Page 18 of Carnival Stalker

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I watch with a detached sense of pleasure as Ty moves with surgical precision, carving into their flesh with a blade. Their screams pierce the air, turning into bloody gurgles as the life slowly drains from them. It’s a symphony of agony, and I want to savor every moment.

One of the men, the one still pinned to the table, is still conscious, his eyes wide with terror as he stares at us.

The other man is limp, his eyes closed, breath rattling in his chest. Ty approaches him, a devilish smile on his face, and slices his throat, ending his misery.

I step forward, my heart pounding with anticipation. I want this moment to last forever. I take my time, drawing out the fear, relishing his desperation. With a swift motion, I end his life, silencing his screams.

We stand there, catching our breath. The acrid smell of blood fills the room.

“Let’s get rid of the evidence,” Ty says, breaking the silence.

Together, we wrap the bodies in bags, our movements efficient and practiced. We wipe down surfaces, leaving no trace of what transpired here. And then, we douse it in gasoline, the liquid pooling on the bloodstained floor.

Ty hands me a lighter, his eyes cold. With a flick of my wrist, I ignite the fuel, and the room erupts in flames, the fire consuming the evidence of our dark deeds.

We step back, watching as the fire devours the lockup, taking with it our secrets. The night swallows us as we walk away, our footsteps echoing on the pavement, the blaze lighting the way to our next destination.

The silence between us is heavy as we drive back to the carnival, the weight of our actions hanging over us like a storm cloud. But we both know this was necessary. And there will be more nights like this to come, more screams, and more blood. It’s the price we pay for our empire.

After washingthe evidence of my afternoon activities away, I stand in the middle of the fairground. The carnival’s neon lights glow against the twilight sky as I pace restlessly, awaiting Tilly’s arrival. My heart thunders in my chest.

I catch a glimpse of her approaching figure, and my breath hitches. She’s here, just as I demanded.

As she draws nearer, I study her every movement, committing each detail to memory. The way her hairbrown hair cascades over her shoulders, the slight curve of her lips, the sparkle in her hazel eyes—it’s all mesmerizing.

“Hey,” she greets me.

I nod in acknowledgment, struggling to find the words. In her presence, I’m rendered speechless.

“I’m here, as you requested,” she says.

“Shall we?” I gesture toward the carnival.

“Are you going to tell me your name?” she demands.

I smirk and lean toward her. “Why? Do you plan on screaming it all night long, sweetheart?”

I let out a low chuckle at Tilly’s embarrassed silence. How her cheeks flush and her gaze darts away adds to her allure.

“The name’s Phoenix,” I reveal, leaning in close enough for her to feel the warmth of my breath on her skin.

Her lips open slightly as she processes the information. “Phoenix...” she whispers.

Hearing my name fall from those luscious lips drives me fucking wild. The way it rolls off her tongue sends shivers racing down my spine.

Fuck. I ache to possess her fully—mind, body, and soul—to claim her as mine in every sense of the word. To brand her with my name, my essence, until she belongs to me and me alone.

Forcing myself to maintain composure, I trace the curve of her jaw with my fingertips. “That’s right. Phoenix. The name you’ll be crying out all night long.”

Her eyes widen, equal parts intrigued and apprehensive by my bold proclamation. But I can seethe flicker of longing in those mesmerizing depths. They hold a silent plea for me to push her boundaries and awaken the primal desires that are simmering beneath the surface.

With a smirk, I lean in until our lips are a mere breath apart. “Say it again,” I demand.

“Phoenix...” she breathes, her voice laced with newfound boldness.

Before I can respond, she closes the distance between us, pressing her body against mine. The unexpected boldness of her action sends a jolt of lust right to my fucking dick.

“Phoenix,” she repeats.

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