Page 23 of Fate of Draga

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Chapter Seven


The Jasmine

Khara/Hai Border

The Hai System

The living space that connected her quarters with those closest to her was chilly, but for the first time Adelina felt like it was a relief after the hours training with Nadyah. After they’d warmed up, they’d set up the holo to train them in the Drakesthai fighting style that Kaiden had uploaded for her.

It was similar to the one the Draga Royal Army used, but created with wings in mind. They’d selected both male and female fighting forms to learn what they could about both, but Adelina felt anxious as she fought against a holographic Drakesthai.

They weren’t her enemy. But there was no fighting program for the Neprijat. Though apparently P’draic was working on one in his down time based on the scans he’d done of the battles.

There were no fighting programs on their enemy ships – no useful information. The Neprijat fighters weren’t built for long distance and they hadn’t been able to capture a warship. So the maps on the small ones were limited. But the outposts…the techs had been working on some of the deeper encryption.

Adelina wanted to know everything she could about her enemy, even if she no longer needed to worry about their home system. Asher had taken care of that bit at least.

Thank the Three-faced Goddess he’d survived. And after checking the reports Adelina had seen that Sirus and Veri had as well. Her cousins and Giselle were also alive. William, her little brother – whom she’d carried in her arms as a babe all those cycles ago…he was alive and well as Asher had said if a bit bruised up.

It was a gift from the Goddess.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and wished Nadyah had been able to stay a bit, but as one of the queen’s advisors she had to clean up, dress, and deal with the Unchanged. Adelina vowed to speak with them soon.

When Asher arrived with Brogna she would be the first to speak face to face with their Brogna citizens since…was it her father or her grandfather’s reign? Either way it had been too long since a royal deigned to care about the small system they’d acquired centuries ago.

They still had a few days before Kaita would need them, but everything had to be prepared. It had to be ready instantly when that beacon went off. No delays.

Soon, her armada would be poised to infiltrate Khara.

And the weapons she’d promised Asher…she should check on those as well.

The main door opened and Nash strode in looking exhausted. He paused when he saw her still in her training clothes and heat flared in his eyes. “You look ravishing,” he murmured, sitting on the couch next to her.

Adelina smiled slightly as he sat as close as possible without touching her. “Thank you. How did everything go?”

Nash propped his elbow up on the top of the couch and then placed his chin in his hand as he raked his eyes over her body. “The mechas are all prepped and ready to go. The ones that needed it are repaired and I have an army of techs building more. Varan is still working with some of the warriors to build up morale and teach them a few tricks. Kaiden is dealing with the Drakesthai ships and the supply lines from the planets in his system.”

Everything was going according to plan it seemed. “What do you think of the Unchanged?” she asked, scooting a little closer so that their knees brushed against each other.

Nash hissed in a breath at the contact, but still kept his hands to himself. “They are strange, but amusing. Much more intelligent than they let on. I heard you’ve ordered the research on the weapons. Do you think that a solution will be found in time?”

Adelina shrugged. “I have to hope so, but I plan to capture a Neprijat warship. Would you like to help me?”

Nash’s eyes glittered and he traced a single finger down her bare arm. Adelina shivered at the gentle touch and all the promise it held. “For their weapons?”

She nodded and placed a hand on his muscled thigh and let it trail up. And up. “Perhaps we can improve upon their design, find a weakness in their shields. But my main concern is finding a solution for the horde. We will need more weapons after we take Khara. And a way to keep them contained.”

Her mind had been chewing on the problem for a while now and slowly a plan had begun to form, but she wasn’t ready yet to reveal her idea. There were a few other things she needed to test first and Adelina hadn’t decided who to trust yet with Roxy off to war.

Sliding her hand higher Nash hissed as she grazed his already hard cock. Then higher still so she could place her hand on the lower muscles of his abdomen.

Nash flexed those glorious muscles as he pressed his nose to her hair and breathed her in. “We’ll find a way.”

Adelina felt something settle inside at his words. She trusted Nash to find a solution even if she could not. There were so many around her who were strong, smart, brave, and dedicated. She was not alone and they would find a way to win this war together.

Climbing into his lap slowly, Adelina straddled him, and then wrapped her arms around his neck. “If I can get you to agree to being my husband – then I believe I am capable of anything,” she teased, playing with his long hair.

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