Page 21 of Jay's Silence

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“Tyson!” I yelled.

The fire prince turned to the sound of my voice. I jerked my head, and he leaped for the hole. With bloody hands, he grabbed the sides, intent on pushing through, but someone grabbed his foot. I looked at the air guard gripping my mate and shook my head.

With a wall standing between me and the quartz star, my mates’ magic bloomed at my fingertip. I sent a beam of swirling elements into the guard’s face and grabbed Tyson’s arms, pulling with all my weight. The guard released Tyson’s foot, and the two of us fell backward onto the still-unconscious Lux.

“This wasn’t quite the orgy I imagined.” I batted my eyes at Tyson.

He let out an amused growl before rolling off me, still holding his bleeding side.

I pushed off the ground and immediately found Og standing at the far side of the sparsely furnished room. The air glowed with his dark elemental greens. Unlike the beautiful opening he’d created to get us into the castle or the rubble pile we’d struggled to get over. Stone rolled away from his magic like liquid. Like Noah parting the sea a narrow exit exposed the night sky beyond.

A crack split the air, making me cover my ears. Above us, the ceiling tilted, and the edge of Og’s new exit fell an inch.

That’s gonna be an expensive repair.

Blame it on the demons?

Og looked back once before hanging out of the hole and shifting into his massive forest-green dragon. Two of his claws clung to the floor of the doorway to keep him in place. He spread his wings, perching like an eagle on the tiniest twig. I didn’t get a chance to laugh. Tyson scooped up Lux and flung him toward Og, who caught the air prince in his free foot as he simultaneously launched himself into the air.

Black shapes blotted out the stars and blurred the sky. More demons. Hundreds of them.

My heart raced. What did demons have to do with any of this?

Unlike me, Tyson hadn’t paused to take in the view. With one mighty swing, he grabbed me by my waist and hurtled me out of our exit before sprinting after me. I screamed. The castle whizzed past, leaving me floating hundreds of feet above the landscaping covering the grounds.

After a panicked heartbeat, I remembered Lux’s air magic. I managed to find my brains amongst the terror of falling, again, and slowed myself. Tyson’s massive dragon rocketed out of the castle, and he caught me mid-air. I ignored the brief impact painand directed my attention to the air currents, bending them to my will.

Ogden and Tyson flew, not back towards the safety of Lux’s tower but into the battle raging in the night sky.



Ilocked my wings in place, gliding on the gale of wind propelling me forward. Only the force of a hurricane could ground a dragon and every instinct I had told me I was in such a storm. But I wasn’t. This was all Jay, using Lux’s power.

My spirit soared. Our mate was incredible.

A familiar large round object, too similar to the one we pulled out of our shield, slammed into my side and bounced off. The wind dropped from under my wings, and the sounds of clashing scales and roaring dragons replaced the whistle of air. Another large round object fell unnaturally fast through the air. Just below me, fluorescent-green fissures cracked through its hard shell, and one of the creatures, which Jay called demons, burst forth. It joined countless others swarming the castle. Each skeletal monster was covered in flaps of dark charred skin, rotting flesh, and pure magic.

A tall tower appeared to have melted down the middle, like pouring boiling water on ice. It took me too long to recognize Lux’s home. Shifted dragons and partially shifted humanoids fought a sea of demons. Air, fire, wind, and water surged, lighting up the night.

“Drop me on the roof,” Jay yelled.

Tyson’s dragon eyes grew wide, and he shook his head.

Three demons jumped from the edges of Lux’s tower into the hollow middle just as Rehan’s powerful dragon head emerged. He lunged, snapping one of them in half.

A stream of gooey green launched out of the second creature, and Rehan threw his body to the side, narrowly avoiding the liquid projectile. Like a cat circling its favorite spot, Rehan spun, turning his spiked tail and claws into a vicious ball of death.

We couldn’t let Jay go down there.

I locked my gaze on Tyson, sensing the same determination in his eyes. The fire prince flicked his gaze to my claws before tossing Jay into the air. She screamed, and I lunged forward, catching her with my free foot.

While Tyson dove into battle, I moved us higher, wishing I could use my rune magic in dragon form. Jay thrashed and beat against my grip, trying to free herself. Heat flared from one of my scales. I looked down in disbelief as she used Tyson’s fire magic to try and get free. The pinprick of pain up my leg wouldn’t be enough. I held on tighter, bringing both feet to my chest so she’d be next to the still-unconscious Lux. My plan to distract her worked, and she stilled.

Tyson breathed a stream of flame, incinerating two demons clinging to the back of a floundering air dragon. The fire prince didn’t stop to see if the air dragon was okay; he b-lined it for Rehan. I grinned, exposing every one of my sharp dragon teeth.

“Fuck, Lux.” Jay beat on my scales again. “Og, I can fight. I’m a fucking powerhouse, put me in!”

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