Page 66 of Princess of Draga

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Guards moved with practiced speed and skill. The floating parapets lit up with blue lightening, lighting up the sky with a warning. The main energy crystal mounted atop the dome of the library beamed a blinding light upward, connecting with the ones located on the parapets. Adelina watched in horror and awe as the crackling blue wall descended around them, cutting off the palace from the rest of Stella di Draga for the first time incenturies.

The palace security didn’t take chances this time around. They were ruthless as they handled the citizens rioting in the inner ward of the Draga Palace. It all mesmerized and Adelina she couldn’tmove.

Then Nadyah reached Adelina’s side and handed her a knife. “Let’s go.” She pulled the princess along, so much stronger than she looked. “We don’t know what’s going to happen, but it’s not your place to fixit.”

Adelina resisted at first. Her instincts told her to help the others still on the balcony but Nadyah was right, there wasn’t much she coulddo.

Shouts from the people reached them, calling Prince Nash all manner of vile and hateful things. A familiar sound stopped Adelina in her tracks and she watched as a crackling ball of energy arced over the balcony railing, aimed straight for Prince Nash. Adelina screamed his name as the energy burst against hischest.

Then the shield hit the anchors in the palace walls, trapping the rioters as guards poured into the main courtyard. The citizens started to fight back. Adelina could see the terrifying events unfold as they wavered through the rippling shield, casting the rest of the world in a blue tint like opening one’s eyes underwater.

When Nash fell to the ground with a thud she could feel it in herbones.

Suddenly Alpha was by his side and he deflected the second blast with his personal shield. Adelina yanked her hand out of Nadyah’s grip andran.

Chapter Twenty



Draga RoyalPalace

Planet DragaTerra

The rules be damned.

Adelina ran across the balcony for Nash. She slid the last few meters on her knees to avoid any projectiles. Her hands fluttered over him, too frightened to actually touch him as she tried to find where he’d beeninjured.

“Nash, can you hear me?” she asked. Adelina pushed his hair back to see that his eyes were closed. The blast was bad. His entire shoulder and part of his chest were ruined and burned. A little more to the left and it would have hit hisheart.

The panic inside mounted as he remained unconscious. “Nash!” She finally yelled, furious. There was no way in all the hells she would let him leave her right now. “Wake up!” Adelina allowed herself to cup his cheek, the skin smooth and uninjured. Tears pricked her eyes and she felt sohelpless.

Alpha turned to the prince once the palace shield was fully secured and tapped his implant. “I need medics to take Prince Nash to the hospitalimmediately.”

Through all the chaos one voice pierced the din like an arrow to the bulls-eye.

“Enough!” Raena’s voice rang like a bell and it was thick with her dominance. All the power of the Draga genes was laced into those words and they cracked over the mic like lightning. The silence that instantly followed was like answering thunder. “You will cease this madnessnow,” Raenademanded.

Alpha and Adelina, everyone around them except for the king and Asher flinched at the power, at the weight of her dominance pressing down on them all so strongly their foreheads nearly hit thefloor.

“Prince Nash is not the reason for your fear. The Neprijat are. Do not confuse the two. We as a galaxy have been known for our strength!” Thousands of people stared in hushed awe at their crown princess, the heir apparent to all the power of the Draga galaxy. Even Adelina was shocked at the change in her sister. “We are known for our honor and we will fight with teeth and claws for those that areours!”

Guards arrested rioters with weapons as the others stood dumb-founded at Raena’s magnificence. The transformation made her radiant. Adelina knew it had taken much for her sister to reach this state of being, but she was thankful it occurred when they had needed it themost.

“Will you stand with me? Will you fight with us to keep our people free?” Raena demanded; the question a mere formality. Her form was displayed on the massive vid, livestreamed to the entire Dragagalaxy.

Cheers rose and the thick fear dissipated to something more delicious and fierce. Vids of their people on each planet in the Draga galaxy was displayed across the massive display on the balcony, showing the solidarity and loyalty of their people across such vastspace.

Satisfied Raena had the people under control Adelina turned back to Nash and held his hand, waiting for the medics to arrive. Bile rose in her throat as she inspected the damage. The small favor was the heat of the blast had cauterized the wound and there wouldn’t be much blood loss. Then people in white coats and pants rushed to her and practically pushed her out of the way as they sealed the wound with a healing device. Some checked his stats and another looked into his sightlesseyes.

Adelina watched with growing fear as they said nothing. “Is he going to be all right?” Adelina asked, fearful that even the royal Draga physicians could donothing.

“We need to move him to the hospital. The male will need surgery for the internal damage and only the head physician is familiar with the differences in the Corinthian makeup,” a femaleanswered.

The medics were purposeful and quick. A hov-gurney was activated and the prince was gently moved. Before she could blink the medics ran into the palace. Adelina stood and looked forAlpha.

Nadyah tugged on her hand. “I will go with you,” she said, pulling Adelina towards themedics.

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