Page 7 of Princess of Draga

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It was all she could do to nod in acceptance, wondering what a courtesan considered relaxed. There was a tiny clink of glass and the scent of peppermint reached Adelina’s nose. Nadyah’s soft, warm hands stroked her back and shoulders, working the tight muscles. Adelina sighed and closed her eyes in bliss. This was not what she had expected but she enjoyed itimmensely.

The tight muscles started to loosen under the expert touch. While Nadyah massaged her shoulders and back. Adelina sighed as she memorized everything she’d seen. Nadyah’s hands on her back made her almost sleepy. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt sorelaxed.

“Were you born to this House?” Adelinaasked.

Nadyah’s words seemed to caress her skin as she spoke. “I was born in this city, the Stella di Draga – the shining star of our planet,” she said. “Stella di Draga has been my home my entirelife.”

The courtesan was silent for a moment. “Do you have any expectations for our time together? Any specific skills you had in mind toacquire?”

Adelina shook her head. She had very little experience. “I have none, only the need to know what can help me gather the information I might need to serve the Crown, and maybe enough to help me with a futurespouse.”

Nadyah’s hands stilled at her words and Adelina’s eyes flew open as she wondered what she had said to set her off. She tensed as she waited for a response. She was a royal courtesan, which meant she had to know what was expected of Adelina,right?

“You mean to seduce someone for information?” Nadyahclarified.

Adelina glanced over her shoulder at the courtesan and studied her for a moment but the woman kept her eyes down and resumed her work. Adelina lay her head back on her arms and decided it wouldn’t hurt to answer. Every courtesan was required to sign a contract with a promise to keep royal secrets to themselves. “If I need to, yes. I hope to travel as an ambassador and report back what Ican.”

The smell of peppermint cleansed the air of the strong cactus blossom scent. “I can teach you everything you need to know andmore.”

Nadyah moved slightly, kneading Adelina’s shoulders as she leaned forward and Adelina felt her courtesan’s breasts press into her bareskin.

Those silky hands stroked downwards and this time they didn’t stop when they reached the small of her back. Her hands trailed over Adelina’s ass and down the inside of her thighs to innocently massage the back of her legs. Desire rippled through Adelina likewildfire.

There was an ache and her clit pulsed. She shuddered, partially in pleasure and partially in embarrassment. It had been months and she’d nearly forgotten how intense her reaction to desire couldbe.

Nadyah massaged her thighs, getting closer and closer to where Adelina needed her to be. She tried not to clench her thighs together as it would be a tell-talesign.

“You are beautiful, Princess. You are powerful and anyone would be lucky to have your attentions,” Nadyah said as she worked Adelina’s tensemuscles.

A feather-touch of Nadyah’s finger to her slick folds was so brief Adelina wondered if she had imagined it, but her skin burned in response and she nearly couldn’t resist her own wantondesire.

Nadyah moved on to her calves and the innocent touches were almost unbearable. She wanted Nadyah to take her. Adelina wanted to flip over and give herself to the woman’sexpertise.

“I may outrank anyone but my family,” Adelina managed to say, breathing slowly to try and control her reaction. “But I am not a powerful person. I am the most submissive thereis.”

Nadyah was silent for a moment. “Sometimes the submissives are the ones with the most power. They draw strong dominants to them, incite the age-old instinct to protect and defend. You do not have to be the strongest or the most dominant to wield those who are. Have you ever done something you haven’t wanted to do without goodreason?”

Her words jolted Adelina out of her sudden need, enough to clear her head. “No, I haven’t,” she admitted slowly. Could submissives really hold their own, more subtlepower?

“Not all strength looks the same.” Nadyah then started a footmassage.

Her quiet work allowed Adelina to seriously reconsider her life. It was so simple, how could she have overlooked something soobvious?

“We can start with subtle seduction,” Nadyah said. Her timing was so perfect it was eerie. She always knew exactly when to stay silent and when to speak. “Body language is the most important part of this seduction. The rest is simple enough. How to dress, how to make yourself up to incite the response you are looking for is all a part of the subtlety. There is always the dance of dominance and rank. As you will outrank everyone this will be simple enough, but the dance among other royals is a bit more dangerous. They will all identify your lack of dominance through yourscent.”

Nadyah slid off the bed, slinky and graceful. Her fingertips trailed up Adelina’s leg, over the curve of her ass, and up her back. “I’ve never smelled jasmine so sweet.” Her courtesan brushed her lips over Adelina’sforehead.

Adelina shivered. This woman had her acting like a lovesickmale.

With genuine care the courtesan brushed the princess’s hair back from her face. “I assume you understand from your training as princess how to properly interact with those who are more dominant than you are, and how to properly hold yourposition.”

She nodded. It was no easy thing to uphold her rank over someone she wanted to submit to. Adelina had worked hard to keep her shy nature from hindering herjob.

Nadyah held out a hand and Adelina took it, trusting the courtesan completely. She led Adelina to stand before her. “As females we may be naturally, physically weaker than males, but we have silent strengths and one of them is the ability to control males.” She gave the princess a quick look. “Even if you prefer females you will need to deal with the males at court and as anambassador.”

Adelina stood naked before the courtesan and refrained from crossing her arms over her breasts. Her nipples hardened under Nadyah’s scrutiny and she reminded herself to payattention.

“My lovely,” Nadyah murmured as her eyes trailed from Adelina’s head to her toes and back again. “You are exquisite.” She pulled Adelina’s shoulders back. “Not only does this make you appear more confident, it pushes your breasts out. Despite how irritating it is that males are so distracted by them, use it to your advantage. It sometimes pays for them to be addle-minded.”

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