Page 86 of Silent Jay

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“Not yet.” Opal popped her gum. “We can’t have water dragons just going wherever they want. We’re sending out a few scouts to see if there’s evidence other than Rehan’s mate mark.” She sighed again. “It’s a good opportunity for magic students to try out their tracking skills, but if it doesn’t work out, they’ll probably give you a call. Worse case, Rehan might get access to look himself.”

“Right.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Well, thank you for keeping me updated. I’m happy to help when needed.”

“Did you get the email about the EM?” She asked before I hung up.

I glanced at my phone and noticed quite a few missed notifications. “I did not, yet, but it was expected.”

“Look at it,” Opal said brightly. “It’s why the council made me your handler! I’ll force you tomorrow if you don’t respond.”

I wrinkled my nose and opened my emails. “Just stay on the line.” The shower turned off, and my heart fluttered. I needed to end this call. “Elemental Meeting in a week,” I said, skimming the email. “Nothing happens fast on this island, does it?”

“A week is fast.” Opal popped her lips.

I sighed. “Not fast enough. The Ley Lines are not right, not to mention a sudden volcanic eruption.”

“I know you and the water dragons think that, Oggy,” Opal said as if I were a small child. “But the fire dragons want to check in with their outside contacts, and air needs time to prepare to host. Even our council disagrees on the source of the problem.”

I ground my teeth together and bit my tongue. “Fine, thanks, Opal.” I hung up the phone before she said any more and sat heavily at the table in my kitchen. The single porcelain flower laughed at me.

My bathroom door opened, and Jay emerged with one of my green towels wrapped around her figure. Her honey skin glowed, and her long black hair plastered to her head. I fought my urge to wrap her in my arms.

“Squeak,” she said, pointing at my clothing.

I slapped my palm to my forehead. She needed something to wear. With my fast runes still activated, I collided hard with my dresser, almost knocking down one of my priceless collectibles, before returning with a set of black pajamas covered in cherry blossoms.

A quick change later, and we were seated at my table. My little chair groaned as she shifted her weight a few times.

“Is the clothing uncomfortable?” I asked. “Or maybe it’s the chair?”

She held out her hand and mimicked writing, and I grabbed another pad of paper from across the room.

‘No, they’re fine. This is a beautiful table. The flower is a nice touch, but I’m not even wearing undergarments. It just feels a bit much.’

No undergarments. Blood rushed to my dick. I closed my eyes, controlling my need and my dragon.

“You look better than everything on the table combined.” My stomach sank. That was probably one of the dumbest things I’d ever said. Where had my clever tongue gone?

She rolled her eyes, but a bit of color reddened her cheeks. She helped herself to the food which gave me a moment to collect my thoughts.

I cleared my throat. “Right, so. Ah. Although I appreciated what you did in the cave, ah, um, the well, you know.”

She stopped chewing, her eyes sparkling as she watched me flounder.

I considered using my earth magic to let the ground swallow me. Although it would help now, I wasn’t sure it was a good long-term solution. I just spit it out. “I by no means wanted to force you to do that.” I swallowed. “I would have let you go once I trusted you and brought you more food?—"

Jay shook, and I cut off as one of her squeaks punctuated the motion.

My heart broke. Was she in pain?

She clasped her hand against her chest and started squeaking harder, a tear running out of her eye.

Was she laughing at me?

I sat back, unsure if I should be offended or worried.

Once she controlled herself, she reached for the pad of paper. ‘Ogden, you didn’t force me. I instigated all of that of my free will.’

“I am your captor. You wear Rehan and Tyson’s marks.” I leaned forward. “I must have pressured you, done something to your mind, especially after seeing my ah...” I didn’t know my face could get hotter, but it did.

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