Page 16 of Princess of Draga

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“Please do Nadyah; it’s why I asked youhere.”

Nadyah looked up into Adelina’s eyes and the princess smiled at her. She held her gaze and Nadyah saw it again. The tiny flicker of dominance she had seen earlier. Adelina had Nadyah’s senses completely crossed inconfusion.

When they first met she had smelled the sweet jasmine and saw the submissive nature in every movement, gesture, and reaction the princess had. But there were moments where a spark shone through and her nature changed completely. It almost challenged with itssubtlety.

That spark made Nadyah want to fall to her knees and beg; for what she couldn’tsay.

Her footsteps were silent as she stepped up onto the raised platform and she could practically hear Adelina’s breathing quicken in response to her nearness. Nadyah couldn’t help her smile. She loved that her princess was attracted toher.

Her fingertips briefly traced the magnificent embroidery. “You designed this?” Nadyah asked. She pitched her voice low so only Adelina could hearher.

There was the slight blush across her cheeks Nadyah had expected and anticipated. “Yes,” Adelinabreathed.

Another surprise when it came to her. “It’s wonderful, Princess.” She walked around her, inspecting the details. The gown really was a masterpiece but she knew what Adelina wanted. This was a gown designed for a girl. She wanted a gown made for a woman. “Does this slip have the ability to be altered?” Nadyah asked the dressmaker. She rubbed the silky fabric between her fingers, intentionally brushing against Adelina’s breast. Nadyah pretended not to notice her nipples harden and turned to Gwendolyn with a radiant smile that had the dressmaker’s frown dissolving inseconds.

“It is designed together, but the fabric hasn’t been completely finished. It can be taken apart here and here.” She showed Nadyah where she had fastened the two pieces together. The sheer fabric over the darker slip gave the gown dimension and the layers were what created the deep, darkred.

She nodded in understanding, admiring the design with a keen eye. “It is perfect, Gwendolyn,” she said soothingly. “But perhaps if the cut of this piece here was changed?” Nadyah traced an invisible line down Adelina’s breast and up to the other, creating another ‘V’ to mirror the one in the back. She wanted to rub the princess’s peaked nipples until they pushed the fabric out farther. She resisted, justbarely.


“If the solid piece is altered the sheer layer would hint at what is underneath without revealing too much, only a glimpse of a curve.” Nadyah looked up into Adelina’s eyes and the desire she saw there tempted her ironclad restraint and control. The princess’s lips were slightly parted and she wasflushed.

Being what she was made Nadyah ooze sexuality. It was normal in the House, but Nadyah had forgotten what it was like to be around those who didn’t have the courtesans’ geneticprogramming.

They were the only two people in the room for a mere nanosecond and then Nadyah broke the spell by bowing and returning to her seat. The room was silent for a moment and she could see Giselle fanning herself. The dressmaker looked dazed, but she snapped out of it with a professionalair.

“I think the alteration would add some spice while leaving a bit of mystery, your highness,” Gwendolyn stated, giving a grateful smile to Nadyah. “There is still plenty of the sheer spidersilk with the embroidery to ‘see without seeing’ as the courtesansuggested.”

Adelina clasped her hands together and looked to the floor once more, her submissive mask back in place. Nadyah wondered if it was actually a mask, rather than her true nature. Given the question Adelina had asked of her at the House, there was a possibility the princess was something more than what sheappeared.

“If that is all right with you Gwendolyn, I would be very pleased,” Adelina saidquietly.

“As you wish, Princess,” Gwendolyn murmured as she marked the dress with the new alterations. “It will be an easy change and you can come back to try it again. Now, step into those shoes so we can see about the hem. You want the skirts to trail the floor or showcase your heels?” Adelina responded quietly and the two of them spoke softly about the dress, the shoes, and thejewels.

Giselle cleared her throat and Nadyah glanced at the sister she thought she had known the best. Giselle’s face was serious and Nadyah steeled herself for what would comenext.

“I understand my sister believes she can trust you and from my own experience with the courtesans I believe she can as well.” The older princess paused a moment as she let the full weight of her dominance fall on the courtesan. “No one knows about who Adelina becomes after midnight in the streets of Draga.Noonebut me, do you understand what I am saying, Nadyah?” The intensity of Giselle’s purple eyes bore into her and she was forced to drop her gaze. “If you betray us I will gut you myself – courtesan orno.”

Nadyah shuddered at the words. She had no doubt Giselle meant them. “I swore an oath,” she managed. Nadyah was utterly loyal to the royal family. She was also loyal to the Spider. The Spider worked for the king and her loyalty to the Crown had never been inquestion.

Nadyah glanced at Adelina from under her lashes. Thoughherloyalty was quickly shifting hard to one little princess. “It is part of my position to keep secrets, PrincessGiselle.”

Giselle’s answering grin threw her off completely. “Then I hope you have fun. It isn’t every day we bring an outsider toplay.”

Her last words sent shivers of anticipation through Nadyah. She had no idea what to expect, but the prospect excitedher.

Adelina appeared before her dressed in one of her daily gowns and waited patiently for them to stand. “Thank you so much Giselle, it really helped to have youhere.”

Giselle arched an eyebrow at her sister teasingly. “Oh really? I was under the impression all I did was sit here while Nadyah gave all thesuggestions.”

Nadyah watched Adelina blush again and felt a fierce protectiveness she hadn’t expected. Giselle didn’t need to tease her when she was already soflustered.

“Princess it is time for another lesson, yes?” She offered her hand to Adelina and the princess took it with a quick and grateful glance. Nadyah bowed to Giselle and then escorted Adelina out of the dressingroom.

The royal dressing room was tucked behind the ballroom in a small parlor. It was a place to relax, to breathe during an event, and to enjoy a small bit of privacy. The parlor had a wonderful bathroom and couches scattered across the marble. Plush rugs were placed strategically in case one wanted to kick off their shoes and rest theirfeet.

The shoes Adelina would wear could only be the best, designed to perfection and created to fit her and only her. Even still, hours on those heels would make her feet ache. Nadyah would have to remind her torest.

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