Page 11 of Carnival Stalker

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Amy snorts, rolling her eyes. “Uh huh, sure. You’re such a boring homebody sometimes, Tills.”

If only she knew the truth—I’ve been practically locked in my apartment since Friday night when I returned, too terrified to leave. How could I explain the dark, twisted events at the club without her thinking I was completely unhinged for allowing it to happen?

The best thing is to keep it to myself. It’s what I’m best at. From this moment on, I’ll bury the memory of that man kneeling between my thighs in a skull mask, those cold ice-blue eyes piercing into my soul as he...

I shudder involuntarily. The phantom feeling of his wicked tongue devouring me sends a tremor down my spine.

Get it together, Tilly. Don’t let your mind go there again.

“Earth to Tilly!” Amy’s amused voice breaks through my spiraling thoughts. “You zoned out there for a second. Everything okay?”

Forcing a bright smile, I nod. “Yeah, yeah, sorry! Just got distracted thinking about this coding project I’m working on.”The lie falls easily from my lips. I’ve always been a skilled bullshitter when needed.

“Ugh, you’re such a nerd,” Amy teases. She launches into a dramatic retelling of her wild weekend antics, including a one-night stand with some jock from our college after they hooked up at Pulse.

I let her ramblings wash over me, trying to silence the dark thoughts in my mind.

For now, I’m safe here in the light of day, surrounded by the normal bustle of the coffee shop. But I’m sure that mysterious man will find a way to claim me as his again. After all, he all but promised as much.

Not yet, baby. But soon. I promise.

He made it clear he wants me to stay away from all other men.

I’m going to prove why you belong to me. Why you need to stay the fuck away from any other men.

God. Just thinking about the way he growled those words gets me wet. I’m so fucked up. The guy is an unhinged stalker.

“You know I’m a nerd at heart,” I laugh, trying to keep up the playful tone. “Coding is my first love. What can I say?”

Amy rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her latte. “Well, try not to get too lost in your little computer world, missy.You’re missing out on all the fun! Like, have I told you about my new neighbor yet? He’s this super hot med student with the most amazing abs?—”

As Amy starts on another animated story about her latest romantic prospect, my eyes drift to the window, scanning the busy sidewalk outside. Students hurry to and fro, heads down, lost in their worlds.

Amidst the bustling crowd, a flash of something catches my eye. My heart skips a beat as I spot a familiar figure. Tall, muscular build, dark hair—it’shim. The masked man from the club.

He pauses, icy blue eyes locked on me through the coffee shop window. The world seems to hold its breath as our gazes meet. I feel the weight of his intense stare, his unblinking focus.

I can’t look away. Every nerve in my body is on fire. It’s like he’s peering straight into my soul with those piercing eyes, seeing all my darkest desires.

Suddenly, he turns and melts into the crowd, disappearing from view. My heart pounds wildly, and I feel a strange mix of relief and disappointment.

“Tilly? Are you even listening to me?” Amy’s voice snaps me back to reality.

“Huh? Oh, sorry, my mind wandered for a second,” I stammer. “What were you saying about your new neighbor?”

Amy looks frustrated. “I said, he’s got this gorgeous tattoo on his bicep, like a Japanese dragon or something. Super hot.”

I nod, feigning interest as I steal another glance out the window, searching for any sign of him. Was it him?

“Tilly Jane Lawson, are you blushing?” Amy teases, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Are you searching for this mystery man of yours?”

I feel my cheeks burning and stammer, “W-what? No, of course not! I just thought I saw someone I met at Pulse the other night.”

Amy’s eyebrows shoot up. “Ooh, la la! A guy from Pulse, huh? Now I’m intrigued. Do tell all!”

I sip my coffee, stalling for time as my mind races. How can I explain this pull toward a man I know nothing about? A man who is quite clearly dangerously obsessed with me?

Before I can answer, my phone buzzes with a text. My heart lurches as I don’t recognize the number.

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