faes’ magic was not elemental like that of the Crystal or Iron Realm, but rather steeped in nature, wholly connected to the energy of the flora and fauna around them. Many saw our group and waved, friendly and welcoming. I had always loved the Day Fae, their gentle nature and liveliness brightening the air across the land, but I dared not cross one because they were fierce warriors – relentless, agile, and without mercy.

Eventually, a massive river stood before us, a wide stone bridge spanning across it, and on the other side, Zheka waited. The hustle and bustle of the city that rose from the plains greeted us the moment the river was at our backs. The scent of fresh pepper, rich cumin, and spicy coriander wafted from stalls where meats cooked over open flames, while the laughter of old males drinking wine at open-air taverns floated through the air. Females shouted at children who ran unattended through thestreets, dodging in and out of the low stone-and-thatch houses that lined either side of the large thoroughfare that led straight to Aress Keep. The city was alive and authentic in a way that no other in Északi could be.

As we approached the gates to Aress, I examined the sprawl of the keep. It was the tallest building in Zheka, its spread creating an entire network of dwellings and rooms in the heart of the city. In the very center stood a thick, tall tree, its canopy stretching across the surrounding buildings, casting them in much-needed shade. Queen Viktoria and King Consort Geza stepped from the shadows as we approached the open-air entry to the keep. The monarch’s clothing floated behind them, rich in color and light in weight, a necessity in the breezeless inner city. A delicate metal crown hammered to appear like tangling vines rested upon the queen of the Day Realm’s forehead, emeralds and citrines dotting the gold metal and glinting in the sunlight. Her husband wore his hair in long braids down his back, and the locks glittered with gold cuffs at various intervals.

They stopped before us with hands clasped in front of them, easy postures that spoke of their trust in us.

“King Airre! We were not expecting to see you before the feast,” Queen Viktoria greeted us in her fruity voice.

“My apologies, Queen Viktoria, but we have urgent matters to discuss.” He dismounted and bowed his head to the queen of the Day Realm. “I am not sure if you have heard the news, but King Zalan is dead.”

The smile fell from her face, replaced with a crease between her brows. Her eyes flitted to me, then at the rest of the Night Fae in attendance. “I have not, but this is most worrisome news. Please, let me welcome you inside to freshen up, then we will discuss such matters.”

“You are most kind, Queen Viktoria,” King Airre replied, handing his reins off before following her inside. QueenImmonen caught up to him, wrapping her arm around his, and we passed off our mounts before trailing behind the monarchs into a breezeway that formed the inner circle of the keep. A few minutes' walk led us to a set of wood doors that opened to reveal a large central hall with connecting doors leading to other rooms that I knew to be small apartments.

“I’m afraid the guest rooms have not been prepared, but I will have them readied after you have had time to wash up. Meet us in the dining hall in an hour, and we will have a fresh meal prepared,” she smiled, yet it did not reach her eyes. She glanced at her husband, King Consort Geza, a subtle but strained look passing between them.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Queen Viktoria,” I said, and then bowed. She simply nodded before closing the doors behind us. We split up, enough rooms lining the hall that each could have privacy. After a thorough scrub, I donned a fresh tunic and pants, my hands returning to my bag for a momentary brush of the lacy undergarments and tunic of Izidora’s before buckling it shut.

There would be time to hold them later.

I sought out Endre, and found him with Viktor and Vadim, all freshly dressed and deep in conversation.

“You did see how concerned she was, right?” Viktor said as I entered the room.

Vadim nodded, smoothing his beard as he contemplated his response. “Maybe she does not like being in the dark? There is not a great communication network between the capitals, and the Day Realm is as far as you can get from the Night Realm. Speaking of keeping people in the dark, when are we going to come clean about Izidora not actually being King Zalan’s daughter?” Vadim looked pointedly at me.

“Not only that, but the breeding program Tamaramentioned. I think that might be important to our battle plans,” Viktor added.

I heaved a sigh, running my palm over my face, tension eating at my shoulders. We were so close to Izidora, and I wanted nothing more than to ride on until I could snatch her in my arms and carry her home with me. I quickly shut down my fantasy, my mind having gotten the better of me the last few days as we rode, distracting me when I needed to focus.

But Viktor and Vadim were right, and both pieces of information were important. Endre quirked a brow over Viktor’s shoulder, and I knew he wanted me to share the third piece of information I kept hidden – the binding magic.

“Let’s reveal what we know once Queen Viktoria has agreed to join us. Like you said, Viktor, the fact that half Iron - half whatever soldiers might exist in masse will affect our battle plans, though I suspect King Airre knows something, given that he is intimately familiar with the prophecy. But there is another thing I have kept from both of you.” I needed to confess before I lost the courage. Both Viktor and Vadim wore serious expressions as they waited for me to continue. “When we were at the Crystal Realm, I received binding magic.”

“No fucking way,” Vadim blurted at the same time Viktor exclaimed, “Received?”

“Yes fucking way. And he nearly killed me because he lost himself to the madness,” Endre snapped.

Viktor glanced between Endre and me. “Is this true?”

I looked at my feet, still ashamed of myself. But I took a deep breath, lifted my head, and took responsibility for my actions. “Yes. I had a dream that felt like it was real, where the Fates allowed a snake to enter my chest, and when I awoke, a dark magic had curled around the moonlight in my magic well. And since the first time I practiced, Endre has helped ground me so I do not lose myself again.”

“We should not tell anyone about this.Anyone.Binding magic is dark and twisted, not to mention powerful. Most Fae fear it,” Viktor emphasized. “But, it will help us win this war. So keep practicing, and let us know what we can do.”

Viktor had always been pragmatic.

A knock interrupted our discussion. “Ready to go?” Liliana’s energetic voice carried through the barrier between us.

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