Page 98 of The Way We Play

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Her hair hangs long down her back, and when she stands to step into her underwear, I can’t help squeezing her cute little ass.

“Zane!” She laughs, skipping away, closer to my desk to pull on her shirt.

It still has one damp spot where I bit and sucked her nipple, and I’m pretty sure she’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.

“You finished the book!” Her eyes are on my desk, and I look down to see she’s holdingArcher’s Voice.

“Oh, yeah.” I sit up, reaching for my boxer briefs.

“What did you think?”

My brow furrows as I stand, pulling them over my hips. “You know that movie where Bradley Cooper throws the book out of the window?”

“No!” Her cute little angry face makes me laugh.

“Just that one part—Chapter 33? Or was it 34?”

“Oh.” Her brow relaxes, and she makes a sorry face. “Yeah, that was scary.”

Standing, I walk over to where she’s by my desk. “But I liked it. It was pretty good.”

“Pretty good?”

“I liked the message about how your actions speak louder than your words.”

Nodding, she steps to the door. “It’s an oldie, but a goodie.”

Watching her tuck the book under her arm, I think about another part I liked, where the hero looked at his girl and imagined the two of them growing old together, and how it would be the ultimate joy. It’s how I feel about Rachel, but I don’t say it out loud. Not yet.

“Want to read another one?”

“Maybe later.” I follow her to the door, stopping behind her when she turns to look up at me.

Leaning down, I give her another kiss, sliding my lips over hers and giving her tongue one more swipe. She exhales a little hum, and it almost has me pulling her to my bed again.

“I could set an alarm,” I suggest, and she laughs.

“I’m pretty sure if I got into your bed again, we wouldn’t sleep at all tonight.”

“That’s okay.”

Rising on her toes, she gives me another kiss. “Tomorrow. I got some oil to try that therapy.”

My brow quirks, and I can’t help a grin. “I think it’ll be the first time I look forward to a massage.”

“I’m not sure how much massaging will happen.”

“Even better.”



“Jack put Austin in the game last night, and Allie said he threw a touchdown pass!” Dylan holds the pot of coffee over my mug, her eyes lit with excitement.

“Oh!” I smile so big. “I bet Allie was screaming.”

“She has no voice.” Dylan laughs, and I smile, thinking how great it is to have friends.

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