Page 57 of Carnival Stalker

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Taking Veronica’s chin in my hand, I force her to look at me. “You made me into a monster, Veronica. It’s only fitting that I slay the monster that created me.”

The knife feels heavy in my hand, but it’s a weight I’m used to bearing.

“I was just a boy, ten years old, scared and alone. You were supposed to take care of me, to be my safe haven. But instead, you stole my childhood, piece by piece. You groomed me, manipulated me into believing your sick games were love.” My voice trembles, the hurt little boy I once was colliding with the hardened man I am now.

Her eyes plead for mercy, but she doesn’t deserve any. “You controlled me, using my fears and my desperate need for affection against me. You made me dependent on you, convincing me that no one else would ever love me.” I step closer, the knife poised at her throat. “You stole my innocence, corroding my trust and planting seeds of self-doubt that took root and flourished.”

The knife shakes in my hand as I battle my own memories. “You tried to destroy my chance at a normal life, filling my head with your poison. I became obsessed with control, with dominance, and it’s all because of you. My whole life veered off course because you decided to take advantage of a vulnerable child.” My voice breaks, theyears of pain bubbling to the surface. “You’re the reason I became a monster.”

There’s no escape for her, no denying what she did. My hand tightens around the knife, the blade pressing against her skin.

“Please, Phoenix—” she begins, but I cut her off.

“No, it’s too late for pleas and excuses. You had your chance to be my savior, and you chose to be my tormentor instead.” My voice cracks, the hurt little boy battling the monster I’ve become. “I hope you burn in hell for what you did to me, for what you did to Tilly.”

With a sudden movement, I slash the knife across her throat, ending her life in an instant. Her body goes limp, the light fading from her eyes.

I drop the knife and step back, the reality of what just happened hitting me like a punch to the gut. Tilly’s hand finds mine, her touch grounding me. I look down at our entwined fingers, her slender hand offering silent support.

I shake my head, trying to clear the cobwebs of memory. “Let’s get out of here,” I say hoarsely, turning away from Veronica’s body.

Tilly squeezes my hand, offering unspoken comfort as we grab a can of petrol and begin dousing the floor, the fluid spreading in a glistening pool.

I move toward Veronica’s body, pouring the fluid over her, cleansing her of the evil that infested her.

The warehouse fills with the sharp scent of petrol, an offering to the gods of vengeance. I trail the fluid like breadcrumbs, a path leading us out of this place of darkness.

Together,we walk, our steps in sync as we approach the exit. Tilly’s hand never leaves mine, our connection a tether.

At the door, I pause, turning to look back at the warehouse one last time. I flick open the lighter, the spark of the flame reflecting the burning rage within me.

With a final glance at Tilly, I drop it. The flame catches, igniting the fluid trail, and we step back, watching the fire dance and devour.

The warehouse goes up in a blaze of glory, the flames consuming the darkness, the smoke rising like a purge of all the twisted memories and pain. I breathe in the night air, tasting freedom for the first time in years.

I feel lighter, the weight of my past lifting from my shoulders. With Tilly’s hand in mine, I’m ready to face whatever comes next. We walk away from the burning building, our steps carrying us toward a future that feels brighter than it has in a long time.



The carnival has moved on to the next town, and Phoenix is finally allowing me some freedom again after everything that’s happened. It feels like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders. However, I can’t shake the lingering unease of being in this unpredictable situation with him.

Despite now being here of my own choice, I can’t help but mourn the loss of my family.

Tonight, I’m helping out at one of the food stands alongside Aurora, a friendly girl who also travels with the carnival crew. We’ve become fast friends over the past week, bonding over our love of junk food and terrible puns. As we banter back and forth, flipping burgers and dodging greasy splatters, I can’t help but feel a sense of normalcy creeping back into my life.

“So, you gonna tell me how you ended up with that brooding hunk of a hacker?” Aurora teases, waggling hereyebrows suggestively. “The whole carnival is dying to know the juicy details.”

I tense up, my smile faltering. As much as I’ve come to trust Aurora, the truth behind my relationship with Phoenix is still too raw, too twisted to divulge so casually. Instead, I deflect with a forced laugh. “Trust me, you don’t want to know. That man is certifiably insane.”

Aurora seems to pick up on my discomfort and drops the subject, launching into an animated story about when she accidentally set fire to a cotton candy machine. I’m grateful for the distraction, letting her exaggerated tale wash over me as we continue working.

By the time we’re closing up for the night, my cheeks ache from laughter, and I’ve almost managed to push my darker thoughts aside. Aurora hugs me. Her easy affection starkly contrasts the possessive intensity of Phoenix’s embrace.

“See you tomorrow, Tills,” she says with a wink. “Try not to let that bad boy keep you up too late, if you know what I mean.”

I shake my head, blushing despite myself, as we part ways. Aurora’s playful insinuations are harmless, but they remind me of the complexity of my situation—the way my feelings for Phoenix blur the lines between desire, fear, and something deeper that I can’t quite put my finger on.

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