Page 20 of Heir of Draga

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Veri stepped into it, feeling dazed. She had to hold onto Asher’s shoulders as she absorbed the information. “Elara is a courtesan.”

“Exactly.” Asher turned her and did up the back. The blue lace over the turquoise lining set off Veri’s blue hair quite nicely but she couldn’t bring herself to care. “Apparently she can shift her dominance up and down the spectrum exactly like a courtesan can, though the scent remains jasmine. It simply shifts to match the equivalent. The sweeter the scent the more submissive. It makes sense if you consider that she’s been surrounded by dominants her entire life. There’s been no reason for her to challenge anyone until recently.”

Veri nodded as every strange thing she’d ever observed about the gentle princess started to click.

“That’s not all.”

She had to laugh and sit on the bed. “How could there possibly be more?”

“A vid has been circulating on the livestream this morning. I’ve done everything I could to keep it from Giselle, but after what I learned I have a feeling she was in on the secret.” Asher drifted to her vanity and went through her gems and jewels until he found what he wanted.

Her dark prince selected the necklace of aquamarines he’d gifted her, a slight smile on his face. Veri accommodated him and turned. They both knew she could dress herself, but somehow assisting her was allowing Asher the time he needed to think and it kept his hands busy.

“Apparently Adelina admitted to the thieves’ court last night at Varan’s celebration that she’d been a princess all along. Five cycles, Veri. Five cycles she’s been sneaking out which means longer than even Alpha was aware. And a jewel thief? I’ve looked into her persona as Lina. She’s not just a jewel thief. She’s registered with the Jeweler’s Guild and takes commissions. She has a cula’ting apartment in the warehouse district!”

Asher turned and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “I didn’t say anything to her. But I was sure to tell her she had my support and love. Still, I feel like a terrible brother. So much about the sister I adore was unknown to me.”

Veri had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing. Males could be so blind when they wanted to be. Adelina had shown them all what they’d wanted to see for cycles and no one had questioned it. She’d become invisible, and that camouflage had allowed her the life she’d wanted.

She did feel sorry for Asher. The princess was the best dissembler she’d ever met. His ignorance wasn’t his fault.

It was impressive really that the princess had never been caught. It seemed Alpha had found out at some point, but that was a mighty fine track record. And somehow Adelina had convinced Alpha to keep it quiet for the most part. If he hadn’t tried to get her back he never would have breathed a word, of that Veri was sure.

“Why are you upset? If the people love her even more – which I honestly didn’t think was possible – why are you angry about it?”

Asher whirled around and glared at her. He may be dense where Adelina was concerned but he was far too attuned to Veri. “This is no laughing matter.”

“Of course not, my prince.” She still couldn’t help her smile. “But it makes her marriage to the prince of thieves all the more romantic though, does it not?”

Asher sighed and slumped onto the bed. Veri sat down delicately next to him, trying not to wrinkle her dress.

“Yes, it does,” he admitted. “But I’m ashamed. I’ve prided myself on knowing everything there is to know. I’ve trained to see what isn’t there, to hear what isn’t said, and then trained even harder as a warrior. The Assassin’s Guild has helped me become who I am, and yet I still missed the signs.”

“Everyone did,” Veri reassured him, taking one of his hands in hers. “She’s very, very skilled at hiding what she doesn’t want seen.”

“Did you know?” Asher asked, finally looking into her eyes. The dark Draga purple seemed so dull compared to the life she usually saw there.

“No, my love. But I did know there was something she was hiding, I just didn’t know what.”

“How could you tell?”

Veri gave him a playful grin and tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. “Because I do it every time I have to leave my home. It’s like slipping on a mask. But with you…it was the first time I wanted to take it off.” She wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his shoulder. “Why do her genetics frighten you?”

Another massive sigh from her prince. “What if the people find out that she was created in a tube?”

“Was she though? Or did they do the alterations after the natural implantation?”

Asher cocked his head at that and then a wide smile broke out and it altered his entire face. Her prince was so incredibly beautiful. He kissed the top of her head and tapped her nose. “It doesn’t matter, because if anyone finds out that is what we are telling them. That father agreed to Elara’s genetics being added because of the love she and my mother have together. You are truly a wonder, Veri.”

She bit his finger gently and then stood. “I’m glad I could be of assistance. But we don’t have much time before the wedding, and I’m supposed to go assist your sister soon.”

“Before you go, I have something for you.” Asher stood and pulled a little black box out of his pocket.

Veri went to the mirror and made sure her hair was still in place and that her makeup was perfect. “You spoil me, principe.”

One of his large, warm hands slid up her spine and the other held out the box. Veri took it and Asher pulled her against him, kissing her neck in a way that made heat pool between her legs and her brain leave her body.

“You’re distracting me,” she muttered opening the box.

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