Page 39 of Heir of Draga

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“Have you settled in?” she asked Nadyah, crossing the elegant sitting room to sit next to her courtesan.

“Everything has been unpacked,” Nadyah told her.

Adelina looked around at the large sitting room they were all to share. As The Jasmine was her flagship Adelina had asked for some changes to be made to the way her quarters were done. The same changes she planned to have done to her rooms at the palace.

The massive sitting room had a small dining table with a nearby food processor, a large sofa, an oversized velvet chair, and a low table set before them. One wall was lined with shelves that currently had only a handful of items, including the unread books her father had left her in the royal library before he’d passed. One entire wall was a clear window with velvet drapes framing the endless stars, the sun in the distance, and a few planets Adelina recognized.

The constellations of the gods and goddesses were easy to pick out and Adelina said a silent prayer to the Three-Faced Goddess and Amora the goddess of love – to protect them on this trip and help her with the transition into the next phase of her life.

What made this set up unique was the way her quarters were off the main sitting room. As were Nadyah’s, Varan’s, and two other sets of rooms. Roxy had opted to stay in a set of rooms near the engines, but Adelina had wanted her inner circle close to her. Even Joslynn was set up in the fourth room. Adelina had known when she’d approved the designs that she may one day need them for children, for spouses…

It was as cozy and comfortable as she’d hoped, but it would take time to get used to the new arrangements.

“Nadyah, how is this meant to work now?” Adelina asked in Ilashyan, glancing at Varan’s closed door – right beside hers. “Now that I am wedded to Varan how do we complete the camerraleto?”

Nadyah smiled and set her book aside. “However you like. We only have a few more positions to learn and I believe you are otherwise ready. You’ve successfully adapted the methods of seduction and flirtation to your own style. I believe you could make anyone do anything you wished now, including these Drakesthai we are to meet.”

Adelina felt herself blush with pleasure and pride. For Nadyah to believe she was ready – there was no higher praise. But Adelina did feel regret that it would soon be over. That her courtesan would have to move back to the House of Kismet…

“I suppose it is prudent I stole you away for this trip,” she said with a sad smile, keeping to the language of females. Adelina planned to confide in Varan, but she didn’t want him overhearing such a sensitive subject. “I won’t have to return you to Mistress Jael right away.”

“There is no rush, my love,” Nadyah said gently. “I could claim the camerraleto incomplete for as long as you wish, but I also believe you’ve done everything I’ve asked of you and more with the skill and grace any courtesan would be envious of. To be truthful, I’m not prepared to leave you quite yet.”

It was exactly what she’d needed to hear. Adelina sat down on the couch and wrapped her arms around Nadyah’s waist, breathing her in. The innocuous scent of cactus blossom filled her nose and soothed her. “I don’t believe it makes sense to ask you to join Varan and I, or vice versa, but there are a few instances I’d be willing to try.” The blush deepened and her cheeks heated with embarrassment. Adelina was still shy, but she could ask for what she wanted. She was simply grateful Varan couldn’t understand her words. Their closeness was still so new. Nadyah – she could tell her anything.

“I do have to watch you at least once,” Nadyah confessed. “But I’m sure we could arrange for Varan to observe.” Her smile widened and she kissed Adelina softly on the lips.

It was quick and innocent, but Adelina had missed the taste of her courtesan. She reached out and slipped her hand around Nadyah’s neck, pulling her in close. Adelina slipped her tongue in Nadyah’s mouth, tasting and teasing. She bit her bottom lip, fingers tightening on Nadyah’s neck.

It had been too long since their last training session, their last tryst. Adelina felt her desire flare. She wanted to crawl onto Nadyah’s lap, or slip to the floor and part those creamy thighs to taste her underneath the flowing skirts. But this was not a private space. Anyone with rooms in her quarters had access.

So Adelina pulled away, enjoying the dazed look on Nadyah’s face. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered in Ilashyan. “A male could never change the way I want you, need you in my life.”

Nadyah blinked and looked away. “There is something I need to tell you.”

Those words struck a strange fear into her heart and Adelina pulled back, slipping on her court mask for safety’s sake. “You know you can tell me anything, Nadyah.”

She’d never seen those sapphire eyes so haunted or guilty. Adelina nearly changed her mind. Did she really want to know whatever could make Nadyah look like that?

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