Page 75 of The Way We Play

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Massage? Did you pop a boner?


Did you bone her?



I can still draw you a diagram if you need it.

“What’s tonight’s Dare Dish?” Oliver Duck sits behind the control board with a headset on watching Logan with what can only be described as disappointment.

My future brother-in-law doesn’t seem to notice at all. “Ah, she’s making something called Fatalii?”

“Hmph.” Oliver flips switches and adjusts the lighting. “Fatalii is pretty tame. It’s several steps below the ghost pepper on the Scoville scale.”

“Still too hot for me.” Logan grins, glancing to where I’m putting my notifications on mute.

I don’t need my younger brother diagramming anything. I know very well what I’m doing with Rachel. The only part that’s puzzling me is where.

If I’m going to make her first time unforgettable, we’re going to need time. We’re going to need privacy, and at this point, we don’t have either of those things.

As much as I like her brother, he’s not very conducive to my plans. Glancing over at Logan, I wonder if I could take him up on that offer to go for a long drive. Taking Jack up on his offer to keep him overnight would be better.

“She’s made hot peppers her life’s work.” My eyes and attention cut back to the teenager currently lecturing us on my little sister’s pepper obsession. “She’s elevated it to an art form.”

Poor Oliver. He’s had a massive crush on my little sister for a while now. Too bad he’s only sixteen and she’s very,verytaken.

“And you don’t even like them.” His voice drips with disdain, and all Logan does is laugh.

“It’s true.” Logan shakes his head, totallyoblivious. “But I’ll tell you what, Ollie, if it hadn’t been for those dang ghost peppers, I’m not sure how I’d have climbed off my high horse and fallen at her feet the way I did.”

I swallow a laugh. It’s true. Logan’s a good guy. I hadn’t pictured him being with Dylan when he showed up here with Garrett two summers ago, but now I can’t picture it any other way.

“It’s Oliver. Not Ollie.” The boy gripes.

I grin, taking my seat and pulling on my headphones. “Are you ready to start the show?”

He gives us a point, and we begin.

“Zane Bradford.” Logan introduces me. “How’s it hanging, my man? What did you think of that Hail Mary save by Simmons against the Buccaneers?”

We launch into our weekly play by play of all the major games of the past week. Logan takes it from the spectator’s side, discussing the big hits and the big misses. I take it from more of a coaching side, discussing how teams might take what they’ve learned into the next weeks’ games.

It’s a good mix, and our audience is growing fast. We do call-ins, and the phone lines almost can’t handle the flood. Logan’s dad even made a comment last week on a zoom call that he saw a new celebrity duo in the making.

I’ve learned from all my years in the business, the best thing to do when people start talking about how awesome you are is to keep your head down and keep working. As soon as you think you’ve made it, you break.

“How about that new duo of Bradford and Berke for the Pirates?” Logan asks about his old team, Garrett, and his former rival taking his place.

“Ricky Berke is working hard to beat the records you set last year, but I don’t see him doing it—at least not yet. He doesn’t have your raw talent, and he’s too young to have your instincts.”

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