Page 48 of The Final Game

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I can’t fucking wait to rip that dress off—or gently take it off—her later tonight.

Fuck, how did I get so lucky?

I wipe my eyes as she reaches me, and I hold out my hand, guiding her to stand in front of me.

Her eyes are glassy as they meet mine. “You made me cry,” she whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I shake my head, apologetically. “I couldn’t help it,” I reply, swallowing down the hard rock lodged in my throat. “You look so beautiful, pretty girl,” I say, gently wiping her under eyes before I lean in and press my lips to her forehead.

I’m aware everyone here is watching us, but right now, it’s just me and her, and I really needed to kiss my girl.

“Ladies and gentlemen, friends, and family,” the officiant starts, and I reach for Gabi’s hands, holding them in mine. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Gabriella Miller and Christopher Hudson…”

The officiant trails off as I look into Gabi’s eyes, unable to keep the smile off my face. Her eyes are magical, I swear. I look into them, and everything bad in my life is completely erased. Even back when I was a scared teenager, running away from my dad, as soon as she looked at me, he completely ceased to exist. I wasn’t getting beaten, I wasn’t scared, and I wasn’t running away. I was just me. And she… was everything.

And even now, when my eyes are on hers, no one but us exists. The whole place is empty. There’s no one else here, not even the officiant. It’s just me and her.

Just us.

I squeeze her hand in mine, trying my hardest to tell her with my eyes that she is the best thing that ever happened to a kid like me. I wonder what would have happened if we never met that day in the skate park. If we’d never met at all. I genuinely think a part of me wouldn’t exist. Not without her.

I would go back to that very first time and scrape my knee every chance I could if it meant we got to be here together in the end.

Gabi is my beginning and my end. She’s my heaven and my earth. She’s the stars in the sky and the sun when it shines. She’s everything. My whole life.

“Gabriella Miller,” the officiant says, snapping me out of our moment. “Do you take Christopher Hudson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”

She holds my eyes, her gorgeous glossy pink lips curving when she says, “I do.”

“And do you, Christopher Hudson, take Gabriella Miller to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”

I run my thumb over her engagement ring, before I scoot my hand up, tracing our matching tattoo on the inside of her wrist. “I do.”

“It is my honor to pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

I slide a hand across her neck, cupping her face in my hand before I lean forward and kiss my wife for the very first time, in a way that’s definitely indecent, considering we’re standing in front of our family. But I couldn’t give a fuck.

I’ve waited for this moment way too long to care about what anyone else thinks.

Gabi is my wife.

My hands tug at her waist until I wrap them around her and lift her into my arms, a soft yelp leaving her lips before she laughs into my mouth, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I kiss her like it’s the first time. I kiss her like I’ll never kiss her again. I kiss her with everything I have, and everything I am, and everything we’re going to be.

When we pull apart, she throws her head back letting out a laugh that knocks me in the chest. It’s still my favorite sound in the world. I want her to be this happy every second of the day, and I will do anything I can to make that possible. All I want is her happiness.

“I love you, pretty girl,” I murmur, clutching her face in my hand as I press our foreheads together, wanting to be as close to her as physically possible.

“I love you,” Gabi replies, pulling back to meet my eyes, a smirk twitching on her lips. “Husband.”


I pull her into me, kissing her hard, again, a need building up inside of me for her.

“Alright,” Aiden says with a chuckle, patting me on my back, causing up to break apart. “You kids better calm down before you end up conceiving a baby right here.”

Gabi rolls her eyes, her hands still wrapped around my neck, and her legs around my waist. “That would never happen.”

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