Page 13 of Wrecking Boundaries

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“My natural charm and sunny disposition.” Jake’s cocky smile is back. “I turn it on, and people fall in line.”

“Not this person.”

“I haven’t tried, not yet.” He leans forward in his chair. A finger brushes my knuckles, leaving a tingle in their wake. I tense so he can’t see me shiver. “Do you want me to?”

“You aren’t the first race car driver to try seducing me, Jake.”

It took a few cruel lessons, but I’ve learned. Jake’s charm outshines the last one, but it’s just as empty.

“You think this is a seduction?” He chuckles. “I already didthat.”

That was the wrong thing to say. My hand draws back. “This is my periodic reminder dumping you was the right thing to do. Thank you for saying it.”

“Go on a date with me,” Jake says as if my last statement never happened. “Next week. I’ll need your address since you ensured our hook-ups only happened out of town. It’s best if I don’t pick you up from headquarters. A fight with Boone in the parking lot would make for a bad start, especially because I would win.”

“You’re full of yourself.”

“That isn’t a no. It sounds like you’re working yourself up to a yes.”

“It’s an emphatic no.”

“Who are the other race car drivers?” he asks.

I shake my head, refusing to meet his eyes. “Irrelevant.”

“Yes, it does. They’re the reason you’re being so difficult. Give me another chance, Princess.”

“I gave you a chance, and you blew it. Find another little sister to use, Jake.”

“You’re going to make this a challenge? Very well, I accept.” He nods once and stands. “I’ll win this too, like always, and we’ll both enjoy it, I promise.” He smoothes my hair back to kiss my cheek. “I’ll see you at the track tomorrow, Princess. Wear something sexy for me.”

With those parting words, Jake leaves, shutting the hotel room door.

I put a hand over my chest, willing my heart to slow down.

I open my laptop back up. My new dating profile sits open, waiting for me. All I need to do is submit.

I press the button, and it’s done.


“197 to go,” says Derek.

“This is great. I need a spotter who will count laps for me. I always forget. Keep it going,” I say.

Three laps into the latest season, and I’m buzzing. I qualified tenth and plan an even better finish.

“You two can shut up,” says Mike. He’s a great pit chief, serious about his job, passionate about racing, and disinterested in everything else. Our relationship is strictly business, which suits me fine because his professionalism makes me better. “How’s the car?”

“Good handle. The tires are nice and soft. Taking the throttle to sixty.” This race is an endurance test, not a sprint.

“Save your fuel for later,” Mike says.

It’s not the most exciting racing, but it’s the smarter strategy.

“19 coming up. Left rear. Sitting in the lower groove,” warns Derek. “38 behind him. The 9 and 48 follow next. Following close. The 38 joining.”

“Repeat that.”

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