Page 6 of Fate of Draga

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Everyone had been upgrading ships and weapons at a speed just shy of dangerous. They only had time for one test round, but they all knew the risks. Mechanics stayed close just to be safe. Anything bigger than a fighter had a mechanic stationed on it who specialized in the tech.

Otherwise they might very well blow themselves up and leave Draga defenseless for the Neprijat to take without a smidge of resistance.

Sirus snarled and attacked when a Neprijat ship appeared. He fired instantly, taking it out. If he were lucky this would be a patrol of four. Such a strange number to favor.

Losing himself in the battle Sirus couldn’t think about what he’d lost – he didn’t have the time to. Survival was all he could focus on – that and working with the young warrior who was surprisingly gifted, matching Sirus move for move so they practically danced around the Neprijat.

The rage eased with each kill – with each ship he absolutely obliterated. They already had enough intact Neprijat ships to form a legion.

Destroying them completely helped settle the ache in his chest, but Sirus knew the grief would be there until the day he died. Only time could ease its sharpness – only the future he dreamed of could make it more bearable.

Charlotte would one day rule as Countess of Scyria. Peter had changed overnight once he’d been declared guardian. Sirus knew his brother would raise her well – teach her their ways and the warrior’s path. He hoped she would have his mother’s iron will and his sister-in-law’s kindness.

Sirus hoped that they could win this war without sacrificing too much so that they had something to come back to after it was all over.

Joslynn was strong and capable. She would manage her people—their people with grace and kindness. She would do whatever was best, whatever was necessary to keep them safe.

They were nearing the fleet of pirates turned privateers so Sirus turned back around, planning to do a loop before heading back to Scyria. Then he heard the series of sounds that indicated a royal message, overriding the Draga Royal Army’s fleet-cast protocol so all could hear.

“This is Adelina speaking,” a soft, whisper of words with a backbone of steel. “I am Queen of Draga.”

She paused and Sirus watched the stars fly by without really seeing them. This was what he’d been anticipating, but he felt his heart lurch into his throat as he waited to hear what she had to say.

“There are 1.3 million Neprijat warships headed for the Khara System. Each planet in Khara has a force of Neprijat guarding it, but three legions of over a million each on Khara Prime alone. I’m telling you this so you know what our odds are.”

Holy gods. Sirus’s grip tightened on his steering as he did the math.

“I’m not telling you this so that you may despair; I’m telling you this so you know that I believe our way of life is worth the risk,” Adelina said. Her words were quiet, but Sirus could feel that Draga dominance even over the cast. It made his spine straighten. “I will do anything and everything necessary to protect Draga, Hai, and then free those still in Khara. With all of you, I believe we have a chance. A small one, but it’s there. And I refuse to give up.”

Even Sirus could sense her hesitation and he closed his eyes, fearing the worst.

“But…but if you think we would be better off if I were to surrender to the Neprijat…I will do so.”

They didn’t deserve her. Adelina was a true leader – a true queen.

Sirus had never met anyone like her before in his life. She was…exactly what they needed.

Whatever she asked of him, he would do. He would fly right into the horde if she told him that’s what was needed to win – to give Joslynn the safety he’d promised her.

He wasn’t surprised when Asher’s voice cut in. “Dear sister, I believe you’re trying to steal all the glory.” The words were carefully bored, mimicking the way he always was on the livestream, but after spending time with him, Sirus knew better. The dark prince was desperately trying not to let the people know he feared their queen would sacrifice herself for them all.

“Lord Sirus, she can’t—she won’t, right?” Zane asked over their private cast, desperate fear lacing his words.

“Hush, and listen,” Sirus snapped.

He could hear the smile in her words as the queen responded after a long pause. “Are you saying you want to fight, brother?”

“I’m saying I refuse to let you give yourself up when I am more than willing to slaughter every last one of them,” Prince Asher snapped. “Allow me to advance to the border so that we may discuss in person the best way to win? I can think of at least three battles where we were outnumbered ten to one and still met with victory.”

Sirus completely understood the prince. He felt much the same. These females in their lives…the gods and goddesses had to be laughing as the males scrambled to keep up with them.

The queen continued speaking as Sirus tried to think which battles Asher referred to. “Delphine is on her way to you with the information that I couldn’t share over the livestream or fleet-cast. She will have the rendezvous point as soon as she is finished with her hunt.”

He didn’t know who Delphine was, but he did know they needed to get back to Scyria, pull back all the forces, and ready for departure. “Let’s head back,” he told Zane. “We’re going to move out soon.”

“She’s not going to give herself up, right?” the boy asked again, still worried.

And Sirus understood that fear. They finally had a queen worth dying for.

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