Page 28 of The Final Game

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She shrugs with a smirk. “Maybe because I have a higher tolerance than a toddler?” she offers, tugging on my hand. “Now come on. You guys have rested enough. This is my bachelorette party.”

I lift off the booth with a sigh, and roll my eyes. “Lord help me.”

“You’re being so dramatic,” Gabi replies, arching a brow. “Dancing is fun.”

I tilt my head. “Not when I’m pregnant, and tired, and a single cough makes me pee.”

Gabi shivers in disgust, screwing her face up. “Definitely too much information. But regardless, I’m not letting you sit in that booth all night long. It’s my bachelorette party. We need to have some fun.”

I let out a laugh when she tugs my hand, and follow behind, but I freeze, when I feel something I haven’t done in a long time. “Gabi—”

Gabi notices I’m not moving, and glances behind her shoulder, shaking her head. “I’m not letting you make any excuses. Let’s go.”

“Gabi, I really—”

“Uh uh,” she says. “We’re going to dance, and you’re going to love it, and that’s the end of it.”


She turns around at my raised voice, and her brows dip as she searches my eyes. “What?” she asks, concern etched on her face. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head, glancing down at the wet patch on my pants, and Gabi’s eyes follow, widening at the sight.

Madi sucks in a breath. “Is that …”

I nod, feeling the trickle down my legs. “I think my water just broke.”

Chapter 12

Holy shit.

Holy fucking shit.

“This is not happening. There is no way this is fucking happening right now,” I mutter to myself, my body shaking as I try to push past the mass amount of people standing in my way.

“You need to calm down,” Grayson says beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “Rosie says the girls took her to the hospital. Everything’s fine.”

I shake my head, unable to make my lungs open up and breathe. I feel like I’m suffocating, and I want out. “I can’t,” I say, swallowing down the large rock sized knot in my throat as I glance at the people blocking the exit. “I can’t fucking calm down. My wife is having my baby. Right fucking now.”Jesus. The words coming out of my mouth make the situation ten times more real, and I can’t fucking breathe again.

I can’t even imagine how Leila is feeling right now. She was supposed to be having some fun with the girls tonight, but instead she’s in fucking labor.

And I’m not there.

“Get the fuck out of my way,” I yell, shoving past everyone in front of me, not giving a shit what anyone thinks. The only thing that matters is getting to the hospital.

I should have fucking left when I wanted to. The guys were all drunk, and I was clearly winning the game of poker, and all I wanted was to get out and see Leila. If I had listened to my gut, I’d be with her right now, and this wouldn’t be happening. I’d be with her when her water broke. I’d be with her when we got a cab and headed to the hospital. I would have fuckingbeenwith her.

“Hey, what the fu—Aiden Pierce?” I turn my head to the side, seeing a group of guys looking like they’re in their early twenties with their eyes on me. The one in front narrows his eyes as he sizes me up, but then they widen when he realizes it’s me. “Holy shit. It is you. Yo, man, can we get a picture? I’m a huge fan.”

I shake my head before I can even think about it. “I’m sorry, not today,” I tell them, barely casting them a glance before I push through the crowd again. Any other day I would have stopped to talk to them, maybe take a picture or sign their shoes or something. But nothing in this world is going to stop me from getting to Leila right now. No matter what I have to do.

“Aiden.” I turn around at the sound of Lucas’s distinct voice, and see him gesturing to the corner of the club which is pretty empty, joined by Chris who looks like he’s about to pass out. I don’t think he’s been this drunk in a long time, and I kinda feel bad that his bachelor party ended abruptly, but then again, I’m about to meet my baby. “There’s another exit over here.”

“Thank fuck,” I mutter under my breath, turning around to head toward him. Grayson follows behind, and we pushthrough the back doors, the cold air hitting our skins as soon as were out of the club.

“I’ve called a cab,” Grayson says, pocketing his phone a second later. I blow out a breath. This is the worst thing right here. Waiting. Standing around with nothing to do but think, and worry, and think some more. “Are you okay, man?”

I shake my head, words jumbled up in my brain, my heart beating a million miles per hour, and sweat dripping down my back. “I can’t believe Leila is having the baby right now.”

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