Page 49 of Claiming My Nemesis

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The soft melody of a familiar tune drifted through the lakeside park, blending seamlessly with the gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze. The fairy lights strung between the trees cast a warm aura over our wedding reception, making everything feel like a dream. I was in my father’s arms, dancing under the stars, surrounded by friends, family, and the man I loved. It was a perfect snapshot in time—one I would remember forever.

Dad’s hands were strong yet gentle as he guided me across the dance floor. For a moment, I was a little girl again, twirling around the living room in my Sunday best, laughing as my father spun me in circles. But now, everything had changed. I was a wife, standing on the brink of a new life, and this dance was a bittersweet reminder of the journey that had brought me here.

“You’ve grown up so much, Natalie,” Dad said, his voice tinged with emotion. “Your mom and I are so proud of the woman you’ve become.”

I looked up at him, my heart swelling with love and gratitude. “Thank you, Dad. I wouldn’t be here without you and Mom. You’ve always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.”

He smiled, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “You’ve always had it in you, sweetheart. It just took the right person to bring it out.”

As we danced, I glanced around at the familiar faces of our guests—people who had stood by us, offering support through every twist and turn. It felt surreal to see them all gathered here, celebrating the start of this new chapter with Ethan and me. Resting my head against Dad’s shoulder, I realized that no matter where life took us, these were the people who would always be there for us.

The dance ended, and I reluctantly let go of Dad, giving him a kiss on the cheek before making my way through the crowd. As I moved, I spotted Joe standing off to the side with a warm smile as he watched the festivities. My heart swelled with affection for the man who had been such a steady presence in our lives.

“Joe,” I called out as I approached him, my smile widening. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

He turned to me, holding a glass of bubbly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he grinned. “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, Natalie. You and Ethan did well. Real good.”

His words, simple as they were, touched me deeply. “Thank you, Joe. You’ve been like family to us, especially to Ethan. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

Joe chuckled, shaking his head. “Ethan was different from the start. I knew that. But you? You’re the one who brought out the best in him. I’m proud of you both.”

I felt a lump form in my throat as I hugged him. “That means more to me than you know, Joe. Thank you.”

He patted my back, then stepped back, looking me over with a fatherly affection. “You take care of each other now, you hear? And don’t be strangers. Cedar Cove’s always going to be home.”

I nodded, my eyes misty as I smiled at him. “We will, Joe. I promise.”

As the evening continued, I found myself at Ethan’s side once more. We had just finished greeting another group of guests when I noticed a tall, handsome man approaching us with a confident stride. There was an air of familiarity about him, and when he reached us, Ethan’s face lit up with a grin.

“Natalie,” Ethan said, turning to me with a spark of excitement in his eyes, “I want you to meet Liam, one of my oldest friends.”

Liam extended his hand to me, his smile warm and genuine. “So, you’re the one who finally got this guy to settle down,” he said with a teasing lilt to his voice.

I shook his hand, feeling an instant connection. “Guilty as charged,” I replied with a laugh. But then something clicked in my memory. “Wait a minute… were you the person in the boat that day on the lake?”

Liam’s eyes twinkled with amusement as he nodded. “Yep, that was me. I was trying to enjoy a peaceful day on the water when I got a text from this guy, telling me to stay away before I blew his cover.”

I turned to Ethan, raising an eyebrow. “You texted him?”

Ethan chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist. “I was afraid Liam would give away my real identity. I didn’t want him to accidentally ruin the whole undercover thing.”

Liam shook his head, still smiling. “You two seem so happy. I’m glad things worked out the way they did.”

Ethan grinned, giving Liam a playful nudge. “There’s hope for you yet, man. You just need to get away from the usual crowd.”

Liam laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Not a chance. Marriage isn’t in the cards for me, but I’m happy for you two.”

The conversation flowed easily, with Liam fitting right in with the rest of our friends. But as I looked at him, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to his story than he was letting on. Something about the way he spoke, the glint in his eye—it was as if he wanted to hide from his life, just like Ethan did.

But I pushed the thought aside for now. Tonight was about celebrating, not worrying about what the future held for anyone else. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Liam’s story was far from over.

The reception was in full swing, laughter and music filling the air. I was making my way back to Ethan when I felt a gentle tug on my dress. I looked down to see Jude, Jess’s son, staring up at me with big, hopeful eyes.

“Miss Natalie,” he said, his voice small but full of determination, “can I have this dance?”

A warm smile spread across my face as I bent down to his level. “Why, of course, Jude. I’d be honored.”

I took his hand, and we made our way to the dance floor. The band was playing a slower tune, perfect for a gentle sway. As we started to dance, Jude’s little hands in mine, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of joy. There was something so pure and sweet about this moment, sharing a dance with a boy who had become such a special part of my life.

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