Page 23 of Princess of Draga

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Her firm tone surprised Sirus enough he caught himself staring at her in disbelief. The lights from his ship shone in her blood-red hair and he was entranced by her emerald eyes…no, they were more of a peridot; so bright they practically glowed. “Excuse me?” He couldn’t help the rudequestion.

The young countess planted her hands on her hips. “I don’t know if you are aware Lord Sirus, but there are nearly three billion credits worth of jewels in those cases. I’m sure you know much about the threat of pirates. The journey is long from the outer rim to the capitol. If they don’t want my jewels they’ll want to ransom me off. I cannot allow either to happen and I’d like to know my hard work is safe in your hold and that my steward properly informs you of your duties as my officialescort.”

She was sassy. She wasdemanding.

Sirus looked to her steward for confirmation or help, he wasn’t sure which. The old man simply grinned at him with a gleam of laughter in his eyes and bowed. “I follow my lady’s orders.” His statement left Sirusspeechless.

He hadn’t realized Countess Joslynn was so dominant and forceful. Sirus glanced down and noticed for the first time callouses on her hands. She worked. He gritted his teeth to keep from stuttering some asinine statement. “Of course,” he said slowly, carefully. “Follow me then.” He led the countess and her Steward further into his cargo hold as his warriors swarmed the trunks. He had a large vault for exactly thispurpose.

The trunks went into the vault, except one which the countess ordered taken to her quarters. Sirus hid his surprise at only one trunk. This woman was unlike any lady he had ever come across before. She watched as the last one disappeared into the vault. He couldn’t believe every single one of those were full ofjewels.

“Do you have a list of the contents for each one?” Sirus asked, clasping his hands behind hisback.

Countess Joslynn pulled out her simulcast and indicated he should as well. She tapped hers to his and he skimmed over the transferred document. No, not every trunk had jewels, but most ofthem.

“One of these is for you,” she said simply. “I trust our alliance will remain strong during these troublingtimes.”

Sirus couldn’t stop his jaw from dropping. An entire trunk of precious gems for him and his family? Gods, what he could do with the credits he would get from selling them. His warriors would be treated well, that was for sure. “Of course, Countess, my life isyours.”

Joslynn gave him a little smile. “I understand you will sell the gems when we reach Draga Terra, but I would like for you to go through and choose some for your family to keep. I’ve selected a few personally I hope you’ll like.” She crossed to the nearest trunk and placed her hand on the lid. It took a second to verify her identity and then the lid opened with ahiss.

The countess took a box from the top and opened it. “These diamonds I found while working this spring and they reminded me of your planet from the few times I’d visited. I’d like for one to be gifted to each Son of Scyria for him to use in his choice ofengagement.”

She handed him the box and Sirus stared at three of the most beautiful diamonds he’d ever laid eyes on; one diamond for each of the Scyrian sons. They glittered with an inner fire so hot they shone blue and orange. They did remind him of the sun on the snow; a deadlybeauty.

The countess took one out and it was nearly the size of her tiny palm. “This one I chose for you. It is slightly different. I left it rough and thought perhaps you would like to choose how it is cut. The other two are similar, but I cut them in the traditional square shape Scyriaprefers.”

Sirus noticed a pear shaped gem on one of her fingers, the same color as her eyes. He stared long and hard into those beautiful eyes, hardly believing this woman he didn’t know was able to understand him at all. She must have heard the stories, but she didn’t seem to care. “You honor me and my family, Countess. It will be difficult to repay yourkindness.”

Joslynn reached up on tip-toe to give him a kiss on the cheek and Sirus felt heat crawl up his neck in a blush. When was the last time a woman had touchedhim?

“Our continued friendship and alliance is all the repayment I need.” The countess led the way back to the airlock and her steward followed dutifully. “Please tell Lord Sirus of my concerns,” she instructed, inspecting his ship and warriors withinterest.

Sirus trailed behind; listening to her steward prattle about the dangers he’d already been briefed on. He was a warrior. He had done his research before he’d even left his planet. His mother would have his hide if he didn’t perform his duties precisely. As Sirus watched her hips sway in front of him, he was suddenly grateful for theassignment.

“The Countess is also wary of the attempts that will be made on the capitol for her hand. She does not wish to be courted at all.” The steward’s words broke through Sirus’sthoughts.

“No lords should approach her?” he asked to clarify. It was a strange thing, normally females were anxious towed.

They stopped in front of the airlock and Sirus noticed the rain began to letup.

“No, Lord Sirus, no courtiers will be allowed to approach her without sending a cast to you to explain their visit prior. You will vet each inquiry before allowing them to see the countess. Pay particular attention to the Ushanovs. They’ve been vying for her attentions for cycles and they want more than her hand in marriage.” The steward frowned as he inspected hisward.

Joslynn glanced over her shoulder at Sirus and he saw the anxiety there, the real fear. The fear towards men a woman was born with and he nodded. “I vow to keep her safe, Steward. She will see no one she does not wishto.”

“Good.” The man clapped him on the shoulder and Sirus stiffened at the contact. “Then if she asks, you will pretend to be herlover.”

As Sirus watched the countess smile at his warriors and chat with them as if she wasn’t nobility, he didn’t think pretending to love her would be difficult. “Of course,” hemurmured.

The steward hugged Joslynn good-bye and Sirus sent a cast to his lieutenant to ready the ship for departure. Once the steward and the servants were clear of his ship, Sirus took a long look at Pedranus before closing theairlock.

“Kala smiles on my journey,” Joslynn said. “It’s not often the rain ceaseshere.”

Sirus offered her his arm and she placed a small hand over his own without hesitation. He was able to keep himself from flinching at her touch, but his skin practically burned. “Let me escort you to your quarters,lady.”

She nodded and was silent as they made their way to the main lift. “We may not know each other well, Sirus, but I would prefer you called me Joslynn,” she saidquietly.

Sirus said nothing as they entered the lift. He pressed his palm to the wall and intoned his passcode. Her rooms were next to his on a floor only a handful of people could access. Sirus took his job seriously and he would protect the countess – no, Joslynn—with hislife.

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