Page 52 of Fate of Draga

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Somehow Adelina already knew the plans Asher had for her as advisor, and Veri was relieved this was all going smoothly so far. After everything…Veri had needed this easy acceptance.

They wove their way through theJasmine.The starship that wasn’t much different than theRosaneraexcept in overall size. Crew stopped to bow to Adelina and then Asher. All of them seemed pleased to see the dark prince. So much different than the crew aboard the royal ships. This felt more…relaxed, despite it being the queen’s own flagship by default. Per rank she should take theRosanera, but Veri doubted she would. Adelina wasn’t like that.

A few moments of companionable silence later and Adelina led them into a solar that was much like the Queen’s Solar in the Draga Royal Palace. The most obvious differences were she allowed men to enter, and rather than the view of the lovely palace grounds endless space was before them. That glorious planet, Vudu Shaa, seemed to glow. Otherwise the solar was built much the same as the one in the Royal Palace.

Veri felt out of place in her armor, wishing she’d worn a gown instead. But she sat on the velvet couch next to Adelina as delicately as if she had she worn a dress. It wasn’t like she had a choice after all. The female practically dragged her down with her with surprising strength. Far stronger than Veri had given her credit for.

“So is it true,” Veri asked. “Did you really ask Nash to challenge you?”

Adelina smiled and sat back against the couch, her arm propped up and fingers trailing in her hair like they truly were there to relax for a minute instead of discussing the ever present war.

“I’m not quite sure how that got out, but yes I did. He declined.”

Veri smirked, wishing she’d been there to see whatever tussle that had no doubt occurred when Nash had confronted Varan. Then the smile slowly left her face as the armada came into view again, reminding her why they were there.

“Asher has put me in charge of what we do with the Neprijat,” Veri confessed.

They were supposed to be catching up and chatting, but Veri couldn’t ignore the issue. She wasn’t sure when she’d be able to bring it up if she didn’t do it right then.

Everyone stilled at the statement. Except Adelina, who simply reached for the steaming pot of tea. “Oh?” she asked, pouring four cups.

Veri passed out the cups, taking over the task. She was flustered to have the queen serving them. “Prisoners of war can be a messy matter,” Veri murmured. “I do not wish to see them suffer if we can help it.”

Adelina sat back against the couch, accepting the cup from Veri. Then she flicked a look at Varan. “By suffer I assume you mean if we win and decide to wipe them out, or keep them in camps, torture them, perhaps enslave them as our ancestors would have done?”

She nodded, wincing as the list felt endless. The worst part was Veri knew there was so much more that could be added.

“Well, I suppose this is a good time to bring up my sensitive matter.” Adelina tapped her simulcast and the door to the solar opened and closed with a shushing sound, multiple pairs of footsteps catching Veri’s sensitive ears.

She turned, hoping to see the Drakesthai male she’d heard so much about.

The warrior prince was a sight to see. Her mouth dropped open as she took in how large he was. Even though he was the same size as Prince Nash, Veri felt like he was bigger due to the wings. They were black and massive. Deadly talons rose over his shoulders, and the bottoms nearly touched the floor.

Instantly she stood and bowed to Prince Kaiden, and then Prince Nash before sitting as close to Asher as she could to give the queen space – and see them better.

Her fiancé was just as stunned, but his eyes were transfixed on the male between Nash and Kaiden, wearing the same spidersilk armor the infantry wore, helmet activated which was strange.

The grip on his arms was tight enough to break a lesser male’s bones.

“Who’s this?” Asher demanded.

Veri shot him a look, but he’d always been this way – argumentative and challenging. This was simply…new and she wished he’d relax for just a moment.

They were all still trying to find their place among the new court that had formed around Adelina. It was the first time since Giselle’s abdication the Queen of Draga and the Hand of the Queen were even physically in the same room.

Varan was no longer prince consort butkingconsort.

And she…Veri was going to abdicate her own rule as Marquess of Priea to her brother so she could serve as one of Adelina’s advisors, and Asher’s, in the Draga Royal Palace.

Then there were these two other males – effectively solidifying an alliance with two other kingdoms through marriage in a way no Queen had done before. It wasn’t unusual for kings to have multiple wives; Veri knew that from her history lessons.

But Adelina hadn’t asked permission. She had simply taken what she wanted.

Whatever this other male was doing here, Veri knew it would serve a purpose.

“The door is locked,” Prince Nash stated. “And the room has been sealed and protected against any spy tech.”

Veri shifted, trying not to wonder what in the bloody hells was going on.

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