Page 29 of Jay's Silence

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I’m a magical immortal. I can’t pull a muscle.

I… Jay, it’s an analogy. I’m telling you you're in pain, and you need to deal with it.

I put my imaginary fingers in my imaginary ears and focused on Rehan’s grandfather, who scowled at me so deeply that his jowls shook.

Although I had six or seven guesses at what he said, which I should have responded to, I didn’t actually have a clue. So, I shrugged and turned to Oliviarose.

For better or worse, my pointless existence finally had a point again, and that’s what I planned to fix. Not whatever the little voice in my head wanted. That would be silly.

“Calm yourself,” Oliviarose said to Rehan’s grandfather, whose continued fixated attention would have lit my hair on fire if his element wasn’t water.

The old dragon managed to move his death stare to the map. Rehan released a breath none of us realized he was holding. Family was essential to the water heir, and I was not helping.

“Refocusing,” Oliviarose gestured, and the map zoomed out, showing us the entire island. “Scalehive is who brought you to us; therefore, they’re the best place to start. We’ve sent them messages but have gotten no response, which is out of character.” The map spiraled back in. The start of the hunt flew past, followed by a blur of eucalyptus forest, before slowing in front of a tall metal structure that looked a lot like a cell phone tower, except with a tree house on the top. “Scalehive is the only neutral party on the island and is made up of five dragons who forsake their elemental ties. In the morning, you will confront them on all our behalf with our sons at your back.”

I eyed the map without seeing it. Oliviarose’s plan was simple and addressed what I assumed was the main problem: me being on the island. But, after spending time here, a little list of additional issues had written itself in my mind.

“Have you looked into Doctor Raba?” I asked. “He has a lot of connections.”’

“He’s currently under fire dragon protection,” Ryker stated, his voice rough like he’d been talking for hours. “My protection,” he stressed. “You were brought here by mistake. Do not think you can start making dragon business your own. You brought demons here. Now, you will leave with them.”

I flattened my lips into a line but nodded. I’d been saying the same thing since day one… but I couldn’t just leave.

Gotta stick your finger in every pie.

It’s the only way to know if they’ve cooled enough to eat.

“As an outsider, I’ll leave you with a final observation,” I said.

Ryker let out a contemptuous snort. “Don’t you think you’ve given us enough of those?”

I shrugged and focused on Oliviarose and Rehan’s grandfather. “The air dragons have magic in the form of quartz, which absorbs magic from every element and raw spells. Something which could only be created by a mage with access to every element.”

Like Doctor Raba.I thought but didn’t say.

“Furthermore, I’ve seen no evidence of the air dragons using magic outside of their element. However, when Og filled Lux’s tower with spells to keep anyone out, the air dragons were surprised Ryker’s special forces didn’t come and fix it for them.” I popped my lips. “Implying the fire dragons have magical abilities, even though Tyson says they don’t use magic and only rely on technology.”

Rehan’s grandfather furrowed his bushy eyebrows while Olivarose looked uncomfortably at Ryker, who turned an alarming shade of red.

“How dare you imply anything about our island,” he stepped toward me.

I put my hands up and stepped back, bumping into Tyson and Rehan. “I’ve not implied anything, just shared my observations. I’ll find your traitor and be out of your hair.”

“Taking my brainwashed son with you,” Ryker growled. “I should roast you like a pig on a spit. In fact, if you ever return to my island, that’sexactlywhat I’ll do.”

Tyson stepped forward, putting me between himself and his dad. “You won’t. You will never hurt her.”

Ryker pulled his shoulders back. “You’ll join me, son. The moment you figure out how to escape her clutches. I know you’ll come back to my side.” The King reached out but let his hand drop before touching his son. “I saw your actions with my own eyes.” Scales grew across Ryker’s face. “You shared her with another dragon, even when his mate mark shocked you into unconsciousness. Those are not the actions of a rational male. You’re being controlled.”

Tyson took a step forward. “Am I? Or am I just not doing what you want for the first time in my life?”

Instead of getting angrier, Ryker’s scales receded. “You were an obstinate child before we rid you of your weaknesses. You will come to your senses. This woman will destroy your heart, and when you come crawling back to me, I will be here.” His gaze softened. “I love you. Your family loves you. You’re a prince of fire. This entire island cherishes you. Do not desert it.”

I held my breath, half expecting Tyson to cross the room and take his place next to his dad. Instead, Tyson wrapped an arm around my waist.

“There was no weakness to rid me of,” Tyson said evenly. “Helping MY mate is not deserting anything.”

Ryker laughed as if he knew something Tyson didn’t but didn’t speak again.

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