Page 67 of Princess of Draga

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She didn’t have to be told twice. With Nadyah by her side she would not be breaking Raena’s rules. Adelina was going to that hospital no matter what her sister had to say aboutit.

They ran, even in heels they moved through the palace with speed and purpose. When they reached the massive hospital Nash was already in surgery and another physician tried to calm Adelina down, explaining the prince was in excellent hands. The male then tried to convince her to retire to her rooms until Adelina bared her teeth at him, explaining in no uncertain terms she would wait as long as she needed to for him to wakeup.

After the first hour a set of Corinthian soldiers came to stand guard over their prince. Nadyah watched Adelina nearly pace a trench in the floor from her comfortable chair. She didn’t even bother trying to get Adelina to relax, knowing it wasuseless.

Adelina’s feet began to hurt after the second hour, but she had too much restless energy to sit down. What were the chances Nash would survive? Would there be damage, and would the physician treat him correctly with the difference in the Corinthian makeup? None of the hospital personnel had ever had to treat a Corinthian for more than a simple headache before. Visitors were not common and Nash’s people tended to stay away from all of Draga’s rules and protocol unless they were in the Draga galaxy fortrade.



Adelina turned on the physician so fast the woman took a step back. “Yes, how is he?” Adelina cared more than she ever thought she could. This male had managed to worm his way into her heart and the prospect of that part of her being empty terrifiedAdelina.

“He is awake and healing. The surgery went well. I doubt there will even be scars.” She looked tired and her smile waspleased.

Adelina looked for the physician’s name and made a mental note to thank her properly at a later point in time. “Take me to him.” Nadyah stood and quickly followed as they were led down winding hallways. The Corinthian guards were close behind but they halted when Adelina glared atthem.

“Please give me a few moments alone with him?” she asked as politely as she could. These soldiers could not be allowed to see herweak.

They hesitated, but thennodded.

Adelina hesitated on the threshold. Would Nash even want to seeher?

Nadyah pushed her gently. “Go,” shewhispered.

The clack of Adelina’s heels on the tile warned him of her presence. Nadyah stood watch in the doorway, giving them as much privacy as she could without breaking Raena’srule.

Nash turned to Adelina and the smile on his face rid her of any further doubt. Adelina pulled up a chair and sat as close to his bed as she could. “How are you feeling?” she asked. Nerves fluttered in her belly and the draining adrenaline left her shaky andexhausted.

“Better. Your science and medicine is far more advanced than ours,” Nashadmitted.

Finally her hands stopped shaking and Adelina felt like crying she was so flooded with relief. The announcement was over, he was officially their ally in the eyes of their people and he was alive despite opposition. Raena had managed to stop a riot with her words alone and the balcony did notexplode.

Despite everything it had been a pretty goodday.

A tear slipped out and she felt ashamed. Nash frowned and tried to sit up. “What’s wrong?” hedemanded.

Adelina stood and pushed him back down as gently as she could, and tried not to stare at the parts of his bare chest that weren’t covered inbandages.

She failedmiserably.

“I thought you were going to die,” sheadmitted.

Gently Nash pulled her to his side on the bed and kissed her so softly Adelina felt as though she would melt. “Nash,” she murmured against his lips, trying to gather her thoughts. “I need to show you something.” She pulled back and slipped her bracelet from her wrist, using her nail to pop out the disc. Adelina handed him the smooth piece of metal with a shaky hand. He would leave the second he could and it would breakher.

She switched to his native Kharan tongue to keep the words private. “This is from Varan. He found three princes and princesses. One princess is here in the Draga galaxy, on the planetSeprilles.”

Nash took the disc and simply stared atit.

Adelina took a deep breath and pressed on. “There are two others in the Hai galaxy. I have the cypher to break the code when you are ready for it.” Adelina watched him study the disc with something like disbelief on hisface.

When he finally looked at her Nash didn’t seem to know what tosay.

“There’s more,” she said as she tried to figure out what hethought.

The disc looked so tiny in his palm, so innocent despite its life alteringnews.

“King Orion activated Draga’s defense shield. The outposts are powering up and the entire galaxy will be shrouded in a few weeks with only four exits. Once the shield is secured any travel outside the Draga galaxy will need to be approved by the reigningmonarch.”

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