Page 4 of Fate of Draga

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“The Neprijat can upload their consciousness into a host body,” Adelina began.

As she continued Joslynn felt silence close in around her until all she could hear was the ringing in her ears.

The Queen of Draga explained about the mark and the Neprijat’s hand in the Drakesthai’s sterilization. She told them to search everyone starting from the palace outward, highest ranking positions downward. Then the queen requested her mother send the royal guard Darius, Raena’s old personal guard, to a specific location.

Joslynn hadn’t thought the room could get any quieter, but it did. The ringing stopped suddenly and even the rustle of clothing felt loud as Adelina handed over revelation after revelation.

The Queen explained about Alpha and what had happened to him, how they’d burned him on Hai Delta so his soul may be at rest among the gods and goddesses. She told her mother that part of the alliance was a marriage to a Drakesthai prince and that they would be heading into battle soon to retake the Hai System…

Joslynn dropped her head in her hands as she tried to absorb everything.

This was too much – too much for her to deal with at the moment, but she needed to be strong for her friend, and her queen.

Darius’s presence was requested.

Due to the length of time it would take him to travel to Adelina, he was to go to Asher. Then the forces that had withdrawn to inside the Core’s shield would advance on Khara.

Adelina explained she’d sent a request to Brogna and managed to recruit the notoriously peaceful Unchanged as well. That all she needed was for her mother to hold the capitol and keep supplies and weapons going to the armies.

Per the time stamp on the vid, the recording had taken place on Hai Delta. Adelina had already left for battle. It was most likely already over and done with. All they had to do was wait to see what message they received next. Where was their queen now?

Adelina…fighting the Neprijat.

If she could find the courage to face them, then Joslynn could find the strength needed to get through this war – even burdened with sickness as she was.

Standing, she turned to the queen mother with her spine straight and shoulders back. “Tell me if there is any way I can be of service,” Joslynn said, voice strong and clear. “Anything Pedranus or I can offer, do not hesitate to ask.”

Elara rushed to her side with the cup of water, face pale. “The only thing I need you to do right now is lay down.”

Joslynn looked at her in confusion, but moved to obey since she suddenly felt light-headed and nauseous again.

That’s when she saw the chair was covered in blood – her blood.

Chapter Two


Scyrian Seat

Planet Scyria

The Draga System

He sat back in his chair, completely numb as the vidcast terminated. The pregnancy had been difficult from the very beginning and only a few hours ago he’d received the message that Joslynn had lost the babe. The queen mother had contacted him personally with tears in her eyes and he’d known before she’d even said a word.

Sirus ran his hand through his hair and tried to figure out what he was going to do with all the rage simmering in his chest.

He wanted to tear the galaxy apart and roar his fury at the sky.

And now the love of his life was forced to go through this alone. He couldn’t even comfort her in this time of grief.

Queen Adelina had ordered them to pull back to the Core. But he’d stayed on Scyria with the forces on the front lines nearby. Close enough to reach Asher outside the Core’s shield in a few hours if needed. Giselle – was she even still a princess? – commanded that small army of criminals. They remained outside the Core’s shield as the first line of defense.

Neprijat showed themselves every once in a while, but their numbers were dwindling while they were trapped inside the Draga System thanks to the shields.

He looked around his destroyed room deep under the surface of the planet. It was better than the family seat on the surface, but those hounds had managed to reach even the bowels of his seat.

Growing up in this place as the third-born to the Countess of Scyria hadn’t been as awful as some made it out to be. Sirus had enjoyed training and studying with his brothers, completely content with his life. But now his oldest brother and his sister-in-law were dead.

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