Page 48 of Claiming My Nemesis

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I glanced at Natalie, who was beaming beside me. I took a deep breath, pride swelling in my chest as I spoke. “Natalie and I are getting married.”

Joe’s face lit up with genuine happiness as he looked between us. “Well, I’ll be! That’s fantastic news, you two. Congratulations!”

“Thank you, Joe,” Natalie said, stepping forward to give him a warm hug. “We couldn’t have done it without all the support we’ve had here, especially from you.”

Joe chuckled, clearly pleased. “Aw, shucks. I didn’t do much. But I’m glad to see you both so happy. That’s what matters.”

I smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude toward the man who had been more than just a boss during my time in Cedar Cove. “You did more than you know, Joe. Working here gave me the chance to figure out what I really wanted in life. And I’m grateful for that.”

Joe patted me on the back, his expression turning serious for a moment. “You’ve come a long way, Ethan. And it’s been a pleasure having you here. You’re always welcome at this shop, you know that.”

I nodded, feeling the impact of his words. “Thank you, Joe. That means a lot.”

We spent a few more minutes catching up, sharing stories and laughter that felt like the perfect way to close this chapterof our lives in Cedar Cove. As we left the shop, the sun shining brightly above us, I felt a sense of peace.

The drive to the wedding chapel was filled with light chatter and laughter. Sitting in the back seat, Jess was already texting her husband Mike about the news, her excitement palpable. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Natalie in the passenger seat, her hand resting comfortably on my knee as we navigated the familiar streets of Cedar Cove.

When we arrived at the chapel, the sight of it took Natalie’s breath away. The quaint building was nestled among towering oak trees, and its whitewashed walls and stained glass windows gave it a timeless charm. It was the kind of place that seemed to hold a thousand stories within its walls, and I couldn’t help but imagine our story becoming part of its history.

I parked the car, and we all stepped out, taking in the peaceful surroundings. Jess was the first to speak, her voice soft with awe. “This place is perfect.”

Natalie nodded, her eyes sparkling as she looked at me. “It really is. It’s exactly what I imagined.”

I took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Let’s go inside and make it official.”

The interior of the chapel was just as beautiful as the exterior. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass, casting colorful patterns on the wooden pews. The air was filled with the faint scent of old wood and candle wax—a comforting, nostalgic smell that made my heart swell with emotion.

The chapel’s caretaker, a kind elderly woman with a warm smile, greeted us as we entered. “Welcome to St. Mary’s Chapel. How can I help you folks today?”

I stepped forward, my tone respectful. “We’d like to reserve the chapel for our wedding.”

The caretaker’s smile widened. “Of course. Do you have a date in mind?”

Natalie and I exchanged a look, and then she spoke up, her voice filled with certainty. “How about three months from now? That gives us enough time to plan everything.”

The caretaker nodded, jotting down the details in a worn leather-bound ledger. “That sounds lovely. We’ll make sure everything is ready for your special day.”

As we finalized the arrangements, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. This was where we would start our life together, in a place that felt like it had been waiting just for us. When we stepped back outside, Natalie turned to me, her eyes shining joyfully. “It’s really happening, isn’t it?”

I smiled, pulling her close. “It is. And I couldn’t be more excited.”

Jess joined us, her grin as wide as ever. “This will be the most beautiful wedding Cedar Cove has ever seen. I can’t wait!”

“You guys are going to be amazing together,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m so glad I got to be part of your story.”

Natalie hugged her friend, her own tears threatening to spill over. “You’re not just part of our story, Jess. You’re family. And that means you’ll always be part of our lives, no matter where we go.”

I nodded in agreement, my voice firm with conviction. “Absolutely. Cedar Cove will always be a second home to us. And we’ll be back often. I promise.”

Jess smiled through her tears, nodding as she wiped her eyes. “You better. This place wouldn’t be the same without you.”

As we watched Jess drive away, Natalie and I stood together in the fading light. We had closed the first chapter of our unique story, but the next one was already waiting, filled with love, hope, and the promise of a beautiful future.



Three Months Later

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