Page 17 of The Final Game

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“Don’t even think about it,” she interrupts, narrowing her gorgeous lime green eyes at me. “You’re not retiring until you’re old and grey, and can’t move anymore.” I can’t help but smile a little, loving how supportive she is of my career. Of anything, really. “I’m not letting you give up your dream.”

My smile widens as I trace her plump lips with the pad of my thumb, feeling my chest ache at the sight of my wife. “How many times do I have to tell you? You and the girls are my dream.”

She arches a brow. “Girls?”

I shrug, laughing at her expression. “Let a guy dream,” I joke, secretly hoping there’s a little girl in there. Truth is, I adore the fuck out of our baby girl, Nova. Being a dad has changed me in so many ways, and I really want another baby girl that looks justlike their mom.

But if Leila has a little boy, then I’ll love that kid with my whole fucking heart. And who knows, maybe he’ll be stubborn and bossy like his mom.

As long as they’re like her, I don’t mind.

I have the fucked-up genes, whereas she’s… perfect.

Which makes her question hurt even more.

“Why did you ask me that, Leila?” I ask, my smile settling into something more serious. “Don’t you understand that you’re everything I’ve ever wanted?”

She parts her lips, and I can see the thoughts rambling away in that head of hers. “I’m not stupid, Aiden. I know what people think when they see us together.”

My chest cracks, becausefuck. Being in the public eye is fucking hard, especially when some people are dicks, but I really fucking hoped she wouldn’t be affected by it. I hoped she wouldn’t see the disgusting comments that people say, but I guess it was just wishful thinking.

“I don’t care what they think,” I tell her honestly. There’s plenty of people that hate me, though they don’t know me, and I don’t give a single fuck. There was a time when I would let it eat me alive, hating the thought of someone hating me, but I’ve let that go a long time ago. The only person’s opinions I care about is this girl right here. “You’re fucking stunning baby, and anyone who says differently is blind,” I tell her, wanting her to believe me when I tell her I have never seen anyone even close to being as beautiful as she is. My girl’s a model for fucks sake.I’mthe lucky one here.

She purses her lips. “I’ve gained weight.”

I arch a brow at her. “You’re pregnant.”

Her green eyes glare at me, and I see them starting to get glassy which makes my stomach twist. “Stop being a smartass,” she says. “I gained weight before I got pregnant with this baby, and you know it.”

My brows dip as I shrug. “Okay? And that’s a problem because …”

She shakes her head, frustrated. “I’m ten times bigger than the other WAG’s, Aiden,” she grits out.

I let out a scoff. Is she fucking kidding me? “Ten times hotter, more like.”

“I’m serious,” she says with narrowed eyes that turn me the fuck on.

“So am I.” My eyes thin, and I shake my head, hating that she lets this silly little issue take space in her head. “You’re the woman of my dreams, Leila. Stop acting like I give a shit if you’ve gained weight or not. Nothing is ever going to change that for me, and you know it.”

“Aiden,” she says, my name on her lips making me shiver.

“You’re beautiful,” I murmur, leaning down to kiss her lips, groaning when she melts into me, tracing her tongue over mine. “And sexy,” I murmur, my tongue tangling with hers. “And so fucking hot I lose my mind.”

She moans into my mouth, and I clutch her face, deepening the kiss. “Do you want me to marry you again?” I ask, barely taking a second to breathe before leaning down and kissing her again. “Do you want me to get up in front of a crowd and tell everyone all the million reasons I adore you?”

A heavy breath escapes her as she pulls back, those green eyes sparkling. “A million?”

I smirk, nodding. “Give or take.”

“What are they?”

I let out a soft laugh. “Did you just trick me into complimenting you?” I tease. “Baby, you know all you have to do is ask.”

Her arms wrap around my neck, and my heart feels whole. I would stay in this bed with her clinging to me forever if I could. “Tell me,” she pleads.

A smile tugs at my lips as I run my thumb over her cheeks. I could sit here and compliment her all damn day. Telling her how beautiful she is, is the easiest thing in the world. “You’re gorgeous, like so damn hot I can’t even believe I’m lucky enough to kiss you.” My chest beats with the love I have for her, and I continue. “You’re the funniest girl I’ve ever met, and I lost my goddamn mind trying to catch up with you in college. I still do.”

She smiles, knowing I’m right. Truth is, I love the chase. I love teasing her, and I love when she teases me back, making me work for an ounce of her attention.

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