Page 13 of Fate of Draga

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Every ship of theirs that went down took out multiple Neprijat ships, but with each report and farewell Asher’s chest tightened until it felt like he couldn’t breathe. He had todosomething before that farewell and detonation was Veri.

“Prince Asher, Brogna Army reporting in. Looks like you could use a bit of help.”

The words were so foreign as they spoke with such a heavy accent, but… “Brogna?” he clarified, taking two more fighters down and flipping around to shake the third off his tail. Another warrior took that one out.

It gave him enough time to check his dash and the positions of the Neprijat and the fleet. And right there – there certainly was a new fleet, small but heavily armed as they headed for the battle amongst the stars.

Asher didn’t know what to make of it. How did they get there so quickly? When did Adelina contact them and why had they never responded to war summons until now?

But he didn’t want to question fate or destiny as those ships started firing upon the Neprijat.

“Yes sir,” the foreign voice confirmed. “We received the request for aid from the new Queen of Draga and mustered a force. What are our orders?”

Asher could barely comprehend what he was seeing—absorbing. All he could do was react, shooting down Neprijat that attacked, flying to take down more that were hellsbent on murdering as many of his fighters as possible.

What were the orders they needed?

“New plan of attack,” he said, making sure the fleet-cast now included the Brogna forces with a few quick taps on his gauntlet. “Shield Brogna and let them creep around the back. We will blast from the front and move around the sides to trap them. Target the largest warships with the worldbreakers and everyone steer clear of the damage.”

More acknowledgements as Asher flew. Fighters fell in tight as they started to herd the Neprijat tighter and tighter. The ones who tried to get through – they were taken down instantly. The largest royal warships followed his command. They locked on the enemy and fired, slowly moving forward, pushing and pushing as Brogna went around the back.

Asher’s eyes flicked from the battlefield to the readings on his dash and back again.

Certain defeat was slowly becoming victory – even if the cost would be high, at least they would have warships leftover. Even if Asher wasn’t sure if they would have the weapons Adelina needed.

It didn’t matter. They had to win this battle or they would never reach the Kharan border and Draga would be ripe for the taking.

Neprijat ships shattered and fell among the glittering stars. The only way one could see them was that the black was just a little brighter, a little sharper than that of space. And when whatever light existed hit those ships they shone like the sun on a thousand diamonds, but if Asher hadn’t known what he was looking at, they would appear as stars. A few against the billions smattered across the sky.

Asher maneuvered around the larger warships. He dodged shots fired from the enemy as more fighters joined him, latching onto his small legion as they tore through as many defenses as they could. Even as some of his legion’s fighters were blasted out of formation.

Listening to their death screams would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life. Asher silently sent prayers to the Gentle God to watch over his people as they were sent to him in droves by the Neprijat. Asher asked Katsia to honor the warriors and make room for them in her Hall of Heroes.

Then he was blasted to the side.

Asher couldn’t say he was surprised. Damage control would barely keep him aloft long enough to reach theRoyal Rosanera. He would have to make it back alone if they had any chance of winning this. They could not afford any fighters to escort him back. Not when so many lives depended on each and every warrior.

Asher flew as he ordered his legion to meet up with Veri’s. His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering. Muscles strained as he fought with all his strength to keep his fighter from spiraling out of control.

“Keep pounding the enemy,” Asher gritted out, fighting the controls to maneuver himself onto the right path through the chaos – worldbreakers lighting up the sky. “Donotlet up.”

Navigating the space between the battlefield and theRosanerawas hazardous at best. Thankfully his weapons were still functional. Asher gritted his teeth as he blasted his path clear. Alarms blared and fuel leaked.

He could not divert from this path or he would never make it back to the warship.

The smoke from his ship was a beacon and Neprijat made a beeline for him. Asher took them out but there were so many. He couldn’t get them all, not alone. Closing his eyes, he knew this would be it – the end.

A blast made his fighter shudder but heat and pain didn’t consume him. Asher’s eyes flew open and he saw the path cleared yet again.

“Mia principe, you thought I would abandon you?” Veri asked, flying up alongside him. “Let me get you to the warship, then rejoin me. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun.”

Asher would kiss her if they survived this for keeping things lighthearted. He knew she was just as worried as he was, but all they could do was keep fighting, focus, and pray Brogna had any skill at all in fighting as they circled around the back, camouflaged with their tech.

“It’s not abandonment if I ask you to leave me,” he teased right back, tapping the dash to let the crew on theRosaneraknow he was coming in hot. The landing would be rough, but he was more concerned about getting in another fighter. It had to be ready as soon as he got there.

Veri took out another Neprijat and blocked the attack. Asher didn’t think they knew a royal was in his fighter, but they scented his weakness—the trailing smoke a signal for a feast.

But then his legion whipped by, taking out the ones who turned to chase him. Asher didn’t berate them for going against orders as he passed through the shield protecting theRosanera. Veri and his legion peeled off once he was safe and headed back toward the main battle.

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