Page 95 of Silent Jay

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“I do not like being ignored.” Tyson tossed another rock across the border.

This one landed at Jay’s feet. Ogden took a deep breath and stepped out of Jay’s grip. He adjusted his pants and winced.

“Then contribute something useful.” Ogden pointed at Tyson. “Jay has a theory. Though she wants both of you to confirm it, we only need Rehan.”

Tyson snarled. “Listen, you little shite?—”

“No.” Ogden splayed his fingers, and the ground under Tyson churned, knocking the fire prince to the forest floor and splattering his clothing in mud again. Following Ogden’s lead, the ancient twins added their earth magic to his. Vines sprang out of the earth, wrapping Tyson in a cocoon of green foliage.

“You listen.” Ogden snapped. “I spent sixteen hours by her unconscious side, healing her after your fire ceremony. And the lasttwo daysthrowing every bit of magic I have control over at the curse trapping her.” He shook. “But raw power. All of our combined knowledge, still didn’t help her.” A slight blush colored his cheeks. “She needs something else. And you will either find your place with us or find yourself in a very awkward position, fast.”

Fire engulfed the cocooned dragon, burning away the vines and even Tyson’s clothing. The dark red, half-transformeddragon hissed and spluttered as he readied himself for a fight, though he hadn’t yet crossed the invisible border.

What did I want to do?

Ogden said, ‘Find your place with us.’ My dad had three wives. It wasn’t unusual for male dragons to participate in polygamy. Why not the opposite? My heart twisted. Could I share her? Did I want to share her?

Jay pulled a small pad of paper out of Ogden’s back pocket and wrote before turning it around. ‘I think I know how to get my magic back. I need both of you to come with me.’

I nodded. “Of course, anything for you, Love.”

Tyson spluttered. “Into earth territory?”

“Into my cave.” Ogden grinned and brushed his lips across the side of Jay’s cheek.

Pain pinched his face, but Tyson’s body, hurtling over the border and toward Ogden, pulled my focus. Jay stepped into his path. The hot head pulled up inches from her.

“You’ve crossed into our land uninvited,” Ofri said, widening his stance. “This is an act of war.”

Tyson ground his teeth together.

“Unless, of course, this is a dispute between mates, which has nothing to do with territories,” Obadiah added.

I raised an eyebrow and gave Ogden a second look. Confidence filled his shoulders. He just maneuvered Tyson precisely where he wanted. Either Tyson followed peacefully, or the first battle of an elemental war started here with the fire dragon throwing the first punch, facing five, including me.

Ogden noticed my attention and hid his smirk behind Jay’s long black hair. I tipped my head to him, and his smirk turned into a dopey smile I’d seen on his face a few times.

Tyson sent a whirlwind of fire into the ground. “It is a dispute between mates.” He stamped out his fire with his scaled foot before reaching down and picking up his half-melted phone.

I snorted and shook my head.

“Feck, Rehan, a little help?” Tyson gestured toward my pocket with my phone sticking out of it.

I pursed my lips, ready to tell him to fuck off, before seeing Jay’s pleading face and the twins still in their fighting stances. Giving him anything felt like a step I could never come back from, but maybe it was a step I needed to take. Begrudgingly, I let the fire prince use my phone to prevent a war.



Isat on the loveseat in Og’s tattooing space. My dragon folded down his tattoo table as another spot, though no one moved to sit on it, before perching on his only dining room chair.

‘My’--aww, you settled into that fast.

I meant ‘the.’


Dressed in a fresh set of slacks and crisp white shirt, Tyson paced while Rehan tried and failed to lean against Og’s flimsy partition.

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