Page 69 of Jay's Silence

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An emptiness filled the spot Jay’s mate mark occupied. The same realization must have hit the others. Instead of exchanging sharp words, Rehan stood and offered Tyson a hand, which the fire prince took while shifting his massive, useless wings back into his human body.

“She knew.” Rehan clenched his clawed fist. “There’s a second London under London. Scales on, claws out. Trust no one but find a mage.”

My fear turned to anger, and a ragged breath tore out of my chest. “You let our mate go last?” I yelled at Rehan. “She’s trying to keep her distance from us. You can’t keep supporting her every whim. She’s trying to prove we only want her because of the curse.”

“She jumped after Lux, you fecking Cricket,” Tyson growled. “I watched her go down.”

Rehan side-eyed the fire dragon suddenly defending him but nodded.

Still at my back, Lux reached down and squeezed my thigh. The gesture probably wasn’t meant to be intimate and most likely the only part of me he could easily reach. But my body still responded to his support in all the wrong ways.

“Jay’s smart,” Lux said. “We know she’s alive and not in the cave with our new friend.” His muscles shifted against my back as if he looked up. “I’m worried too. But we can’t ignore our situation.”

I flushed and forced myself to take a breath. “But we left her. I promised her we wouldn’t leave her. I separated us.”

“You didn’t know,” Lux said roughly. “And they say if you love something, you should let it go. If this is more than just a curse, we’ll find each other again. You have to believe that.”

I bit my lips together and forced myself to breathe. The spider chittered, watching us with too many beady eyes. Lux squeezed my thigh again, and my anger and fear rushed below my belt. Although I had nothing to compare it to, last night was incredible. My dick had nestled into Jay like it was made for her. The sweet heat. The pressure. Every fiber of my being had worshiped her. And this had only been my first time. With more experienced dragons to teach me… the pleasure we could bring each other had no limits.

But only if we were together.

I forced another calming breath in and out before peering at the spider.

“Your sssscard of messsss?” The spider asked. It tilted to the side, increasing the width of its swing. A ripple of motion ran through the connecting webs, making them shake all the way down three connecting tunnels.

I was scared. I had to own it and control it. But my fear wasn’t from the creature dangling above us.

Suddenly, the spider dropped. Rotating in midair, it landed on its too many legs in the middle of all of us and stabbed out at Lux with a sticky limb. Lux’s scaled foot dug into the ground while his metal one slid back, forcing me to adjust. But the air dragon didn’t grunt in pain or even blink.

Behind the spider, Tyson and Rehan’s claws extended.

Lux stepped forward again without a single sign of fear and held a hand up, clearly wanting Tyson and Rehan to stand down. They didn’t, but they didn’t move to attack either. Lux took another step toward the spider. I rushed to stay at his back, trusting the air prince but unwilling to leave him exposed.

“Ssssccalessss,” the spider moaned. “No Cricket for Jagger.” It covered its eyes with two of its legs as if holding back tears.

Lux stepped forward and put a hand on one of the spider's many joints. “There there, you’ll find someone else to eat. Are all these webs yours?”

I eyed Lux, unsure if I should laugh or attempt to pick up on his sympathy.

The spider took his paws off his eyes. “Sssssomeone elssssse to eatsss.” It bobbed its entire body. “Yesss. I found a sssssnack. One didn’t havvvve sccalesss, but then did.” It moaned. “And the other tried to burn my webssss. Cuntssss. Ageing them, I am. Ssscaless will leavvve!”

Its words bounced around the space, and the webbing vibrated again. A bad feeling ran down my back. If the fall hadn’t triggered my scaled armor, I would have landed in my human form, and this spider would have been on me instantly.

“See, it sounds like you already have a plan,” Lux said, patting the thing again. “Do you know how to get out of here?”

“There issss no outssss.” The spider’s legs lengthened, making it seem to grow.

My chest squeezed, remembering the barrier before my fall.

The spider let out another mournful wail, climbed back into its webbing, and vanished into the far-left passage.

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

“Could the other scaled person it has trapped be a dragon shifter?” Lux asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t see how that’s possible. But maybe?”

Lux pursed his lips and wrinkled his nose. “I don’t like leaving anyone to be that thing’s dinner.”

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