Page 66 of Jay's Silence

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Rehan stepped forward as we put it on the largest monitor in the middle of the wall.

Once again, my unmistakable forest green magic created a portal into the museum.

“Are portals blockable?” Rehan asked.

“It’s a complicated rare spell, but yes.” The portal vanished, making the reflection of the screen dim in all our eyes. “But the British Museum that they know of doesn’t have magical relics worth anything, so they have no magical security. The three of us just walked in here under a simple invisibility spell and didn’t set off a single alarm.”

Employee of the Month leaned forward. “Is that you?”

It was. Like the last video, I walked in first. The man followed me almost nervously. He wore the same baggy clothing and ball cap.

“Why am I on full display, yet the guy I’m with isn’t?” I mumbled. “That seems very thoughtless of me.”

I studied his walk as ‘we’ wandered the displays, looking for the same confidence I’d seen out of my ex. The gait was similar, but it was just a walk. If anything, it lacked confidence.

‘We’ found another piece of Gorm’s Casket, and once again, I moved my hand like a fucking Jedi Knight, and the piece appeared in my palm. If I weren’t the bad guy in this, I would think it looked pretty cool. This time, however, two security guards were on us instantly. Two electrified tasers streaked towards us. One hit my arm, only to bounce off like armor covered my skin. Which, with my magical shields in place, might as well be or should have been.

Where were those shields during my car accident?

Depleted, probably from this.

The other taser hit the man with me, who instantly went down, seizing in pain. Somehow, his ball cap still covered his face. The me on the video reached down, pulled the taser wiresoff Ball Cap Guy, and shoved the piece of the box into his gut before picking him up like he weighed nothing. A portal bloomed to life at my back. I stepped into it, not even turning around, and vanished.

We are so badass.

Employee of the Month started shaking again. “Bloody hell. Bloody fucking hell.”

I patted his shoulder. “Good luck processing all that, mate.”

Employee of the Month’s radio crackled. “Archie, come in. We have movement on the south entrance.”

I nudged Employee of the Month, who quickly changed to that camera. A block of walking stone took lumbering steps toward the building. A golem, just like the one we saw at Club V, possibly even the same one.

“You’re taking the piss,” Employee of the Month laughed nervously. “That’s a walking rock. What kind of a costume is that at two am?”

I narrowed my eyes as little flits of movement, which looked nothing like the golem, peppered the edges of the screen before the entire thing turned to static. Employee of the Month tried to change to a different camera, but one by one, they dropped.

“Is that the same golem?” Og asked, echoing my thoughts.

“Possibly,” I patted Employee of the Month.

The final camera went blank. I had no idea if Lux and Tyson were still hidden in the shadows guarding our exit or already fighting. My heart thudded. It hadn’t crossed my mind someone from Club V would come after us. But even the partial shift the pixie dust brought out of Tyson showed he wasn’t your typical shifter. With everything else going on, I hadn’t been as careful. Anyone could have followed us.

The radio clicked on again. “Archie, bloody respond.”

I handed Employee of the Month his radio. “Thanks, Arch. Good luck!”

Grabbing Og, I pushed Rehan toward the door and started running.

We’d barely madeit down the hall before the alarms for the entire building went off. With the camera down, instead of hiding our speed, we leaned into it, sliding through closing doors and vaulting over the turnstiles at the exits. The outer door was already locked down, and Rehan took point, covering himself in scales and running through it. The new human-shaped hole would be challenging to explain, but the supernational community had people for that. Hopefully, a lot of people.

A flash of fire bloomed on my left just as Lux’s white hair caught the moonlight. Between one heartbeat and the next, I took in the scene. The golem stood stoic and still in the center of a mass of demons. Unlike the fluorescent-green power bringing the demons on the dragon’s island to life, soft threads of silvery blue flowed through the rotting and chard flesh of this group.

I knew that color too well. If the mage who made them was the same person I remembered, then he wasn’t anywhere near this fight. I let out a roar, nothing near as impressive as my dragons, and dove into battle.

Without my enhanced strength, my kicks to rotting kneecaps were more annoying than fruitful. I changed tactics. Grabbing a demon right in front of me by the ears, I called on Lux’s wind, sending it into his ear canals and popping his eardrum. Black blood oozed between my fingers. The demon hissed with pain, and I flipped backward as he flailed, clipping the two demons at its back.

A demon on my left suddenly burst into flame, though the thing was smart enough to drop and roll. Or maybe he wasn’tsmart enough, as he took a fellow demon down with him. Pain blossomed along my shoulder, and I went flying before hitting the pavement and sliding to a wheezing stop against the golem.

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