Page 34 of Fate of Draga

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“Would you like us to infiltrate the factory?”

“Can you do another scan?” Varan asked, considering the moon before them.

“The Neprijat I see with my own eyes still aren’t showing up on the portable scanner. I don’t know what they possess to hide so efficiently from our tech, but I can only confirm numbers in person.”

There was some muttering as the small squad on the surface considered the different entrances.

Sending them in without backup could be suicide. Nash crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Varan.

“Have something to say?” the other male snapped.

“Even if there are hounds we can take them,” Nash said as calmly as he could despite Varan’s tone. “But they cannot. Not alone.”

Kaiden nodded his agreement, wings flaring a bit. After weeks among them Nash could read those wing movements like he could facial expressions. The Drakesthai prince was indignant. He would not let those warriors go in alone to their death when something else could be done.

Varan ran his fingers through that blond hair of his and considered.

The movement flashed through his memory. He’d watched as Adelina had done the same when she’d climbed on top of Varan. It hadn’t angered him, but caused an ache in his chest. She’d done the very same to Nash only moments before.

Having Adelina tell him she could love them all had been difficult to believe, but he’d taken her word for it – knowing he’d rather have a piece of her than nothing at all. But seeing it? It was something Nash was getting used to and even…enjoying.

She was so happy. How could he begrudge her that?

“We cannot divide and conquer if there is a chance that the hounds are on that moon,” Varan muttered. “Our numbers would not be enough to survive waves of them. But we can go in all together. If we enter in through the factory where the completed warships are, we could potentially commandeer one, or at the very least use its weapons.”

“And you believe there are weapons on this rock?” Nash asked, studying the factory again as he contemplated. It was a sound plan, but he still didn’t like all the unknown variables. It was asking for trouble.

But there was no other way. Not if they wanted those ships, supplies, and any possible weapons.

“They may or may not be made here, but if they gave out false reports…at the very least some weapons were brought to this location so those ships are ready to go the moment they’re completed,” Varan said, clasping his hands behind his back, shoulders straight; strong. “But the falsified reports make me wonder what they were hiding here.”

Nash studied the king consort in his periphery. The male had taken to his new position far better than Nash would have guessed. His experience as prince of thieves no doubt had helped. And Varan’s time as a criminal gave Adelina an edge – an advisor who knew how to get things done. One way or another.

“Kaiden, what do you think?” Varan finally asked.

Nash turned to the winged male and admired the way Varan handled the situation. He was the dominant of two other strong males – dominants in their own right. Yet, he was willing to concede to them when and where he could. Varan was including them and ensuring they knew he valued their opinion.

Some of the weight and concern Nash had held close about the relationship with the other males eased at that realization.

“We all go in and leave one person behind on this ship to inform Adelina of what happened in case things go very wrong,” Kaiden said softly, but he wasn’t weak. He was grim but determined. “Then we take the factory and anything else we can find and get back to our queen as quickly as possible. I don’t like having all three of us away from her.”

“And you?” Varan asked Nash.

He huffed a sigh and tied back his long hair. “Kaiden’s plan is solid. But things will be different once we get down to the surface. If it is a trap, we will lose more of our warriors, but we can still take this factory. As long as we have one person running the mission. There can be no question who is leading. It could cost all our lives.”

Varan’s green eyes sparked and Nash nodded. The king consort wasn’t a warrior by trade, but his ability to strategize was nothing short of amazing. “I will obey every command you give down there.”

The king consort grinned. “I appreciate your faith in me, but you should lead this mission, Nash. It is your area of expertise.”

Kaiden’s wings rustled again – agitated. “I may not have known this factory was here, but I should lead this mission. This is my system and I can speak the Neprijat tongue.”

The words made Nash tense and he waited for Varan to argue, but the thief simply grinned and shrugged a shoulder. “Figure it out between the two of you, but do it now.”

Normally the Drakesthai prince was content to follow them, but he wanted to lead here. Nash considered the winged male. Kaiden was more than capable and he was right about speaking that language of theirs.

“Kaiden can lead, but on one condition,” Nash said, crossing his arms over his chest.

The Drakesthai male stiffened but waited patiently, as did Varan – another excellent trait in a leader.

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