Page 16 of Silent Jay

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My mate didn’t trust me. I needed to fix it.

My mate.

My mate with another dragon’s mark.

I picked up the nearest object and sent it crashing into the pile of rubble. Rehan marked her! When I’d tried to kiss her, a jolt of painful power burned my lips, searing down my body before shocking my cock.

“Damn it!” I yelled, kicking the pile.

The sound of quiet knocking distracted me, and I growled.

I had my mate. No one was to disturb me for three days. It hadn’t even been three hours.

My mate, pointing at a towel, flashed in my mind. I grabbed a pair of red silk pajama pants from my bedside and stepped into them before yanking my door open. Tia’s pink eyes met mine briefly before she bowed low. Her strawberry blonde locks fell across her expansive cleavage. Pink and gold scales rippled across her back, disappearing under her cream halter top.

I ran my hand over my face. We’d been an item for the last year, and the moment I smelled my mate, I forgot Tia existed.

The anger drained from my posture. “Tia…” I trailed off, unsure what to say.

Tia stood from her bow and looked up at me with tear-stained cheeks. “You weren’t even supposed to compete.”

Almost two feet shorter than me, her frame was incredibly petite for a dragon. I’d never seen her anything other than confident, but tonight, she wrapped her hands around herself, popping her large breasts closer together.

“Have you marked her yet?” Tia asked, her voice small.

I pulled my gaze back to her face. My forgotten anger made me clench my fists. Although I couldn’t make fire, smoke still trailed out my human nostrils. Rehan had broken the rules, but feck if I was going to admit my mate wore the water dragon’s mark and not mine.

“Why are you here?” I asked instead of answering.

“I’m your mate, Tyson.” The fire I usually associated with Tia blazed in her eyes. “I know you need to knock her up. I just didn’t think it would be so fast. Or that your hunt would be so intense.” She patted her heart. “We’re mates. I need to hear you say it.”

She’d pried the words out of my mouth once before, but now I knew what having a real mate felt like; I would never call her that again. I shifted my stance.

Silence solidified between us.

Tia blinked rapidly before a tear ran down her cheek. “You’re destroying everything.” She brushed away the moisture. “I couldhear your temper tantrum from down the hall. This isn’t what you want.”

I clenched my fist. I didn’t have temper tantrums.

“The woman pissed you off, and not in a good way.” Tia slid to my side and ran her hand up my abs. “Human women aren’t like us. You can still turn her aside. Another dragon will?—”

“No,” I snapped, grabbing her hand and pushing her off me. “I won’t turn her aside. She’smine.”

Tia stepped back as if I’d hit her. “You’re worked up, and not in a good way, Ty-ty.” She put her hands on her hips. Her massive breasts bounced with the action. “Once your hormones calm down and the magic from The Hunt wears off, you’ll return to me. I know it.”

“Leave.” I flicked my gaze to the camera in the corner. “Before I send an anonymous email to the security team to check the feeds. These three days are mine and mine alone. No duties, no expectations, no you.”

Tia’s eyes filled with tears. A pang of guilt twisted my stomach, but not enough to change my actions. Stepping back, I shut the door in her face.

A chill ran down my back, but when I called on my fire to warm me, nothing came.

I was dog-tired. Although shifting into my dragon form healed all the wounds I’d sustained during The Hunt, ghosts of pain still ached in my memory.

Feck Rehan. I punched my door. For the first time, I wished I had more than my elemental magic. Although fire was the most powerful force on the Island, it couldn’t heal.

With a frustrated sigh, I padded back to my bathroom. My mate had slid so far into the water I couldn’t believe she’d not drown. When I lifted her, she didn’t even stir. I wrapped her in a towel and cradled her to my chest.

The injury on her arm still leaked blood. Bruising and minor cuts coated her skin, and I cursed my inability to heal a second time. We had a doctor who could help, but I wanted to take care of her. She was mine, and no one would tell me otherwise.

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