Page 58 of Light

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“Ruslan!” I gasped as I fell apart, waves of pleasure rocking up my spine as I arched off the bed, walls clenching his cock. They pulsed and fluttered as my head rolled back, and he caught me before I could fall to the bed. His other hand found my hip, and he pinned me in place as his thrusts became furious.

“Fuck, Izidora,” he groaned, burying himself completely, then filled me with hot liquid.

But he did not stop.

Exiting my heated center only momentarily, he swung myright leg over my left so I lay on my side beneath him, then shoved himself back in, his hands grasping my hips as he brutally thrust into me, our skin slapping as the wetness from our combined release coated our skin.

“I don’t want to stop,” he moaned. “I’ve waited so long for this, for you.”

“Then don’t,” I breathed, his girth stretching me in a new way, hitting a totally different angle than I’d experienced before. Ruslan was huge, and I felt every inch of him moving inside me, delivering pleasure to new areas I’d yet to explore.

One hand moved to my breast, the other to my clit as he rolled them both between his fingers. A heady moan escaped me as my senses were flooded with erotic touch, and I twisted slightly so I could reach around my back and cup his balls. His guttural moan sent heat straight to my core, adding to the slickness already dripping from my entrance. Swiping my fingers through the liquid, I brought my hand to his lips, and his eyes blazed as he greedily sucked my fingers.

“You are sweeter than any cake,” he moaned, and I trailed my wet fingers down his chest and stomach, dipping them between my thighs to rub my clit so he could hold me steady. His thrusts pushed me across the bed, causing me to cry out. Our gazes locked, our breaths uneven yet synced, and sweat dripped from his body to mine. A wave of pleasure rose from my center, sending my lashes fluttering, and Ruslan growled his approval.

“Come for me, my sprite. I want to feel your walls sucking me dry,” he commanded. And with that, pleasure crashed through me, and I screamed his name as stars filled my vision.

“Yes,” he hissed through clenched teeth, his pace slowing as his release caught up to him. With a roar, he finished inside me, fingers gripping my hips, holding me to him, as his cock twitched and spurted. Breathless, we remained locked in thatposition, until a tender hand caressed my face then smoothed the stray hairs that clung to my sweat-soaked brow. He planted a featherlight kiss on my lips before removing himself, but he immediately pulled me into his lap, holding me as if I had given him the greatest gift of his life. His arms were strong and sure – almost safe. His desire morphed into something deeper, something stronger, and for the first time, I truly considered that he might be right about us being mates.


Endre dropped from the sky, landing lightly next to Viktor and me in the open plains of the Day Realm. It was much warmer here than in the Night and Crystal Realm, the sun shining with all its might on this cloudless, breezeless day. Even standing still, sweat dripped down my spine, and it beaded the faces of all my traveling companions. My tunic was untucked from my pants, allowing the barest hint of relief on my heated skin.

“The armies are about two and a half, maybe three days behind us now. Looks like they will cross paths before the sun sets tonight,” Endre reported, wiping at his brow. His long, messy locks were also drenched, and if he had been wearing a shirt, it would no doubt have been soaked through.

“And how long until we reach Zheka?” Viktor asked, shaking his waterskin lightly beside his ear to gauge the contents.

“Maybe two days or so. Aress Keep is visible in the distance. If only they built their buildings more than one story. It would be so much easier to spot.” Endre strolled toward his horse, where his shirt was draped carefully over the saddle. He picked it up, then thought better of it and smoothed it back down.

Viktor tipped the remaining contents into his mouth, then shook his head. “I think that is the point.”

Fek sank his teeth into a shiny red apple I pulled from my saddlebags, munching loudly and nearly drowning out my friends’ conversation. His black hide was even darker, coated in sweat and his tail flicked endlessly back and forth to clear the pests from it. He had been through a lot these past few months, and once this was all over he deserved a nice long break. The stallion nuzzled my hand when the apple disappeared, searching for more of his favorite treat. “You ate it all, you greedy bastard,” I chided him before pulling my hand away. He snorted, clearly displeased that I did not hold an unlimited supply.

Domi appeared at my side, another plump apple in hand. Fek’s eyes brightened, and he surged forward, barely missing my toes, to snatch the apple from her. She smiled, rubbing his face while she cooed to him. “He may not be one of mine, but he certainly is a beautiful horse, Kazimir, and with such a big personality.”

She wiped sweat from her brow, having just returned from training with Vadim and Liliana. We’d stopped daily to allow them time to train, both Domi and Liliana fiercely determined to join us on the battlefield. When King Airre saw them train on the first day, he had requested that Queen Immonen join them. Vadim was going to have his hands full of vicious females by the time the first battle came to pass. Unfortunately for him, they were not the type of vicious females he usually wanted.

“Fek has been a good mount for many years now. I think he will enjoy a nice retirement once this is all over,” I said, and he bobbed his head as if he agreed.

“I would love to have him as a stud, if you don’t mind. He would produce beautiful and strong offspring,” she praised as she took a step back and admired him appreciatively. Fek shookhis long mane and stamped his foot, showing off his prowess, earning a laugh from Domi.

“It would be my honor, Domi.” That garnered me a wide grin.

Kaztar appeared by her side with a waterskin, which she gulped greedily, releasing a grateful breath when she finished. “We should get going again soon,” he said with a sniff. “It has been too long without a proper meal and bath.” Kaztar lifted the water from his wife’s hands, tipping it to his lips only to find it empty.

“Who knew you were such a princess, Kaztar,” I joked, reaching for my own waterskin tucked in my bags and handing it to him.

He accepted the leather with a wry grin and then saluted me with it. “You’re used to it, Kazimir, after living on the road for so many years. In fact, I think you probably prefer it to court life,” he teased.

“You are spot on with that assessment,” I agreed. The longer I spent with Kaztar and Domi, the more I liked them. They were an easy fit into our group, and I welcomed his input on matters of strategy, especially when the topic was court-related. Both Kaztar and Domi were excellent courtiers, which balanced out the brawn and other fighting-related skills the remaining Nighthounds offered. All deferred to me for final decision, as the natural leader of the group. It had been that way long before my father died, as he had said time and time again. I wish I had listened to him more than I did, and that I had not would be my greatest regret in life.

The thought of him ripped open a deep wound inside me, a pain so profound that I wasn’t sure how one person could bear it all. Blinking through it, I shoved it away, forcing myself to refocus on the couple in front of me and my mate that needed me.

“We better get going then, so Kaztar can have a bath.” Domi smiled at her husband, grabbing him by the hand and leading him to their mounts. He shook his head teasingly, the affection between them apparent. Another stab to the gut forced me to glance away from them, instead, I counted every Fae I saw to ensure every member of our traveling party was present. When I was certain all had returned to the group from their various activities, I called for the ride to continue.

Creaking leather and snorts filled the air as we mounted, and I dug my heels into Fek’s sides, leading us down the dirt road that led to Zheka. A loose group formed around me, and jokes flitted through the still air and conversations ebbed and flowed in time with the light breeze that came with the midday. Not a speck of shade dotted the landscape around us, and tall grass rippled like water as far as the eye could see.

What was Izidora doing?

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